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Everything posted by LaDairis
It is completely reflexive today to call he who just destroyed you in debate a "lunatic." Point out the growth of Antarctic ice and the lack of any warming in the atmosphere and the left calls you a "lunatic." Point out the truth of what W did post 911 vs. what was our national interest and the "right" calls you a "lunatic." George W Bush had an obligation to pursue the US national interest of finding and wiping out those behind 911. Instead, he sent a way too small force to Afghan (our force there now is 10 times as large as the initial deployment), made our terror "not a priority," and lied to dump our heroes in uniform in Iraq, which had nothing to do with 911, was not a threat, had no WMDs, no AQ or Osama connection. In Afghan as our troops arrived, Taliban (including their elite terror strike force Al Qaeda) was at war with Northern Alliance, who was armed and funded by Iran. Our troops allied with Northern Alliance against Taliban/AQ. Then W put Iran on the "Axis of Evil..." and the ADL gave George Tenet its "highest award" for his record of failing to kill OBL, failing to stop 911, breaking our laws and treaties to 'board Gitmos to lie about Saddam and Osama, and then Tenet lied to the US Senate about WMDs right before the Iraq war vote... That is what you cannot defend, and why you must hide behind your petty, cowardly, and ultimately treasonous insults...
When destroyed in debate, one possible tactic is to change the subject and insult your opponent. Indeed, when confronted about his own ego, a certain #81 has done that...
Eric King was not cut by the Titans. He got money in FA from the Lions, and, I believe, is contending for starter... http://content.usatoday.com/topics/more+ar...s/NFL/Eric+King "He could start along with cornerback Eric King, but that competition is still ongoing. “Eric’s been doing a good job, he’s fighting for the starting job." Justin won the backup C job in Wash last year, and was active all games before he tore his knee again. He was one of the Panthers last cuts. He may not be done yet. Eric King - fifth round Justin Geisinger - sixth round STILL AROUND since the 2005 NFL Draft... yet most drafted in those rounds are not... but that means they were "bad" picks..... to a 'tard who parrots and cannot handle debate without a "teleprompter" to parrot from...
Clearly, you prefer W's Iraq Treason, W's making OBL "not a priority," W's flipping off Iran after deploying our troops in Afghan next to Iranian armed and funded Northern Alliance, which was at war on 911 with Taliban/AQ. W inherited a superpower with a surplus with the ability to unite 120 countries for legit causes, including Afghanistan. W flushed that into the sewer to get re-elected. W's Bible Thumping Socialism took the surplus and turned it into the trillion dollar per year deficit we now have. Carter's economic performance, sad and socialist as it was, did nowhere near the damage W's did.
How about a Zionist translator for the chronically beaked to parrot from??? http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/07/us/inqui...-cost-drug.html "An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged. A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted." The one thing that is consistent about W supporters is that they are never offended when it comes out that what they were parroting was intentionally false. LIE TO ME, PLEASE, I AM A W SUPPORTER 1. WMDs 2. Saddam-AQ connection 3. cost of socializing senior drugs 4. document from Niger outed as forgery 5. the "evidence" behind Cheney's claim on Meet the Press
Because Jimmy never committed treason, and clearly is more intelligent than a walnut.
This from someone who cheered when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs by lying to Congress about the cost... and then threatened the White House Actuary to shut up about the real cost estimate. Socialization by fraud - the "conservative" W approach to health care...
Then nobody should be quoting the dumbest, worst, and most treasonous President in US history.
Indeed, never forget "Osama Bin Laden is not a priority" "I'm a War President" "Saddam is pursuing nuclear materials in Africa" - despite the fact that he had 50 tons of yellowcake he could not enrich because he did not have a centrifuge, and the document of "evidence" was a forgery. "Mission Accomplished" in selling out the troops to the AIPAC lobby in Iraq while our terror was "not a priority" "Iran is part of the Axis of Evil" even though we have deployed our troops in Afghanistan next to the Iranian armed and funded Northern Alliance which was already at war with Taliban/AQ on 911 Remember the fallen on 911. Then remember the treason responsible for Osama being "not a priority" and still at large killing innocents while our troops were dumped in Iraq over intentional lies designed to get Zionist cash and favorable Zionist media coverage for "I'm a War President" W in 2004...
