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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Probably not for us, Debbie. Maybe for someone else?
  2. Never know when you might show up. Have to keep my options opened (got your goat, didn't I?)
  3. BBQ would be fine if I made any any more. Haven't made any sauce in a while either. Probably lost my touch. Some things were fun then. If it makes you feel any better, I was already called stupid earlier today. You can either pile on or go fresh from a new start. Of course I know who you are. I was picking on one of your personnas. Just letting you know I know. We shall not speak of this again. Drive on.
  4. Buckey and (insert name here) sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G Buckey...the only reason you are getting any reaction at all is because you are supposedly young, and female. No one, including you ever mentioned good looking. And, whether true or not you know that, and use it to promote your "let's see what I can stir up today" agendas, what few times you come around. Either post a verifiable picture in a bathing suit, or start making more sense and think throgh your issues, arguments and debate. Pretty tough when a twenty something female has to go to the Buffalo Bills PPP community to get attention. You must be fat and ugly.......... ........or...you are not who you portend to be....
  5. See RIO's gas problems. That has to be good for some methane - greenhouse issues.
  6. Something is necessary, EII. Unfortunately the world has become a pretty complicated place. He who wields influence, one way or the other has shifted dramatically over the last 15 years. We're about the only ones left from back then who still does. People forget, for example, that not only we and the USSR but the entire world was aligned in some form or fashion according to the cold war. When the Soviet Union collapsed, it created many voids and opportunities - and also made the world tremendously more complex. How many of our fellow PPP policy experts understand where certain middle eastern policies are effected, more or less as a compromise, with the PRC in mind? How many have a clue whatsoever as to the effects that the collapse of the USSR had on Africa? What are the geo-political significances right now of relations with both north and south Korea in 2005 as opposed to 1985? How does that affect our relationships with our European allies? Concentrating on Europe, for a moment, what was the percentage of Muslim imigrants amongst the populations in 1990 vs the percentages today? Where did they go? Where did they come from? How does this affect the internal processes of those countries? The list goes on and on. Somewhere, somehow all these questions and what ifs need to be balanced, thought about, analyzed and acted upon. Sometimes the solution sets are not very attractive - and don't play well in a media geared for sensationalism over rationality. Even sticking with national security, here on the home front, the same issues and problems are ever at play. Acceptable risk must be balanced against public perceptions and further balanced against what the nation can withstand and what it can not. Decisions are made accordingly, and there are never any made without one hell of a dog fight. then, to compound and complicate matters, the logical, practical and best courses of action almost NEVER look good in a 30 second soundbite, and could probably be torn to shreds by being misrepresented on your average "credible news magazine", whether it be on TV or in print. Then, once again you have a government in reacton mode when they should be spending their time addressing the problems. Oh, people continue to march and continue to address the problems. There are literally thousands of people who do the work as best they can no matter who is in charge, but when it comes time to the "big decisions", the leadership is too busy weighing what needs to get done vs. what will be accepted by all parties listed above to make a timely call. I'm not talking about issues that need to be addressed in a matter of moments or hours, I'm referring to the ones that once the call is made, take months or years to effect. If it takes a year to make the call, then by the time one sees the results, the situation has probably changed again. So, I understand and agree with those who are frustrated by what they view as inactions. I understand and agree with those who view things as the wrong actions. I understand and agree with those who view things as the right actions. But, when it comes to matters as serious as this, one should take pause, if not a deep breath, and think about it. And I'm not exagerating when I say the ultimate survival of our civilization and way of life (emphasis on way of life, as that is what concerns the average American or European) depends on our true understanding of things and in making the right decisions for our collective future. We have in part, created our own monster and at the same time have had monsters we never thought about show up at the door. Either way, we have to deal with the monsters. How they got there is pretty well immaterial. But, that would require all sides of the argument to learn about the other sides, and actually attempt to understand the situations at hand. Sadly, that ain't going to happen here, nor is it likely to happen anywhere. Hell, you're own Congress works against you every day. Kumbaya is never going to happen. Never has, never will. Check out the last 3,000 years of human history. Get along with who you can now, make the compromises you have to, make the enemies you need to. But, bottom line, if you want to have what you have now - this country is going to have to do some unpopular and often pretty ugly things. That's just the way it is. Sorry for the FFS plus post, but if anyone actually read this far - I just felt like saying it.
