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Everything posted by nero47

  1. Don't understand durability. he's not being asked to carry the rock more than 5-8 times a game as backup
  2. When Jesus Christ returns, yes everyone will believe, only because of the manner in which he returns. However, most will still try to pretend that it's not happening. For those who believe that religion was an invention by man to gain control over an emerging society, they are simply foolish. In their worldview they would rather believe that the entire universe began when two items of nothing collided to create matter. It is extremely difficult for them to let go of their preoccupation that man and "nature" are in control, instead of a Supreme being (God). To the man who says there were always particles of matter, I say who put them there.
  3. Belichic coordinators knew everything about Bledsoe and constantly beat him through his weaknesses, primarily his inabilty to escape pressure. You start wandering defensive players around on this team and McAhee will rip off a huge run. patriots are going to have to play honest football this year. I still believe the pats coordinators were most instrumental in their success.
  4. Bills go 4-2 in division. Beating Mia twice, splitting with other two. other wins Houston KC Atlanta TB (on Road) Carolina Denver Cinncinnati (On Road) Miami has all kinds of problems. Jets have made some improvements, but we beat ourselves against them last year. Patriots have a good cast of team players, but the coordinators are not there to call the plays ( I expect to see a huge flop)
  5. The Bible tells us that every creature knows that there is God, for he has placed that knowledge in every heart. Therefore, everyone is without excuse in the exercise of their life pertaining to right and wrong.
  6. The bills will win all home games this year. Then it will only be a case of winning 3 on the road to get in. The running game early in the season with a solid defense will get us the start we need, giving JP time to mature as big ben did last year.
  7. I don't think it takes a lot to read x's and o's and follow the lines on the board, or catch passes.
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