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Everything posted by oregonbbfan

  1. I'm staying off till Sal comes on or they're off.
  2. wasn't able to watch game. Did Chan and Todd shake hands after game?
  3. White makes you look bigger like Chan wants. Also, very classy or classic like the Cleveland Browns of the '50s were. Huge, dominating and champions.
  4. I just hope Lee Smith is better.
  5. Nice hearing someone who is courteous and non confrontational. Hope he gets a more prime timeslot. Glad you made it back to our home town safely, wish it were me.
  6. rock 97 also streams the game
  7. Unfortunately us out of towners, we have no choice but to listen if we want any tidbit of live information on our loved team. Sadly, we even listen ( as much as our stomach will withstand ) when we have a whole day about a stupid subject like funny movie draft. Thought it was a sports show! What a waste. As out of towners, we only get streaming from 3-7PM EST here with the rest being ESPN What an improvement Sal Capaccio, Paul Hamilton or Joe B. would make in those prime hours. They could not have picked 2 more annoying, unknowledgeable guys.
  8. claification: I beat the Tians twice without a loss. Go play the game. It's easy. No Spelling required
  9. I just dropped 2 LOSES on the top team TITANS
  10. 1) somehow falls to Buffalo either by trade or luck and HE DECIDES TO PULL AN ELI or 2) New England, who has multiple picks in the first 3 rounds jumps up in the draft to pick Bradys replacement. Being far out in round 1, be worried if they start making moves to get closer to picks that Carolina would be OK with. They have a lot of talent to sweeten the pot too. Luck following Brady for another 10-15 years makes me want to throw up. If either happens, we better build a monster defense and offense that can run, run, run. Nix better be alert about what our competitors are doing.
  11. He needs more than Anacin. He needs a specialist Dr. who will look at his whole life history. Everthing from foods he eats, drinks, alergies, sleep habits to stress (getting on the field). Any can trigger the migraines. He should (probably has already) have shull scans, family history and even tooth examinations. As a previous sufferer, you must be your own advocate and keep tract of everthing you do and eat/drink. I am not a Dr. but living with or beating migraines is tough. I've written to Shawn and gaven him my Rx. Got lots of board response but none from Shawn yet. He is a talent and I hate to see him miss his opportunity to make it with this one chance in life. Don't know if the doobies help but they may. Here's hoping he makes it.
  12. Maybe that part ownership is part of the team Kelly has put together with Parcells being President and running things. Just a wild wish. 2 birds with one stone!
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/category/rumor-mill/2.php True. Read further. His contract says he can do what he wants. He can go where ever he wants. Even talks about next team. Don't know resason for packing, Health? Disagreement with many owners? Who knows. I know it's a tall task with Ralph but make him President (I know he said he never would again) with Nix and Chan in current positions. Ralph, give him control!
  14. He would give this organization instant credibility. He knows talent and is not afraid to make a trade. Would love to see him in the draft room and running this team with Nix and Chan if he thinks they can do the job. I would make him an offer he can't refuse.
  15. I'm in for $25 for the billboard demanding it!
  16. By NFL , I don't mean executive order but as an NFL family. All the rejections are getting embarassing not only to the Bills but to the NFL. Ralph had at least a chance when he was younger, more cognizant of the league and things around him and the world. Many of you will defend Ralph but I have seen what he has done over the 50 years I've been a fan. The enemies and reputation he has acquired over the years. The cheapness (Cribbs and Rashad, etc), the anamosity in contract dealing (Winfield, Peters, etc.) the firings and refusals to honor contracts, the mismanagement and I could go on and on. The bad reputation ( how did he get in the Hall with all the bagage?), even as an AFL founder is coming back to hound him. I don't dislike him because when he has done the right thing, charitabilty, humane he was looked on with pride. But when you look at the whole picture, the last years are becoming a major detriment to his life's work. Ralph, please don't endure anymore ridicule for youself, the team and the NFL. Sell the team or at least major decision making capacity and enjoy whatever time you have left. Flame away folks, but it is the truth!