In the scope of celebrating the Treason that was Iraq, the ADL, the main attack dog for Supremacists of the Zionist bent, had a rather brazen award in 2005 for a rather obvious traitor and liar. George Tenet's record as CIA Director was 1. he failed to kill OBL despite under orders to do so from Clinton 2. he failed to stop 911 3. he broke our laws and treaties to 'board some treasonous BS "linking" Saddam and Osama 4. he then supervised the destruction of all videotapes of those "interrogations" (because they were all about linking Saddam and Osama, not about stopping ficticious "future attacks.") 5. he lied to the US Senate about WMDs right before the Iraq War vote In short, there has never been such an unreal disaster of a US CIA Director in US history. George Tenet is #1, and in 2005, it was perfectly clear he had lied about WMDs in Iraq. Who really liked George Tenet's failures as CIA Director? The ADL... http://www.adl.org/PresRele/Mise_00/4643_00.htm ""All of us, as citizens of this great country, were incredibly fortunate to have our national security and intelligence operations in such skilled, knowledgeable and capable hands," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "George Tenet is one of the most warm, gracious men any of us have ever met, and while I am not suggesting he conducted the CIA's vital business in the full glare of the public spotlight" Gotta love "skilled, knowledgeable and capable" descriptions of absolute failure and that "full glare of the public spotlight" comment, especially since indictments were out about Plame at the time... "In a videotaped greeting from Israel, Avi Dichter, Director of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, offered his personal congratulations and wished Mr. Tenet well. "You are certainly worthy of this honor," said Mr. Dichter. " Yeah, Mr. Tenet, Israel really appreciated your treason, your lies to dump US troops in Iraq, your intentional failure to kill OBL when you had the chance, and your extensive cover-up of said treason...
Eight years ago, the United States had a clear and simple national objective: find and wipe out those responsible for the 911 terror attacks. However, the US national interest was not the US President's objective. The US President at the time was actually afraid that if he sent a large force to Afghan and wiped out Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden quickly, he would lose re-election just like his pappy did in 1992. Instead of pursuing US national interest, a treasonous plot to get George W Bush re-elected emerged, the central objective of which was to SUKK SUKK SUKK UP to the lobby his family blamed for the loss in 1992 - the Zionist lobby. In 1991, George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush 41) had united 120 countries to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, nothing more. Bush 41 followed US national interest and kept our heroes in uniform out of the quag of occupying Iraq. The Zionist Lobby hated Bush 41 for that, claiming he had "not finished the (Israeli) job." Bill Clinton, promising to become the first US President to cease US opposition to UN violating Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, was going to "do it right" and take out Saddam, or so thought Dick Morris and other Zionists pushing his campaign (who would later support W). The 1992 election is still the one with the worst media bias in US history, complete with a Zionist fraud five days before the election where Zionists Larry King and others pushed a fresh falsehood about Bush 41 and Iran-Contra from a Dem Activist who had given $10k to the DNC. Before the 2000 election, W wanted to make the Zionist Lobby certain that he would "not make the same mistakes" of opposing Israel's imperialist land grabs and, this time, this Bush would "get Saddam" and park a huge US military force in Iraq "to keep Israel safe" and perpetually slug it out with all of Israel's enemies (who had nothing to do with 911), despite precisely no US national interest in doing so. After 911, there was a problem for the traitors, tying Saddam, a smoker, drinker, and not Islamic, with Osama, who was a ferocious adherent to the "Islamic Lifestyle" (of no smoking and drinking), and Al Qaeda's "manual" stated that "leaders" in the Islamic world who did not live the "lifestyle" should be "overthrown." Everyone with a THIRD GRADE understanding of the Middle East knew Saddam and Osama wanted each other dead, and that is why virtually none of the 120 countries united for the UN mission of "Desert Storm" participated in the US led "Iraqi Freedom." Everyone knew it was impossible for Saddam and Osama to be "allies," or, more precisely, everyone with an IQ over 30 not glued to the Zionist FIXED NOISE channel. To accomplish re-election, W's "stratergy" was to send a token 7k force to Afghan, barely enough to take and hold Kabul and Khandahar, and make OBL "not a priority." W's famous "I'm a war President" comment was from plenty of meetings with Rove where Rove explained to W how "war Presidents" never lose and can never be patriotically "questioned." Israel, in fact, wanted OBL alive, because OBL, AQ, and The Taliban were at war on 911 with something called The Northern Alliance, which was armed and funded by Israel's #1 enemy Iran. This is why Zionist Traitors George Tenet and Sandy Burglar decided not to waste OBL when our drone plane spotted him during Clinton's Presidency - Israel was cheering for Taliban in the war between TalibanAQ and Northern Alliance. Our puny 7k deployment to Afghan was then sold out by W's treasonous "Axis of Evil" list, which included Iran, infuriating and dissolving The Northern Alliance and making our troops in Afghan LESS SAFE and with a much more difficult task, a task that is still not complete today even with the current 70k deployment in Afghan. In fact, by flipping off our