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  1. I'm staying off till Sal comes on or they're off.
  2. wasn't able to watch game. Did Chan and Todd shake hands after game?
  3. White makes you look bigger like Chan wants. Also, very classy or classic like the Cleveland Browns of the '50s were. Huge, dominating and champions.
  4. I just hope Lee Smith is better.
  5. Nice hearing someone who is courteous and non confrontational. Hope he gets a more prime timeslot. Glad you made it back to our home town safely, wish it were me.
  6. rock 97 also streams the game
  7. Unfortunately us out of towners, we have no choice but to listen if we want any tidbit of live information on our loved team. Sadly, we even listen ( as much as our stomach will withstand ) when we have a whole day about a stupid subject like funny movie draft. Thought it was a sports show! What a waste. As out of towners, we only get streaming from 3-7PM EST here with the rest being ESPN What an improvement Sal Capaccio, Paul Hamilton or Joe B. would make in those prime hours. They could not have picked 2 more annoying, unknowledgeable guys.
  8. claification: I beat the Tians twice without a loss. Go play the game. It's easy. No Spelling required
  9. I just dropped 2 LOSES on the top team TITANS
  10. 1) somehow falls to Buffalo either by trade or luck and HE DECIDES TO PULL AN ELI or 2) New England, who has multiple picks in the first 3 rounds jumps up in the draft to pick Bradys replacement. Being far out in round 1, be worried if they start making moves to get closer to picks that Carolina would be OK with. They have a lot of talent to sweeten the pot too. Luck following Brady for another 10-15 years makes me want to throw up. If either happens, we better build a monster defense and offense that can run, run, run. Nix better be alert about what our competitors are doing.
  11. He needs more than Anacin. He needs a specialist Dr. who will look at his whole life history. Everthing from foods he eats, drinks, alergies, sleep habits to stress (getting on the field). Any can trigger the migraines. He should (probably has already) have shull scans, family history and even tooth examinations. As a previous sufferer, you must be your own advocate and keep tract of everthing you do and eat/drink. I am not a Dr. but living with or beating migraines is tough. I've written to Shawn and gaven him my Rx. Got lots of board response but none from Shawn yet. He is a talent and I hate to see him miss his opportunity to make it with this one chance in life. Don't know if the doobies help but they may. Here's hoping he makes it.
  12. Maybe that part ownership is part of the team Kelly has put together with Parcells being President and running things. Just a wild wish. 2 birds with one stone!
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/category/rumor-mill/2.php True. Read further. His contract says he can do what he wants. He can go where ever he wants. Even talks about next team. Don't know resason for packing, Health? Disagreement with many owners? Who knows. I know it's a tall task with Ralph but make him President (I know he said he never would again) with Nix and Chan in current positions. Ralph, give him control!
  14. He would give this organization instant credibility. He knows talent and is not afraid to make a trade. Would love to see him in the draft room and running this team with Nix and Chan if he thinks they can do the job. I would make him an offer he can't refuse.
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