Homefield will make the difference. Plus, Washington is going to disintigrate from within over their QB issues. It's Brunell's time to shine...but I don't think so. Dallas has the better offense, Bledsoe or not. GW doesn't need a CRAY to figure out how to attack him, Parcells knows it and is a better coach. He'll game around it. Gibbs ain't what he once was. It's a shame, too. Reminds me a little of how the Bills have been. Washington has a very solid D, but gets nothing from their O. Has to be frustrating. I don't know that a lot of the football world appreciates what the Buffalo D has done the last couple years, considering how much time they spent on the field. It's a lot easier to have those kinds of stats when you don't have to spend 40 minutes a game stopping somebody.