allies in Afghan, W may have made our task in Afghan impossible. To facilitate the treason that was Iraq, lies were needed. Saddam must be "trying to get nukes," and a forged document was created to imply that Saddam was procuring yellowcake from Niger. The truth, of course, was that the obstacle for Saddam to get a nuke was not uranium. Saddam had 50 tons of yellowcake he could not ENRICH because he did not have a centrifuge. Saddam, in 2002, was a "toothless UN problem" cowering in fear that Iran would invade and take him out - which Iran could easily have done, except Iran is not imperialist (unlike Israel) and has never invaded another country. Zionists Scooter Libby and Judy Miller went to prison to slime the truth telling CIA agent Valerie Plame, who realized the Niger story was obviously BS even before the document was outed as a forgery. Cheney and Zionist Traitor CIA Director George Tenet were going for broke. The DoD, the CIA IG, and the FBI all told Cheney that torture was a violation of our laws and treaties, and that it DID NOT WORK except for getting FALSE CONFESSIONS, which is what Cheney and Tenet were after. They got one and only one Gitmo, who told the FBI he was not AQ and that his tortured "confession" was a lie, to say Saddam was training Al Qaeda in chem. Immediately Cheney goes on Meet the Press and tells us "we KNOW that Saddam was training Al Qaeda in chem weapons." CIA interrogation tapes get destroyed. The one Gitmo who "confessed" was transferred to a Libyan prison and later murdered there. To cover for the treason of making OBL "not a priority" and selling out our heroes in uniform for campaign cash and favorable Zionist media coverage, Zionists in the media started to "blur" Al Qaeda, the Afghan based Sunni terror group responsible for 911, into "the terrorists, islamofascists, radical jihadists," or all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, including those at war with AQ on 911 - Iran, under then moderate Rafsanjani, who would lose in 2005 to Ahmadinejad because of the treasonous "Axis of Evil" and endless Iranian media coverage of Iraqi Sunnis blowing up Iraqi Shia mosques while US troops sat there helpless to stop it. There is precisely one and only one individual responsible for Ahmadinejad's win over Rafsanjani in 2005 - George W Bush. In short, everyone who lied to dump our troops in Iraq is a TRAITOR in dire need of a neck stretch. Cheney, Tenet, Libby, the entire FIXED NOISE line-up, and everyone else who lied need to be indicted, convicted, and hung before the taint of the Treason that was the War on Exclusively Anti-Israel Terror can be erased from the "blue dress" of America. We, the United States, must learn that Zionists believe the US exists to serve Israel, and that low character politicians will sell out to get money and media coverage, including the lives of our heroes in uniform. And we must find and wipe out Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, whether that offends Israel or not...
Want to win - build a good OL with real athletes
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Some of the best OLs like the Colts and Denver have nothing but undersized OLs. Athleticism, technique, quickness - those matter more than size. Fascination with just size, so that size is the only thing that matters (the only possible explanation for anyone who would want Loadholt) is essentially an admission that one understands nothing about football except size. Martin Nance comes to mind... -
Want to win - build a good OL with real athletes
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I offend invalid loudmouths who parrot and cannot understand the football they watch. And I offer no apologies for that. Rather, BIG=GOOD football invalids should thank me for pointing out the obvious... -
Want to win - build a good OL with real athletes
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
A First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Late/undrafted would make our OL cheaper than just Dockery and Walker. Where did you learn math???? Receivers? Evans and Co. are not the problem. Offense begins and ends with the OL. Fix the OL and the offense will work. Pretend the OL is not awful, play sandbox with additional WRs, and the O will have the same result again this year. None of our OLs played well last year. This Draft is stocked at OL, and the Bills would be foolish to ignore that. -
Want to win - build a good OL with real athletes
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
You clearly subscribe to the BIG=GOOD philosophy that brought us Derrick Dockery and Langston Walker. Anyone who watched Loadholt try to block Orakpo knows he cannot handle pass protection in the NFL. Well, anyone who watched who understands what he watches... Alex Mack isn't powerful and is highly overrated. Egboh is a complete zero. Dockery's brother made Ziggy Hood a first rounder for about a week. Greg Carr is just the type of WR a BIG=GOOD invalid would want... That you got Maola and Brace correct is sheer luck given everything else... -
1. Jason Smith OLT Baylor 2. Jamon Meredith ORT South Carolina 3. Louis Vasquez OG Texas Tech 4. Edwin Williams C Maryland and the TFG deep undrafted of this class Darryl Harris OLG Ole Miss - watch the tape of this guy, especially the Cotton Bowl with his elbow still in a sleeve. This Draft has a bunch of big stiffs at the top of the OG board - only Feinga and Vasquez are real athletes at all - Duke and Herman are the Munsters... Harris is the most athletic interior prospect in this Draft, and the best... according to TFG. Get that OL, all healthy smart experienced high character athletes, and ever kerry collins that rolls around will be a "Pro Bowl" QB behind it. Stick with the disaster that was the 08 OL and it doesn't matter who your QB is... or whether you have a Marshawn Lynch caliber feature back...
