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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Probably. What's this thing with signing basketball players?
  2. Savannah used to cover a lot on fishing, and some hunting. Coastal town. Also a LOT of Golf coverage - something I haven't seen mentioned.
  3. Washington Nice to see a kid with "Hollywood Advantages" keep the discipline to get at least that far.
  4. There actually IS a use for leftover pickle juice. Add some to home made tarter sauce.
  5. And you get the manly man satisfaction of fixing stuff. Good deal. That calls for a beer, and a scratch.
  6. Arrrhh. I'd be seein' some fine booty be there. Shiver my timbers. Arrhh
  7. How long has it been since the last "talk like a pirate" day?
  8. That works too. I was more referring to after they start running around doing football stuff.
  9. I guess I'm not a big fan, because I don't have every single player in the NFL memorized. I use the numbers to get a sense of who is doing what on the field. I'd rather they didn't screw that up.
  10. I get almost all my info off the web. Don't use any print. I can access the same articles from the computer as I can through the papers. Also makes it much easier to research someone elses local issues.
  11. I've got a big, heavy duty commercial type one for sale...
  12. Overall, no. I've been to more than a few where it's still a surprise to find paving 5 miles out of town. That said, some urban areas have decent road infrastructure mostly because it's relatively new. Sometimes better than one would find in a comparable US city.
  13. I'm surprised he got that many posts after having to trade up.
  14. What would happen if NO ONE voted? Zilch. Nadda. Nobody? Is there any kind of rule to cover that? Talk about a protest...
  15. I'm not ripping on Fletcher, or Spikes. Just looking at age and allowing for a few years for a LB to develop. A speed oriented defense. Those 20 something receivers/backs will usually be able to get a step on a 30's something backer. And, as for Takeo, who has really come back 100% after an achilles?
  16. Not a rip. "Touch" on a ball is not JP's strong suit.
  17. Now all we need is someone who can throw a fade to the corner.
  18. He doesn't by chance to go to baseball games in DC too, does he?
  19. Crap. Who let that one out?
  20. Bet your bottom dollar that, tomorrow... The sun will come...
  21. At least cut and paste, and run it through spellcheck. If you are going to be the fuggin self appointed oracle, at least get the title of your friggen poll right.
  22. Smokin' I could tell you a story, but ....
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