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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Not long. Wanna go get drunk and scam some waitresses?
  2. During WW2, Congressman Andrew May is credited with sinking ten U.S. submarines. Visiting Pearl Harbor, he was briefed that the Japanese had no idea how deep our submarines could go and set their depth charges too shallow. He reported this interesting fact in a press gathering on his return home which was duly printed. Of course, the Japanese picked up this fact and reset their depth charges. Got a lot of people killed.
  3. We NEVER thought to look there.
  4. BTW, that's funny. I certainly see the resemblance.
  5. Yes. It's true, I have the hots for Sarah Michelle Gellar. Sue me.
  6. Damn, this is all silly.
  7. FWIW, I'll make my real opinion at the final gun on the fourth game. Same thing I've done for 30 something years. I'll grant, it used to be easier. And last year wasn't fun (though they could have EASILLY gone 3-1, so one could see the potential - put things in context). Bottom line, we as fans watching have basically the same strengths as we had last year, defense, special teams...and thorazine or at the least, xanax for last years weaknesses. Buy good Vodka...it helps. Offense could be? Or, it could be? Going to be another fun season to watch Buffalo. We won't know what the fugg we are looking at until probably November. Probably not then. It's always a fun season to watch Buffalo, ever since the origins of the AFL. We were one game away from the first Superbowl, weren't we? Somehow, the Bills make it a good fan watch. Nobody can B word like a Bills Fan. And, by God. That is our right! OK, I don't like this Gandy crap... is he not going on top blocking to turn his man outside? We're doomed. Sorry, it's true. We're doomed. I'll go away now.
  8. Man, I'm glad that's a lie. (shudder) then thinking about it... Of course, he's my Liddle Keggy Poo....
  9. Of course they did. You think they are stupid? No. That is part of my point, but from a different angle than yours. Let's not even talk about the nuances, the subtleties of it all. It's not even close to subtle, but whatever. I know well that in the grand scheme, this will blow over. It really isn't a big deal. It could be, but only if the rest of the press makes it so. Anyone found Natalee yet? Stories on TV in America, and elsewhere shape opinion, and no one is interested in facts. Were they. They'd check. Whatever I could pull up off the current Chechnya situation for the obligatory soundbite would probably not be accurate at all. Let's just say this guy is somewhat of a rogue, they could have had peace earlier, but he's off the program...and his particular "rebel Army" is a large reason Russia and Chechnya didn't work anything out. This boy also had a lot to do with his own elected president getting killed. Google it. If you are going to comment, study. The "current" situation in Chechnya started about 1992-1997 (OK, sharpshoot me, I'm going from memory). When there were opportunities to work things out, this ramen eater (y'all buy that, right? Love the wooden leg part) back stabbed the same people he worked with to make things normalized. I'm not going to do the whole story here, if you want, look it up. Everyone besides NJ Sue can find it. Of course, we don't care. It's not here (In America). Ever wonder why it's not here? Maybe we got friends.
  10. So far, looks like ABC is going to ride the horse. ABC News
  11. Dev/null actually paid for the last... never mind.
  12. EC-Bills has NEVER taken drugs. At least before 15 minutes ago...
  13. Good for them. However, NOW you'll get the left-wing indignation, and the "throttling of the media" response. Will be interesting to see ABC's take.
  14. Harriet ate happy bunny three years ago.
  15. Recess at Our Lady of Perpetual Misery Catholic School
  16. Zamboni Man has never seen frozen water.
  17. Or cut. A receiver who can't catch and a QB who can't throw. And, from what I've read...a RB a little too quick to get to the hole. What's he trying to prove, anyway?
  18. The bright side being that there's less for anyone to grab.
  19. Great help. Thanks Glenn. Sweet. That probably cost the equivalent of my entertainment budget for the entire year. Nice stuff.
  20. That's a really great pic. It does give me a few shudders, though, when I picture a safety coming full speed into his ribcage.
  21. This wasn't meant to become a treatise on the merits of GWOT. Few actually understand what that is about, anyway. Especially here. Not anyone's fault, just a lot of the pertinent information to have an informed opinion is very hard to come by. Thinking it over some more, and reading some of the responses, I'll modify to say that it probably isn't in the best interest of the press - in general - to turn someone like that in. That could have definite repercussions down the road in terms of legitimate sources and legitimate news. What I'm STILL certain of, though. Is that ABC should have taken the bye on this one. Not every story out there needs to be aired simply because it's available. I still view this as ratings over "journalism", and while perhaps not unethical journalistically, it's ill advised and harmful. Organized terrorists view the media, any media as their own private PR machine. It is part of their doctrine to use it any way, shape or form - whether it be granting interviews, or timing and locating attacks to gain the best coverage. Each situation serves a purpose. What was the gain, here? Questions and further comment: How many Americans actually care? How many would even know this guys name if not for TV? Answer to the above being pretty obvious, what positive purpose has been served by ABC vs: 1. Giving an internationally wanted terrorist with radical fundamentalist Islamic ties a recognized "legitimate" American forum to get his 15 minutes. (Let them buy airtime, like everyone else if they want to air a commercial). 2. Slapping the face of a supposed ally in not only the GWOT, but a major player in counter/non-proliferation issues (If I were sharing intelligence, this would definitely stick in my craw were I a Russian analyst). Media irresponsibility and lack of vision is not doing a single thing to make this situation better. Anyone with an understanding of how this game is played understands that. The news networks certainly do, but they choose to do things detrimental to the effort anyway. "Sensationalize" every little scrap that can be gathered on prisoner "abuse". If you don't think that affects other countries (in a word, their politicians) you're wrong. Give terrorists a forum. Publish story after story touting how the situation is out of control, and we're not handling it, when the actual facts - strategically - are that we are doing very well. Well, it's no secret here that I'm generally unhappy with the media.
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