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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. 3 AM is one of those really weird times. For one reason or another, you are either just coming in - you just woke up from a bad dream - or you are going fishing.
  2. Prom night. He loves his sister, and she loves her little brother, don't she? Nice pic. Great looking kids, even if you do hide Jen whenever my name comes up.
  3. So...it's good for the medium 8 dollar popcorn and the big 6 dollar coke combo?
  4. Since by the time it's done and over with, you spend 40 bucks on a movie (as opposed to about a two and a quarter when I was a kid...) I guess one could say they get their money's worth. Don't get me wrong, I've heard nothing but good - but that is a long movie.
  5. Well, finally hooked up with Alena. Moon covered by clouds. Crappy day. NOW what do I do? I'm lost without the walk. Damn.
  6. I heard on the radio, 3 hours and 10 minutes. Do they have an intermission? There have been wars fought in less time. I had thought about going to see it, but this might be a wait for the rental.
  7. Hey...I at least TRIED to start some intelligent crap. I can't control what y'all do with it.
  8. Ed. Who used to be a horrrible human being. Now, he's sort of frightening.
  9. I'm not doing it, but someone look up the vapor pressure, density and condensation points for methane and sulpher dioxide. Answer is probably in there somewhere.
  10. It happens on Uranus...Ur-anus...get it? Arh Arh (I slay myself). Fart Clouds
  11. Hey, cut me some slack. Busy day at work, and just got in from a late meeting thing. Why can't I play too?
  12. Moses and Obi Wan Kenobe spotted at a mall coffee kiosk. All were suspiciously carrying a copy of Marv's book.
  13. That happens to me every time I drink too much and tell them what I really think about their lame ass ex stories... Oh, wait...
  14. Oddly enough, the wife of a coworker is a Naval Petty Officer. She is now enroute to Afghanistan with her detachment, so they must be doing something.
  15. I never said anything about an invasion, and I think the idea of one is not a good idea at all. If you go back and read (for a change) you'll see that I already said this can't be "solved" without considerable support, that is also not that likely to come. For reasons of self interest, most of the "stakeholders" are willing to sit back and do their thing, figuring the US will come along like the cavalry if and when needed. That gives them the best of both worlds. Problem comes from the proliferation side. Were Iran to actually "go nuclear", it probably would not be long before Saudi Arabia followed suit, and perhaps a few others.
  16. I'm sorta kinda not going to go down that road...
  17. How long have you had your card to the Optimists Club?
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