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Everything posted by oregonbbfan

  1. I was concerned when Pitt asked for permission. Anyone think it's a coincidence that the line turned around the first year he got here? Mc Nalley was supposed to be the guru but didn't do well until this year. Was it an infusion of talent? Was it a better, non meddling HC or was it addition of Z? I must admit the line was on the way up. Now we need to find another assistant and who knows how that will turn out, Also funny how Z worked with the Tackles, the place we saw much improvement. Will this hurt our line progress? I hope the progress was because of the direction of Mouse. What do you think?
  2. It can happen if a lot of things happen. First, the NFL must make the money system level both on a cap of bonus money allowed to be spent, regardless of the cap money. You can raise cap total ( contracts and amortized bonuses ) and still max bonus money at say $50 mil. Any earnings over in bomus pool goes back into owners pocket, not being used to take advantage of the small teams. Next, Ralph must spend to and over if necessary to acquire a couple impact players like a Briggs or a huge run stuffer to plug the middle. Does anyone recall how pissed Ray Lewis was when they let their big run stuffer go? Same thing happened to him as what has happened to Fletcher since big Pat left. The linemen were free to engage and destroy the LB's. Heard much from Lewis this year ( other than his normal rantings) since Ngata? So get an impact LB, DL here in free agency for whatever it costs even if it's just one. Next, sign either Fletch or Clements depending on what outside FA we sign. We cannot keep letting our own leave. If we match , they will stay. Next, we must draft well. Move up into day one picks by giving up some second day picks to improve the quality of the picks. Less rooks are less to sign and the money has been used. Now we have signed an impact player (s) in FA, signed one or more of our own and got good quality in the draft. This and another year with the same coaches and system will get us close or into the playoffs. The additional winning and playoffs will get us TV and recognition in the national media provided Ralph is not worried about Monday nights getting into his early to bed schedule. Winning is the key to exposure and endorsements ( look at the SB years). That is what the players want, salary, winning, exposure which brings endorsements and more money/security and this brings in the players that get you a SB It is more difficult for the small teams/towns but it is possible with a plan like stated above and it all starts with Ralph willing to spend. We'll see.
  3. Good input Dibs, I think. I don't know if I followed it correctly but if what you say is true, the problem is the total amount earned by the big teams hits both the cap and the amount available for bonuses. That being the case, Ralph must go into the meeting on the 27th not looking to get some of the richies money but insistant on a limit on the monies able to be spent on bonues ( something reachable by the S teams ) and a new formula for computing salary cap. I feel these approaches are more palatable than sharing revenue although it may be easier to go the shareing route. If the L teams are adverse to giving their money to the S teams, they will need to do both the limit on bonus and the re-formulation on cap calculation. Either way, Ralph has to be someone coming across as constructive in wanting equality and parity in the NFL. If he goes in as an old crotchity, whiney and angry owner, he will see much obstruction. Don't know how long it will take to hammer out an equitable solution, if at all, so in the meantime, Ralph needs to open his wallet and spend OVER his profit this year. I feel if Ralph does this a year or two he will acquire enough talent to get over the hump. We shall see how committed he is.
  4. Good comments. I think we all agree that the S&J's of the world make no bones about taking advantage whether within or outside the rules. Cudos for Ralph seeing in advance what the big boys were trying to do. I can just imagine the comments when old Ralph objected to the raping of the small marrket teams and the distinct advantage they tried to take. Again, you people are right on with your comments on garanteed contracts, on GM/Coaches and we must do something riskier than others to trump th big cities and endorsements. That I believe was one of the good things about TD, he could get the stars to sign with little risk or cap issues. Marv will appeal to the real level headed, intelligent character guys who are team oriented. That is OK but we need some impact players in both FA and the draft, this year.s s tosign them GM and coachs are old news and a done deal now. We must get a level playing field in bonus pool. If there is no limit or equality in the total bonus pool, the small markets will not be in the SB. Buffalo in the meantime must take some risk this year. They will probably need to overpay on some free agents or even gaurantee a portion but do what it takes to sign them. I would use gauranteed money along with bonuses to keep Nate. I like the creativity expressed, will Marv be as creative as TD in signing impact, not second tier players. Any other creative thoughts that will get select stars here?