  17. Why nothing? Is this the return disrespect for his comment about "who would want to go to Buffalo". Or has he been contacted by stealth and is allowing Nix to see what's out there. Really, after Shanny said no, and Cowher has probably done the same but due to class is not dissing the Bills, Billick is the next best option. Let's stop the embarassment. Billick is what the Bills need for the following reasons: a) He has done it all, run a team not just an offense or a defense. A coach coordinating the offense, defense and the ST. b) Because he has run a team and won a SB, he has credability. c) Because he has credability and contacts as a coordinator and coach, he will be able to attract better coordinators, and free agents. d) He wants the job and will run a tight ship He is our best chance to pull this franchise out of the twilight zone. Get it done quickly so all the coordinators are not already committed.
  18. Frazier may be a fine coordinator but Perry probably could have done the same with the talent he had at his disposal so Frazier=Fewel. More importantly is the status he comes in with. As a Bills fan since they came into the league I recall the difference a Knox or Saban made when they arrived from a credability standpoint. Cowher will bring that credability. Along with that credabilty is the attraction of quality coordinators........Frazier not so much. Will Frazier be able to overrule Nix, Modrak or RB on picks, trades or free agents..... Cowher more so than Frazier. What about budget? I don't think Frazier will have nearly the budget. Frazier will be limited where Cowher will be less so. If they hire Frazier, the odds are so great against success that Wilson will lose some of the fan base on hiring, more as we go down that rebuilding/losing process and quite possibly Wilson never sees another winning season. Wilson needs to go all out and make Cowher an offer he can't refuse. With Cowher, or even Billick you have a chance because of the coordinators (teachers) they will attract, free agents they will attract and the overall experience and credability they bring. Ralph, make the right choice, your family will have plenty of money when you're gone. You will never have an opportunity like this again.
  19. Just to give a little input concerning the Wood injury and his prognosis. My son-in-law is an Orthopedic surgeon (in the SF bay area) who was visiting us on Thanksgiving. I showed him the video and and asked him how serious it is. He does many tib/fib breaks all the time and said he should make a quick recovery . Not seeing all the details he said he had a lot of good things going for him. He is young, got treatment and surgery quickly ( the longer you wait the worse the result due to dying tissue, etc), Buffalo has good Medical staff and good medical care. It would have been much worse if it was ACL or MCL or both. Rehab is relatively short and he said he should be at camp, probably OTA's since there is no hitting. Have faith, without setbacks, he should be good to go.
  20. Thoner, you are correct. I cannot for the life of me understand why strength of schedule takes precident over a face to face loss. But by my estimates, if we lose to KC and out, we will both end up with 4-12 records and the only ones with that record. KC could go behind us at 5-11 if they beat Cleveland leaving us alone at 4-12 and in the 5th slot. Add KC to that hope they win list.
  21. lose the remainder of our games. Looking at the remaining games, we move ahead of KC because of a head to head loss. It looks like Oakland and Washington should each win at least one more game (root for them as difficult as it might be). That leaves just Detroit, Cleveland, TB and St. Louis ahead of us. A draft with number 5 will give us many options and should get us some good talent if we have a FO that will know what to do with it.
  22. lose out. Looking at the remaining games, Buffalo will go ahead of KC because of head-to-head. Washington and Oakland should win at least 1 more leaving only Detroit, St. Louis, TB and Cleveland ahead of us. We should all be rooting for Washington and Oakland, as hard as that may be to do. Hate losing but a 5 slot ( not going to be better) is perfect for getting some good talent, provided we have a FO that knows what to do with it.
  23. I know the schedule is mostly computerized but isn't there some human input to it? If so, why do our first encounters in our division occur away . Looked at last year and first and third encounter was again away. Why do we play Miami in Miami when hot and Toronto when cold? Why do we have to play division games vs outside division games in Toronto? Why do we catch New England* 4 years in a row after their bye before the NFL got the message from team/fans? This is to say nothing about some crazy officiating. Is it a coincidence or ulterior motives by schedule makers (favoritism/loyalties). I'm not a conspiracy person but is it a little much? Just asking.
  24. Thanks, didn't know Wardinski still existed. Had Ridlinski on line send me 10# of Sahlens, Teds chili sauce and a jar of Webers. Loved it at first but you can only eat so many dogs.
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