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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Georgia has almost always had good linemen. Would have liked to have seen that for a third.
  2. And I bet you're an excellent driver. Excellent driver.
  3. And if that is too scary, at least rent a movie.
  4. I've said it before, but to repeat I'll reserve judgement on this team until after game 4 of the regular season. That's been my plan for 30 something years, and I'm sticking to it.
  5. I wouldn't pick anyone named Whimper, just on principle.
  6. We're talking a couple guys over 80 here. The only Bush they get to see is the one in front of the rocker off the front porch.
  7. Whoopin' on Fish? Cool.
  8. One would like to think so. Still, I thought Marv was adverse to trading up at all - Jauron wanted to. But, water under the bridge anyway.
  9. I think it's more that they liked the pick. Makes one wonder who they had in mind at number 2? I doubt it was Bush.
  10. Excuse me if I don't hold my breath.
  11. You're so sexy when you're angry.
  12. And she's not a registered poster?
  13. It's worth a rent to see one time again. The technology through the eyes of a total innocent is very well done, plus some good lines.
  14. But...but...SHINY THINGS!!!
  15. Then again, an ex-company of mine flew me to a week in Scottsdale AZ to sit cross legged on the floor and contemplate multi-colored pebbles in a pentogram pattern so we could determine our leadership styles. More to it than that, but that was the gist. As for the alarm company, I think they've been in trouble before. But juries-damn...
  16. That is truly, truly ignorant, but at the same time I just can't see someone being forced to participate.
  17. How's the advil, xanax, tomato juice and beer cocktails working this morning?
  18. Yup. I doubt it's legal, but I've not hired people because of that type of history. Especially in an industry where it's very easy to get hurt.
  19. Not to mention cheaper by the dozen.
  20. Big Settlement Hell, I'll take a true ass whipping for 1.7 million.
  21. Not my fault us old people are forced to drink cheap wine and eat catfood.
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