  5. Like I said, I know Buffalo is one of the teams not able due to the economy, ticket price levels and few boxes. And maybe Wilson spends close to cap ( although if I recall we were $7 or 8 mil mil under last year which may have been used on extensions) but Wilson does not go the extra mile, i.e. penny wise, pound foolish on GM (TD )and Coaches, which are as important as the players. Also, yes, the Player Assn's job is to get them as much as possible, i.e. more loopholes or agreements. At $50 mil a year for each team in bonuses, it will allow for plenty of cash for the players without making so much money available that all players are getting ridiculous sums of money. Not doing this will widen the gap between the haves and have nots and unbalance parity again. This needs to be addressed in the meeting and if they cannot put something in place to limit bonuses, they need to go back to the previous or old limits. If they do not come up with a revenue sharing plan, and there is much opposition, they must put some limits in. Then Ralph will need to do his part. Spend the money this year, or as sad as it is to say, he will never see another Buffalo Bills Super Bowl.
  6. I know there is a revenue sharing meeting coming up next week but I believe there are other ways to even things out. If you were Snyder or Jones who have worked tirelessly/ruthlessly to maximize the dollars they draw, would you want to help someone who isn't willing to make the same effort? Granted, they have lucretive sites and get lots of money from boxes but they leave no stone unturned to bring in more profit. They are also not afraid to spend that profit to get what they think are the best players for their team. Let's say that S&J make over $100 mil over the TV or othere monies that are evenly dispersed amoungst the 32 owners. That gives them, with concessions or parking or whatever is not considered moneyes to be split, a difference that is apprecable, probably in the $80-100 mil for the rich owners who can give it to players in bonuses without going into their own pockets. Now if you were S or J, would you want to subsidize someone not willing ( not saying able ) to maximize revenues? I think there may be another option that I have not seen suggested on this board, and I read it alot. If I did miss it, forgive me. The solution, rather than subsidizing those that cannot or will not make the effort is to put a cap on the dollars a team can spend on bonuses. So if there is a max of , say $50 mil ( this can be any number that is fair ) a year, some teams may not make it to the max but the difference will be less and more fair. Also, the richies will just put the overage in the bank and not feel they are giving their money to someone not willing ( not able ) to spend. With the loophole plugged until another is found, the playing field is again level for those that are willing to try to acquire the best team possible. What's your thoughts, is it too simple?
  7. Agree, that's why I said the staff needs to be wise in the decisions. If we don't spend the money, we may, I say may put a great team together. In todays NFL you cannot take 5-8 years to build a team. All the players you've drafted become free agents and are picked off by the rich teams. We need to find the way and money to make a big splash this year in FA and the draft. In the draft it may be smart to trade second day draft picks to nmove up to 3 or 4 higher first day picks that will be impact types. Again, we cannot miss on these picks but along with a good FA will put this team over the top.
