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Posts posted by nero47

  1. I have to say these guys are doing one HELL of a job. Maybe two of the up and coming coaching stars at their positions. To be able to plug in Jonathan Scott and Demetrius Bell(who only played 4 years of football) and the tackle positions and play admirably is a testiment to Kuglar.

    i believe that they are also talking to each other as to where our offensive strengths ly. notice the running game having presidence over the passing game, but setting up the pass perfectly. These two definitely have the no-huddle figured out. On other thing, has anyone noticed in both games, we have stopped our offense ourselves.

  2. It is only a guess, besides that fact the he didn't read his post after he put it up that he is talking about the start times of the games. That part of the schedule this year I can't stand. I believe it is week 8 or 9 before we have our only our second 1:00 Sunday game all year. My whole life watching football, 1:00 sunday is football time, having to wait until 4:00 or event evening games sucks in my opinion.

    However, living here in Daytona Beach, I will get to see the game this week at home on cable, possibly the Miami game in two weeks unless jacksonville conflicts. I like it. HD rocks!!

  3. I thought Edwards did an excellent job of executing a very mediocre game plan. The Bills have to figure out ways to get their two studs - Evans and Owens - open and in single coverage. I'm sorry, but letting them get double covered nearly every play while Moss and Welker were consistently open suggests an overly simply scheme. Let's hope he figures out how to get those guys open, and fast. When the QB plays a nearly flawless game and the team only scores 17 (with only three real scoring opportunities), well, that's not great.

    pat*s brought out SBXXV defense and we scored 17 pts in 22 minutes. our problem was Defense not getting off the field. This O is going to get better as the season moves forward. A very painful mistake cost us. Shades of wide right.

  4. The O needs to control the ball for much more of the clock otherwise our defense will be decimated by mid-season. You just can't put that many plays on a defense game in and game out and not expect to see a bunch of injuries.....and extreme fatigue. I'm encouraged by what we saw by our offense compared to what I expected. Eliminate drive stopping penalties and we will put many more points on the board and rest our D in the process.

    Sorry, but the defense's job is to give the ball back to the O. If they want off the field, then play like it. Stop 3rd downs.

  5. Get over it. What we discovered is that we have a pretty good team that made as mistake at the end. However, this offense is going to move the football. The defense has to get off the field, and Special teams will come around. Remember we were picked to lose by 10 or more.;

  6. shootout?? lose close??


    wow, that's reaaaaal optimism if i've ever seen it. it's AVP who's the new OC, not Shanahan!!


    besides, the personnel has not changed, and neither will the final product from what we saw in the preseason.

    preseason had no coordination. i believe Schonert was being deliberately obtuse, based on his dislike of jauron's desires. it may be AVP calling the plays, but the Book he's using is the same. My understanding is we will be simplifying and speeding up. That alone should slow the defense. Also, I haven't seen slants since the HOF game. Against NE they should work well, especially with TO back in the lineup.

  7. I agree AVP will probably help us. The pats will not have any trending on his play calling or his tendencies. I hope the Play they work on all week are Evans and To get open. O Line hold them for 4 seconds.....

    Agree there will be no tendencies to look at, but most teams work on keys at the line. Who's positioned where? Who's coming in? What "package" they're using? etc. However if the offense is simplified by using a true no huddle, there shouldn't be any personnel changes during a drive or very little. If this offense under AVP plays fast and efficient, Bellichick* Defensive short commings will become apparent (new 4-3 with weak secondary). Could be shootout, in which case we lose close. Less than 7.

  8. 1. The starting O is performing terribly and many on this board are upset and want something done about it, otherwise we're doomed.


    2. This team, according to many, is destined for 2-14, 4-12, etc. Take you pick.


    3. Now, the HC fires the OC (who isn't getting the job done) and the many go ballistic, because he doesn't hire a "bonafide" new OC, but puts the O in the hands of a person who is familiar with it and never been an OC at this level.


    Is that what's bothering you Bunky? Heck you should be glad all was lost anyway. Now the board should be relatively clear for talking football, instead of listening to all the wannabe coaches.


    OBTW Have you all sent your resume's to OBD yet? :thumbsup:

  9. A few words to Dominic. You have been in this league long enough to bust your butt and get on anyone else who isn't. You're not some rookie!! If you have to wait for a coach to get on your tail, then just pack it in. Plays were there to be made. Players have to make them. The coach can draw them up, but players have to execute.

  10. Both Snert and Fewell's game plans are problematic. The offense looks slow and predictable and the defense plays receivers too soft and doesn't seem to adjust.


    I wonder if RW insisted that Snert and Fewell be retained for "continuity".

    The impression I'm getting is that we are not game planning at this point. The purpose is to run various plays related to down and distance regardless of the D against them, therefore no audibles.


    Secondly, our D is so Vanilla calling it bland would be an overstatement. This week we should see a true audition of things to come. Excess players should be gone. JMO

  11. If either of these teams were our beloved Bills, Ths Board woulwould be going insane with what they saw. No consistency, poor blocking, poor tackling. Timing off most of the time. Pennington looked out of sync, unless he was dinking the ball. Garrard looked awful. oh yea and BTW, hy only played through the first quarter.


    I guess preseason really doesn't mean much

  12. To me, Trent Edwards appears to be an ideal fit in the West Coast Offense. If he is going to be our QB of the future, why not have a West Coast Offensive philosophy? After all, that is what he ran in college and Bill Walsh gave Trent Edwards the big thumbs up. I see no reason not to employ it

    Just throw away the entire offseson and put in a new offense. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  13. 1.) No significant injuries

    2.) Generate pass rush with base defense

    3.) Win the 1-on-1 battles on the offensive line

    Agree on no. 1

    Watched HOF game again today. Noticed front getting some pressure, but also noticed Tenn using two and three step drops on completed short passes. Anything that took a five or seven step drop Collins was pressured into incompletions. ( Check first drive.)


    Biggest thing I would like to see is Ellison replaced. Weakest link on defense. 2nd, Mc kelvin need to play football, not second guess the receivers route. ( See 3rd and 15 on second drive. he was turned and going downfield while the receiver was catching the ball in open space for the killing first down.)


    I expect the O-line to be much sharper. Should be interesting to see O without TO

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