Has anyone considered the idea at all (going back to my "arrogant" remark) that as intelligent as we seem to think we are (after all, this is the species who gave the world Carrot Top and American Idol, not to mention Being Bobby Brown, and that's just TV) that maybe there just are some things that aren't going to get explained? Better yet, maybe don't need to be? A higher power is not necessarily a grey bearded guy sitting on a thrown surrounded by clouds. Who knows what that might be? I'm not smart enough to figure it out, and neither is anyone else.
How many millions of individual processes go on every single second, in perfect synergy and harmony, for any of us to type one post on this board? Look at all the posts devoted to Hunter Kelly, to the point of arguments, when one little tiny thing goes wrong in that process?
What ever happened to the wonder, and the faith, and maybe a little humility. There is always religion affiliated with faith - and that is the entire crux of this problem. You have the man invented science in competition with man invented religion.
Key point. Man invented.
Just because we have a lot of technology, and a lot of people have graduated from man made schools and done man made experiments and gotten man made results does not mean we know everything.
I don't know what that higher power is. But, to deny the idea of it's existance means I'm the pinacle of power. If that is true, and I'm the highest power available in this universe...
We're seriously screwed.