  7. Isn't it? Nope, haven't been bitten by the bug, but daily deal with many who have. I'm unfortunately sitting in a spot where a lot of this stuff comes together - much like a train wreck. We have to sort through the hundreds of little units. And make a complete picture out of them. So, don't have the luxury of being compartmentalized.
  8. Oh, If you have access (maybe through the school library - they are subscription) Janes Defense publications have excellent, coherent reports on the issues here, and virtually any other area of concern. Straight facts - no editorial crap. If they offer an opinion, they state it as such. Some of the best non-classified material out there, and they tread a fine line with that.
  9. Gee, I'll have to remember the bag thing next time I take it to Reagan.
  10. CNN Headline News. I sometimes hear things about the ME while waiting for my Natalee report. Just ask AKC. Seriously, Parameters is a pretty good source for perspectives. so is the War college Journal. I use the FBIS a lot as to not be limited to the "American" viewpoint. The actuality is that because of my job, I get a lot of information handed to me - comes from a multitude of sources. Sometimes the media uses the same material, sometimes they don't know nor care it exists. Although I'm presently at war with them over a couple of issues, the NDU produces some excellent material on not only the ME, but the transformations of American policy and the military - especially with regards to moving beyond Goldwater-Nichols. For background, there are countless books that provide a historical backdrop. Most everyone involved in this stuff that I work with is pretty well read on the subject. Several are actually former foreign area specialists in their respective geographic regions. I also have the benefit of input and discussion with members of the State Department, the Justice Department, The Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, CIA, DIA, the National Counter-Terrorism Center, the National Security Council, CENTCOM, STRATCOM, EUCOM, SOCOM, PACOM, NORTHCOM, JCS, OSD and several foreign intelligence and diplomatic services. I used to contribute a little more around here, especially when I knew I had something obscure, but very relevant that wasn't restricted in any way that i thought some might be interested in. I've long since learned that in most cases, it's pointless. What good does quoting the source of something here do when 75% of the folks here will attack it as being innacurate because it didn't come from major media with a link? Heck. There was one time when I WAS THE SOURCE! And was informed by a dozen different people how wrong I was about the subject. It's still fun, though.
  11. More than interesting. Sorry I got involved in a conversation with such renowned professionals as you. I'm in WAY over my head.
  12. If we all do it, we could make that back easy - plus some. Do we get extra points for a two-fer?
  13. CaWingNut is really a MississippiPopRivet.
  14. It's only a one way street depending on ones perspective, isn't it? If you're going down it, you're only going down it one way. I DO think all the headlights and lack of tail lights might have given one a clue, but...I wasn't driving.
  15. I've ridden with him. Stick with the xanax.
  16. Something like that. Actually, I think he's referring to the idea that the main agenda for the original AQ was to remove all western (especially American) influence from the mid-east, principally Saudi Arabia. during Gulf One a lot of troops were staged near Mecca, and that totally infuriated Bin Laden.
  17. Yep, that's pretty easy. And, you're still not accurate, at least insofar as me. My problem with most of the views presented here (and elsewhere, including the media) is that the action in Iraq is maybe the most VISIBLE piece of the equation, but it's only a piece. That's the part a lot of people fail to understand. If one looks at Iraq strictly for and in terms of Iraq, it doesn't make a lot of sense. When you fold Iraq into the bigger picture, it does. Think in terms of global, and also in terms of "all elements of national power". There's a heck of a lot going on out there besides Iraq. And, for whoever said it, the Bush administration did not "lie" about the WMD's in Iraq. That's just not true.
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