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Posts posted by nero47

  1. I have no idea who any of these players that we drafted are and have even less of a a clue as to how they will pan out, but I bet dollars to doughnuts that if this were some other schlub making the picks other than the beloved marv levy, he would be run out of town on the next stink wagon. it is not fair to make these comparisons because we all have rose colored glasses on when it comes to marv


    not so. Every new man gets the benefit of the doubt their fist year. For in the draft we have all seen here and elsewhere, alleged stars crash and supposed nobody's rise to the top. We'll see in this case also.
  2. Unless I am mistaken Alexander played for Seattle last year under the franchise tag, then produced and got a monster contract. Any player who refuses to play for one year is at a great disadvantage the following year, because you simply cannot stay in football shape on your own. Case in point Ricky Williams.


    The Bills do not have to let him go, and therefore maintain the leverage, not nate.


    He will play one way or the other and produce, IMHO.

  3. I've decided to do something real cool regarding Marv....I'm gonna give him a chance!!! I know this is a strange concept to some of you? It funny how many expert GM's there are on this board!! The NFL should feel proud.




    Amen to that.

  4. Plan "B" Free Agency 2006 style. Lot's of cap money. Many young 2 or 3 year players to choose from. Can they be quality starters? Are they ready? Will they fit the system?

    Don't know, but I like the approach. Some will work out, some won't.


    We can't and won't be able to fill all the slots with pro-bowlers, so let's use our money wisely.

  5. It won't matter.  The Bills wouldn't have enough cap room to sign players if we  keep Moulds around.  He's asking for around $10 million well according to http://www.billsdaily.com/news/index.shtml#031906 we have around $11 million to spend.


    Moulds contract and cap number is already in place. Bills are trying to reduce it for more cap room. The amount listed at Bills Daily already accounts for his current contract. He's not asking for $10.mil. Prorated bonus is $3mil and current contract calls for $7mil.

  6. Let's take a step back and consider the big picture.



    Other teams are signing players like Hutchinson, Bentley, Owens, Brees etc. and the Bills are in a mortal battle for a reserve DL from Manitoba.


    In this respect, I am disappointed with the Bills offseason .. so far.


    Hopefully things will improve.


    Given the money they were offered by the teams for which they signed, we may have been able to get one.


    Which one would have solved all our problems?


    Unfortunately, the real GM's aren't able to play fantasy football and get everyone they want. If the two RFA's are important enough to be resigned for what Marv out on the offer sheet, I would say they're probably not going to be playing backup roles.

  7. Mix in Chambers, McMichael and Ronnie Brown and this would be a pretty potent offense. We better end up with a strong defense and a ball control offense or it's going to be two tough match-ups with them this year.


    miami still has to let a lot of people go, or a whole lot of restructuring to do. last I saw is they are only 600K under the cap.

    Got to have the grunts to make the skill people look good, as we have seen.

  8. Football teams must be solid in all aspects of the game. Solid Qb's do not, repeat do not generally start and star for almost 4 years, and that is after playing more than eight games. Big Ben has done very well because he joined a team well established in all areas except QB. He was not expected to be a Savior.


    Eli at NY has a better core on offense in its Line than we do. Dan Marino came from college, played on a good Miami team splitting time with either Strock or Woodley, before taking over and going to his only super bowl in his second season. ( Never had a good running game).


    Kelly played with the Houston Gamblers before coming here, but still had to wait on the O-Line.


    Elway played on some of the worst Super bowl teams ever.


    Qb's are only part of the equation. JP has strengths, but they are useless if the rest of the team sucks (ie Defense and his own O-line.)


    Let's build the foundation before putting in the trim.

  9. You need to install the "IE Tab" extension for Firefox.  It's awesome.  If there's a site that was designed for IE, you can use the context menu to open a special IE tab and it will display properly.  I used it for clump's page and it worked brilliantly.


    Great tip on IE extension. Sure beats highlighting everything to read it.

  10. Most people are paid what they are willing to accept. The majority generally believes they are worth more, but accept less for a reason. Going from Coordinator to HC may entail a jump in salary of $ 250 - $ 500 thou per year. For most not a bad jump to prove oneself.


    Some coaches who are fired, such as sherman need to realize they won't get the open checkbook for the next job.


    Does this make Ralph cheap? No. Only if he is trying to destroy his franchise, by hiring on the basis of salary only. If he or any other business owner did this, he would be the dumbest business person ever.

