It's hard, now to take things in the context of history. Recorded history tends to record in the eye of the beholder, and it used to be the winner-not anymore. Now, we are always losers. Not too many know that the Japanese had on occassion executed American prisoners to be able to eat their livers at a sakai party. To them, at the time, you proved your warrior spirit by doing so. The American recollection was to not mention it, as it was so abhorent to us.
There's always things underneath to war. Once again, I'll shake my head at the flavor of the press. They don't write policy, but they act like they do. Probably 1 out of 100 people who post here might have an idea of what is happening in the world in this regard, but they elect their leadership based on ABC, CNN, CBS, FOX, or MSNBC. And from what I can tell, not many go beyond their soundbite of choice.