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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I'm really, really certain he's going to lose a lot of sleep.
  2. <-------------- Official media opinion crew. Anyone have a music link to "That's Entertainment"?
  3. Only if you let it be. It's just how things are. Go back and run the same search for the Johnson administration.
  4. Maybe it's just a peeve, but why not just say "45 cents" and be done with it? Ever buy one stamp out of the machine? I've been in the post office many times where there was a string of one centers in the "change slot". I always pocket them, and save them for people I don't like. Mailing a letter with 39 one cent stamps makes a statement. How much money is totally wasted printing and not using one cent stamps?
  5. Perennial stamps But, a sign of the times. I used most of my stamps to pay bills. Now, I mostly do on-line (those I bother to pay). Does the US postal need a makeover?
  6. Don't get me started on "think tanks"... To give you an idea, I was spoken to about joining one as an associate. That should scare anyone here.
  7. No, I haven't as yet. A friend of mine over in your "sorry assed surrender frog how dare they write about the US" country recommended him, though. This makes a second recommendation. I understand he leans towards current Neo-Euro, with a little Descartes tossed in.
  8. Makes as much sense as Mort does. BTW, Coach - great photo.
  9. My cat's breath smells like cat food.
  10. Baker test at Bikini atoll.
  11. And how could we ever forget Kam Fong as Chin Ho?
  12. It's been tested, and also modeled. I believe the data is in reference one.
  13. Update. Mike Williams has possibly been tracked to 37 police precincts.
  14. The Jets. Trey was the designated driver.
  15. I was playing with the thing discussed in the other thread, but effects really depend a lot on where one is detonating one. Urban terrain is specific to itself by city and really skews effects tables. Thought this might of use to those with an interest.
  16. BTW, Buffalo is at 42°54'17" N 78°50'58" W
  17. I've alluded to a lot of that over the past couple years. Sadly, IMO, it all seriously detracts from what truly is a clear and present danger - deliverable nuclear or biological weapons in the hands of terrorist organizations.
  18. Effects of Nuclear Weapons Blast radii calculator Reference one is one of the definitives, used for a long time. If you really want to understand nuclear weapons, read. Reference 2 is just something to play with, and based on the math reference one. At a guess, I would imagine a terrorist device to be somewhere in the 6-8 up to maybe the 12-15 kt range, obviously detonated as a surface burst. That will seriously cut down on the blast, thermal and prompt radiation effects, but will also create residual radiation that will go through the roof. (edit-fixed second link)
  19. To coin a phrase... "Shock and Awe"
  20. No, but I'll place it on my list. Thanks for the tip.
  21. I ordered Chinese. I hope my dumplings are hot.
  22. I'm just so confused. Someone tell me what to think!
  23. I'll stroke myself in anticipation.
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