  8. I have heard so much about Wilson being cheap, frugal or just a good businessman. And yes, he is all of them but does he want to go out without a Super Bowl win? How he acts this free agency will tell us. Don't get me wrong on this, I like wilson for what he has done in Buffalo. I was there in Buffalo when he bought the team for the franchise fee of $25K. He has taken a franchise and made a load of money over these 46 years in addition to his other business. So he has plenty of money that he has drawn from Buffalo. It is time for him to give back! First, how much money is enough to leave to family? I know all will say it's not my money but I and all of you have contributed to his wealth and there are ways to be competitive with the big boys. Wilson is very conservative, almost like he's afraid he'll go broke. Again, he has a limited time left and he needs to spend as follows: Give stadium naming rights Take a portion of the value of the franchise ( $600+ mil) borrowing $50 or $100 mil for a big FA splash. So only leaves his family $500+ mil less taxes. Really tough. Does he want to win or not! Sell a portion of the franchise to a partner for whatever % he's comfortable with for $50-100 mil. And there are plenty of other ways he can utilize some of the assets that BUFFALOIANS gave him. So, we all know he cannot compete with the Snyders and Jones long term, but he can short term, which is all he has. So, I don't want to hear he doesn't have the money , he does! Now, is he stubborn , insecure , not creative or as some say, CHEAP. I hope he is willing to spend some of the many dollars the fans have given him and use it wisely for the bonuses required to be compelitivein the FA market. The Jones and Snyders will not sit idly by so Marv and the rest of the staff must be wise, but get the needed free agents even if we must overpay a couple years. We need to show a committment. Just be sure they are long term and cap friendly. This all seems pie in the shy but Wilson needs to go out with a splash and a Super Bowl! Spend it Ralph, you can't take it with you!
  9. I am not a computer genius, just enough to get in trouble. But my son in law is and I just explained your dilema. Sling box is the answer. All you need is a friend outside the blackot area, is willing to give you his password and allow you to stream it to you. Anyone tried it yet? It should work. You can stream in a tivo's recording or real time a program in. Maybe w can get aroun the bad ol NFL. Please advise if it worked for someone. By the way, a sling box is about $200. Later
  10. I just feel that while the unis are easy to fix, it would be more of a morale fix by burying all that the present unis stand for. They would help erase the stupid picks that didn't work out or were wasted, it would say we are no longer associated with the losing that went with them and finally help eliminate the memory of the mismanagement at all levels during that period. It would say we are turning a new leaf starting with a professional look. A look that projects competence with something as simple as what people's first impression is of our town and franchise. It also says our management looks at all details and will not settle for one detraction in it's image projected to the world. Marv, I hope you read this topic and put a team together to change this embarassment as soon as possible. I know you have more important priorities and I have complete faith in what you are doing and support you. You want character in your players, how about character in how we look in our appearence on the field.
  11. because those unis are a direct reference to 5 failed and painful years. I was ok with them at first but I think they are one of the ugliest unis in the leauge now. Then there is the un professional look that makes the team look bush league. Have we met whatever time we are required to keep them? I thought it was 5 years. Time up! A new look with something along the lines of Minnesota's or Denver's using our same Super Bowl team colors. Those would be classy to go along with a young, revitalized and winning team in the next couple years. I've seen every uni from their inception in '60 to now and the SB colors with a little spiffing up would be good for their new image. Then the Bills and Sabres would go on to titles and look damn good in the cup celebrations.
  12. I agree that they are not giving JP a chance to succeed. Why not use JP's legs or do more rollouts or throw more or whatever. The answer is : This season is in the bag already so I think what Fairchild is trying to do is letting JP learn by fire as well as seeing him deal with adversity. They are keeping him in the pocket so he can learn to react faster. Then when we get more help next year on the line, JP will be thinking and reacting ahead faster and better at reading defenses. If you run him all over the field, he may get hurt and doesn't get the experiance they want him to get. I don't think they want to use all JP's assets yet. It's painful to watch, it looks like very little progress for JP but it's 2 games now with no turnovers and thanks mostly to Special teams and Defense they made it closer than I expected. Remember all the preseason posts about rebuilding and the losses we will take this year with our youth? We're seeing it. We need more help in a few areas, both lines, LB and a back to go with A train because I don't think McGahee will be back. We are a year away from respectable and 2 years from the playoffs. Painful as it is to say about my favorite team of 46 years. Marv needs to be very active in FA and have another great draft. Keep the faith!
