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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Seriously, check out the lifts.
  2. Argh... He bought a place in Savannah, used to run across him at one of our favorite seafood places from time to time. I don't think he ever got a tan, always got fried shrimp and fries (in the land of fresh steamed shrimp) and sounds about as exciting in person as he does on TV to talk with. Actually, he's more interesting on TV.
  3. Why? He obviously doesn't have an answer.
  4. Lifts... Maybe combine a medium one with a thick soled walking shoe? (should work) Or, have him grow a mullet? (Not the better choice)
  5. I got him a XANAX script for his birthday. You think 30 mg's is enough for draft weekend?
  6. Joe Six Pack. With age comes temperance...maybe. Enjoy, know you will. There is never such a thing as too much beer. You too, Stephanie - should you be lurking. Over the hill now, huh? I'd still buy you a martini. You too, Splinter-though I have no idea who you are, best regards none the less?
  7. I'm still waiting for 5 dogs sitting around a table. Can't be far in coming. Could team with APL.
  8. Some "sports fans" are just morons wherever you go. I was watching a Terp-Yellow Jacket football game in a Baltimore bar once, and got jumped from behind for saying nothing more than I thought the YJ's were a pretty good team. (Conversation was with the bartender, the idiot wasn't even involved in it).
  9. From the back seat? Talk about letting your guard down... I wish I still had the book. Had a first edition lost many moons ago. Coppola did a fantastic job, but as with anything else there's a lot more in the book. There's only about a thousand scenes...several have already been brought up. Borrowing on some of those... First 30 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan" Cantina scene from "Badge of Honor" The look on Michaels face when he realizes it was Fredo. The graduation drill from "Stripes" (My platoon in Germany used to do that for laughs, along with the dialogue-I got to be Bill Murray) The rain of ashes as they get off the train in "Shindler's List" Afternoon Delight in "Anchorman", just too silly not to laugh. (runner up to punting Baxter off the bridge) The scene where Gregory Peck's arms and mind leave him in "12 O'Clock High" Final scene in "No Way Out". Never saw that one coming. Final scenes in "The Usual Suspects" Didn't see that one coming, either (Though should have) The bank robbery and firefight in HEAT. As overdone as a lot of the movie was-that was awesome. The Rangers and Delta's leaving the mission brief in "BlackHawk Down". Been in those ridiculous situations...the line "What's not to like?" says it all. Blues Brothers driving through the mall calmly discussing new boutiques. Hannibal and Clarice's first meeting. He won the Oscar right there. The "Holy Hand Grenade" scene. Followed by the swallows. Many more...
  10. I always got the part about the gun, but didn't the Caddie have a registration?
  11. ..... So.... Does this mean we don't get the FU smiley back?
  12. I thought it was "Gawddammit!"
  13. Problem still remains that in spite of the shiny thing theory, none of the top three QB prospects show any upside in terms of playing in the AFCE.
  14. Only two? I appreciate your sense of self sacrifice, but you might have considered rustling up something for the Mick.
  15. Chimps will handle that one. Sort of like Alien vs. Predator. "Fugg all of it! Get ME off this muthafuggin plane!!!"
  16. I'm going to go channel Nathanial Hawthorne for the definitive answer. Be right back...
  17. Seems to be the trend. I listen to very, very little Country Music - but I have to hand it to them for nice looking women over the other genres. I think it might be because they for the most part have that "regular girl next door" look, no matter how hot they are.
  18. She's one of those I prefer in clothes, for some reason. That kind of sexy.
  19. (Hee hee) I know. She was offered a million bucks by Playboy, and turned it down for fear of alienating her fan base. Nice dub job, though.
  20. Aw, what the hell...sue me... NSFW!!! Shania, courtesy of Playboy, inc.
  21. 26 gets you 20.
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