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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. What he do? I can no longer watch.
  2. ARGH!!! They just switched to Colorado-Dallas.
  3. GREAT pass. Nothing Esche could do.
  4. Is here too. I just didn't realize it until period 2.
  5. I'm breathing a little easier...I should have guessed though, that being in DC and Philly up the road it would have been on.
  6. Jessica Alba?
  7. His sister lives about 3 blocks from me. We could make it a family affair.
  8. Wow! I hadn't bothered to look. Washington DC has Sabres Flyers...
  9. Secret plan: Vick
  10. And the tempers are getting testy. Which brings to mind...has anyone remembered to give Fan in San Diego the antidote shot to the animal tranquilizer yet? He might have to pee.
  11. Buy your T-Bone Titans jersey off E-Bay yet? As I said elsewhere, that's a good fit.
  12. Mort and Clayton must have gotten to the other networks.
  13. I'll breath easier a little later. Sabres have been up 1-0 all along.
  14. I'm guessing the crew over there is blending the coolaid. Especially since no one can Google any relevant information.
  15. I'd guess buttons, but that's just my 70's showing.
  16. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to ask... But WTF is that avatar? Strangely compelling...
  17. Quiet. He's rolling. Where's Bill hiding out at, anyway? What fun is draft day if we can't pick on him?
  18. Brewski is playing iron man this year. Starting tackle. (We're not worthy...)
  19. Just think of what NFL films can do with "Guy Whimper".
  20. I wouldn't be so sure on that, but yeah, hope so. I don't think the new regime ever thought him a fit at all.
  21. Nick in RaChaCha. One of us TBD "old timers", but a puppy none the less (anyone still under 40 qualifies). HB. Hope you like a fast defense for your present.
  22. What kind of post-draft trades/signings might already be "handshake deals", based on draft outcomes? I can't really pick fault at any picks thus far, but it IS getting a little weird. FWIW, I wasn't overly enamored with any of the top names we might have gotten (exception being Davis) and am relieved we didn't bite on a QB, Ngata, Justice, whoever. But, damn...
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