  13. Why is it we can all see the issues and coaching can't? You all have made great observations and I know it takes execution but we are too vanilla. Know first of all I like our coaching staff but I don't think they are making the adjustments necessary to take advantage of what talent we have. We must stop being predictable. They made a change at QB in Dallas because he has scrambeling capability to overcome line issues but also to confuse the defense. In our case, even though we have a QB who can run, it's I'll meet you at the QB about 3 yds straight back of center. Romo rolls out, has run plays designed for him and the coaches plan to whatever strenths the team has. We will never know what JP can do sitting back in the pocket getting creamed. Yes we want him to manage a game but too much inaction on the part of Fairchild is costing us and possibly JP because JP cannot have confidense with the boos, the defense winning the games and the constant collapses in the backfield. As stated we/you all get it. Put some variety in our offensive plan. We just put our strength to the left side of the line. They run now mostly to that side, so why do they run 3rd and 1 to the right? We need to do rolling pocket to the left to give the recievers time to get open. We need quick slants like every opposong team does on us, things that don't reqire thinking because none of us can think when we are getting hit as soon as we get the ball. Be creative in running in the red zone or when it is 3rd and 1 or 2. Put 2 TE to left of Peters or a lineman in the backfield for more blocking for the running back. We need to be successful on 3rd or 4th and one. We need to move the pile, even when the opposition knows it's coming. Give JP a chance to succeed.
  14. Buffalo will have to pay and not be shut out. What happens when a FA sees Buffalo sign another top FA it says Buffalo is committed to getting a winner. When they see us sign second tier FA's , it speaks volumes. You can say all you want about Donahoe but he was able to lure top talent to Buffalo. His problem was they were close to the downside and when they didn't win imediately, we became old quickly. That combined with not addressing the lines with top FA's, instead going for LBs, or skill posions in the draft. Our desire for instant gratification hurts us too. We are so sick of losing we cannot accept the growing pains of youth through the draft. It can't be fixed in one year. I think Marv learned a lesson this year. He did fair in the draft but learned that we need some studs to make things work. Everything will get better when we address 2 OLmen , a run stuffer, and a LBr through FA and fill in through the draft. Immediate impact will be made through FA because we need proven players and cannot wait for draftee development or a miss. Marv has got to do better this year with plenty of money, and old Ralph better be willing to spend it, no holding back like this year of trying to do it on the cheap.
  15. We helped him a little.
  16. Chris Browns blog was right on in my opinion about the great job Rusty Jones's protege Allaire did. I was worried about it all week as I thought about last year in TB. Thank God we got rid of MM's pick for strength and conditioning coach. Marv and DJ could see in last years film that we wilted in many of those games, especially in hot climates. They also realize when you're not lugging around an extra 30-40 pounds it will help in the 4th quarter, so big is not always better in football. You could also say a good game plan, as conservative as it was, did just what it was supposed to do --- wear down their defense by keeping our offense on the field. There are many other reasons, what do you think was the biggest reason?
  17. You said it perfectly bflodan. Agree 100%
  18. You're right. Winning is a soothing salve that solves all the problems. When you are a winning team you get the respect, the calls and are able to overcome the bad calls when they occurr. Until we start winning we will look for any reason to replace that soothing salve. Please Marv, turn the corner to winning football, and soon!
  19. Yes, I said affecting outcome. I am still ticked about the Witner out of bounds, quick whistle, no person named, call. What a difference in game outcome if they get that call right or we can contest it. At least get a good explanation and better spot. Does anyone know if a protest or film was sent to the NFL? Was there any response or clarification or apology issued by NFL officials? I am sick of all the bad calls and the inability to get it right. We have the technology and there are no excuses. The NFL's credabilty is at stake when people all over the world see plays ( SB and others) and they let it stand. The best way to keep your credability and eliminate any accusations of home or big market bias is to GET IT RIGHT EVERY TIME. There have been many discussions on this board about full time ref's but that still relies on the human factor in a game going at blazing speed. The NFL needs to help those ref's get it right and give a team a fair shake at controlling it's own destiny. As stated, we have the technology to eliminate plays such as the play where eveyone saw H. Miller step out of bounds causing the "limp throw " by Saban. Saban should not have had to throw it because there should have been officials in the booth reviewing the many angles that technology brings. Then technology allows those officials the ability to talk instantaneously, through headphones on an official on the field, to correct the play. Then there are rules. Why can't a coach have 3 protests a half to call anything from a spot, to an egregous MO altering penalty call, to a catch, a fumble or anything that could cost a team a game. What are they worried about, hurting the ref's feelings, taking too much time ( get rid of one of the rediculous number of commercials) or allowing the wrong team to win? Enough ranting, has there been any grading feedback for last weeks games? In my opinion, the officals have not gotten better unless you're on the receiving end. The NFL needs to fix it and keep the playing field level. Is there anything we can do to drive this home to the NFL?
