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Curse Of Rusty Jones

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Everything posted by Curse Of Rusty Jones

  1. I will be on Beer #7 somewhere in the NYC area
  2. Damn Id beg for detention every day So again, was the 18 year old student a female???
  3. Wait, when you said the student surrendered by having sex with the 22 year old hot FEMALE teacher....SHE (the student) was 18?!?!?!?!?!?!
  4. How did Magic Johnson get AIDS? He blew a Piston
  5. If he isnt from the U of Miami he isnt worth it
  6. You are teaching responsbility and control. something most people do not believe in anymore, Resonsibility is a curse word these days.
  7. Just come out and say if the President was different you would change your views. Its so evident after reading that comment. Sad.
  8. ESPN is now like MTV, they both have lost interest in covering what their stations were made to do.
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