Flowers - excellent football player, limited athlete, cannot play man in NFL without a safety behind him Cason - overrated - slow, not that good Jenkins - stiff hips, not an elite cover guy, not even close Talib - good cover guy, pothead, in NFL Drug Program because of Combine pot test, doesn't have elite wheels and hence needs to play with safety help like in a Tampa 2 DRC - and they say Porter isn't physical... DRC has the potential to develop into something close to what Porter was his senior year at IU There is coverage and then there are pretenders. Leodis and the above are pretenders. Porter is the shutdown, and that IS APPARENT 4 weeks into the rookie season. You either can cover or you can't... As for the Bills... JP Losman McCargo Leodis... yeah, only the knee case WR from Wisconsin has panned out as a recent first... oh, yeah, you also spend a top 10 on a .... Second Round caliber SAFETY.... LOL!!!! Lucking out on UDFA is one thing. Whiffing in ROUND 1 is where the MONEY, TIME and SCOUTING are spent... TFG, at home with VCR tapes, is better than your FO regarding YOUR DRAFT PICKS. Sorry if the truth hurts...
The problem with you and the other football invalids here is that you don't even notice the coverage... unless the announcers point it out to you. Porter was on Eddie Royal most of that game. Try WATCHING instead of LYING and/or PARROTING. You might actually LEARN something... well, we can assume you might have the capacity to learn...
LOL!!!! That means he can cover. King "didn't work" either according to Jauron. Yards passing allowed is much more a function of the score of the game than a reflection of the coverage of a given DB. The Niners threw all second half trying to catch up, but couldn't on the scoreboard. Dumping to a RB who gets 15 YAC is not the fault of the corner unless the corner misses a tackle. Smirk all you want about your record, the Drafting by the Bills has been correctly panned by TFG repeatedly, and THAT is what really bugs all of you whiners and parrots...
Year after year, the same slogans get parroted by the same birdbrains in denial... Can't argue the issues at hand because they out the DOCUMENTED GENIUS of THE FOOTBALL GENIUS? Yeah, resort to substanceless one-liners and lie...
"So the Saints' FO was dumb for taking Bush with the 2nd overall pick, but smarter than the Bills' FO for drafting Porter. Okay." Throwing darts against the wall, some will land in the bullseye. And some will, well, Leodis... Porter would be the best corner on the Bills by a mile right now. The issue is TALENT ASSESSMENT, and the incredible anger, jealousy, dishonesty and denial some have here over the truth of the issue...
OK, OK, so maybe his 4 on the Wonderlic test indicates that inverse correlation between football and intelligence. But then, it doesn't always work that way. Vandy is 4-0 and on top in the SEC right now. If you want to find SMART football players in the SEC, you can check out Vandy, and.... well... JUST VANDY. How did Peters do on the Wonderlic? How smart is Neon Deion? If he stays out of trouble, even a Wonderlic 4 can understand a man coverage assignment.
"I was going to post this. Porter basically HAD to start for the CB-talentless Saints. And yes, he's played well. Except for giving-up the game-winning TD against the Redskins a couple weeks ago. SQUAWK!" Asking any corner to cover Santana Moss in man for 7 seconds... yeah. That doesn't work too well, even if it is Porter. Usama Young is a Second Year top 70 pick from 2007 and Porter beat both him and, yeah, expensive FA Jason David - go ahead and laugh there, David does sukk. Young has a lot of talent but is not Porter. "McKelvin OTOH hasn't needed to start" Leodis has been BURNED when he has PLAYED. Who cares about starting. Porter is great at coverage and vastly better than Leodis, starting or not. "Porter is so great a punt returner, they're not even using him there." The Saint FO needs to have Reggie Bush do that, or they look ever dumber for taking him, because Reggie Bush as an NFL feature back is a total failure, just as TFG and ONLY TFG said BEFORE the NFL Draft of 2006...
Indeed I did... each year, every year... while you "Bills fans" insist on poor Draft assessments and absolutely incompetent assessments of coverage talent. Enjoy beating the Rams and Raiders while you can. The failures of your FO will prevent any meaningful postseason run... which is what you wanted anyway, since you insisted on not advocating THE BEST assessor of talent y'all know so well.... to run things here.
And then the lying turned from dribble to deluge.... We had to go back and find my archives to prove the Mario over Reggie Bush call. Truth be told, nobody is more aware of the TFG Draft calls than the PARROTS who always bring up Justin Geisinger and Eric King. The Tracy Porter call was by TFG and only TFG, and once again it was quickly outed as RIGHT while THE REST OF THE NFL FOs, MEDIA, and DRAFT GURUS were WRONG. LOL!!!! Gosh it sukks being RIGHT ALL THE TIME...