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Probation (1/8)



  1. He is so washed up.
  2. Prefer the harmless sparklers.
  3. Another great voice gone.
  4. The only people that come to mind arent players its the fans. If I have to name one player it would be Billy Jo Hobert.
  5. Don Beebe Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee Mark pike.
  6. Jim Morrison! Just cant picture Courtney Love as the lead for the doors. YUCK!
  7. Seriously Doubt it.
  8. What OJ was accused off was far different than Michael Jacksons? Besides I feel OJ proved himself to be a wife beater before the murders. Once an abuser always an abuser. Michael Jackson built the neverland ranch for under privledged children to come an enjoy themselves with there families. All Michael Jackson has is a huge heart of gold.
  9. Just someone who cares about a humanbein! How about you? Do you care about humanbeins? Do you put a guilty finger on someone without hearing the absolute truth.
  10. You can do much better with someone who knows how to appreciate. She did not know how to apprecitate a good thing. To Hell with her and move on.
  11. He will be acquitted. Some of those people who are less fortunate than others try to find a way to use those who are fortunate. Go michael jackson!
  12. Confirmed dead without a body?
  13. God Bless you Hunter.
  14. Claritin.
  15. Are we satisfied with Teague still at the center position?
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