  11. Give it up.  Coaches generally are available either because:

    1. They were fired from a previous job, which generally means they are a "proven loser" (your words).

    2. They are coordinators/college head coaches with no NFL head coaching experience.


    If a coach is coaching well, teams generally try to keep them (duh).


    There are rare exceptions, like a "proven winner" who quits/retires is lured out of retirement.  Those guys will never end up in Buffalo, because while you can argue back and forth whether Ralph will pay more than minimum wage for a coach, he's not going to pay the top buck.  Regardless, these "proven winner" types are drawn to more glamorous jobs/locations.  Retired coaches like to coach near where they retired to, which is usually the south.  They pick where they want to go based on how it suits them, generally regardless of money.


    Regardless, just like there are no guarantees that a "proven loser" will win here, there are no guarantees that a "proven winner" will win here either.  Even the highly touted Parcells has won 1 playoff game in his last 6 years coaching, and his teams have been up-and-down.  Shall I even bring up Jimmy Johnson?  There has yet to be a coach who has won a Super Bowl with two different teams, but yet there have been winners of Super Bowls who fit into the two categories above.  Now Holmgren may change that next weekend, but if he had come here and done the same things he had done in Seattle, he wouldn't have lasted three years before the "general populace" here would have been calling for his head as well...


    There's no magic formula.  For every Kotite, there's a Belichick.  For every "Parcells," there's a Bobby Ross.  There are "good" coaches that lose and "bad" coaches that win in certain situations.  You look at the current situation and see no reason to believe they will succeed.  I look and also see no reason to believe they will fail.  I won't go so far as to beg for your patience while we wait for the team to actually play against another team, but can't we at least see what the 2006 Buffalo Bills team will be comprised of (or at least where we'll start from) before you decide that it's automatic that we'll be no better than 3-13 for the next three years?



  12. OLINE??


    you didnt read above posts?

    MIAMI is top 5 in sacks allowed!




    Against whom? Not exactly the best defenses in the league.


    After all they played against us twice, the jets twice, and three or four other weak teams.

  13. Maybe he'd pick texans over buff because they have more cap room for free agents?


    IMO the bills d is full of holes and we are praying spikes can still run, which I have doubts about.


    If I was Bates, Texas is the place I would head, Full control over the d with an offensive minded


    HC. After last season I'd say there isn't much difference between the d's as they both sucked.


    The owner in Houston has alot more respect around the NFL than ralphy does these days.


    Houstons DC position is already set.

  14. I will be very surprised if Gus is retained next season. You will see a another veteran Qb starting for the Finz next season(Brees;McNair;Culpepper;Shaub)

    btw I'd take Gus over Lostman&Honeycombs any day....


    Brees won't play anywhere next year with authority. His shoulder is not coming back that fast. Culpepper will be staying in Minn, McNair doesn't scare me, as Miami has work to do on its O-line also.

  15. If memory serves Wyche also has ticker problems that are checked each year. That could be part of the reason.


    Sam as good a coach as he was, and with all the time he and JP spent in last year's offseason, didn't get the youngster as ready as he thought.


    I do wish him well with his health issues.

  16. Well. It looks like either:


    1) No one really has a reason for liking this guy




    2) They dont want to give there reasons for liking the guy


    He has had good defenses everywhere he's been. Miami and Green Bay come to mind, and they had injuries and not always great players,


    Appears to assemble a D on his own, does not need mentors like our previous DC.

  17. The coaches are important.  I agree that not being enamored with them isn't important.  If the reason is that they appear likely to not do a good job, that is important.  I feel that way, so I don't think things are going along well.  I guess the question has to be why aren't you enamored with the coaches?  Is it the Count Chocula thing?  :lol:


    Primarily because I haven't enough of the OC or know who the DC will be.


    However, it doesn't appear that Jauron is trying to bring in his buddies from the Chicago days. This could be good.

  18. Extremely well put.  Although the negativity wears on you after a while, I would prefer to listen to realists than cheerleaders putting an artificially happy face on what appear to be lousy moves.


    Lousy moves will present themselves, if they are, next summer and fall.


    I believe that all the moves since MM left are going along well. Although not enamored by the coaches at this point, I believe we are beginning to see an organization form. Ralph and Marv are putting together a management team, allowing the decision makers to be where they need to be to make decisions. This is ML's way, delegate - let scouts do the scouting, let financial people worry about the cap, and let the coach decide on his coaching philosophy and get the coaches and players he needs and wants to execute that philosophy.


    And they didn't even ask our permission. :)

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