  20. I kinda agree about saving the bucks for next year but Minny may be a poor example. One owner (previous ) almost never spent to cap limit and the new owner has put his checkbook where his mouth is. Little if any of the money came from saved up previous years. I know we'll hit free agency big next year but could we have added one or two more this year. Do what you can to get W's this year so it is easier to sell the team to free agents next year. Hope Marv's plan comes to fruition before we are looking for another owner.
  21. Aren't we about $8 million under the cap? Does that money just not get used? Are they saving it to sign someone after an injury? Or are they going to use it to do a long term contract on Nate? Or does it go back into Ralph's pockets. With our needed depth and run defense needs we could have $8 mil. Did we do all we could in Free Agency? Your thoughts.
  22. I think WM gasping for air and his steady decline as the game goes on is indicative of a person not in game shape yet. Or maybe the training at the U is less stamina building than we think. He may have thought dropping some pounds would help his stamina but clearly he needs work. In the preseason when he ran the 65 yard run, he would have died if it was 10 yards longer. His stamina could be a wearing down from the pounding along with his needing to be in better shape. We are nuts if we don't use both backs as other successful teams are doing. This wekend in Miami will be brutal and we will wilt like last year in Tampa Bay unless we rotate ALL personnel, including the RB's. AT will also give WM competition needed to get WM performing better. In conclusion, rotate the backs to give backs a rest, change of pace, more beef on short yardage and saving the bodies of the backs to perform better and longer. WM needs to come to camp in better shape, stamina wise.
  23. Good, well thought out response Lori. I agree with you. In fact I stated earlier that we may have put in bids and been beat out by lower teams. I also agree with keeping those you took to camp. What that means is we are 100% correct on our draft, our previous roster and FA's after cuts. I hope we are but doubt it. Don't get me wrong, I think Marv and DJ have done a good job up till cuts but we still have some question marks and depth issues to deal with. Then, instead of taking a chance on someone who just went through camp and games we sign Leak, I don't understand it. I hope our leaders are correct and it wasn't a wasted chance to improve this team. I did check the wire and yes, most of the transactions are from the weak teams. But there were some better teams, Miami, Colts, Rams and Pats made adds to the 53 squad, and Pats, Giants and Bears made adds from other P/S's to theirs. This is to say nothing about several of our cuts to other P/S's. Other teams are not sitting still. I concede I don't know all the talent out there that would be better than what we have. That is what Modrak and Guy get paid the big bucks for. I just hope we are not missing any opportunities to improve this team, time will tell.
  24. I can't resist a response. First, save the "dude" stuff and I am calm. And, it IS more than just the PS. With that out of the way, are we such a good team we don't need improvement? Are we so enamored with our team it would be beneath us to pick up a couple players of need or to evaluate on the PS. It's not just the bad teams adding players , and not just to the PS. Modrak and Guy should have been ready to go as soon as the deadline was met. Yes, I think we are slow. I would rather take a chance on a LB or DL or OL before TE ( CJ Leak) Also, we knew we were heavy in certain areas ( WR, ST'ers, DB's) all of which capabilities were known to past coaches and opposition. Why couldn't we have packaged a ccouple we knew would be cut and trade for a need like others have. I know Marv is new but TM and Guy should have been advising. I know we're trying to establish stability but we are not good enough yet.
  25. Anything on Gates yet?
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