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Everything posted by LaDairis
Because if you supported both the War on Exclusively Anti Israel Terror and the FRAUD of Global non-Warming, you are guilty of treason twice.
Define "left." If your answer is "pro gay and pro abortion," well, if he supported W, he supported selling out the US to the lobby most in favor of gays and abortions, which might explain why the GOP's own health plan under W paid for abortions for GOP staffers and pols... Left means for big government and big spending, so anyone for W was 100% for leftist ideology. Conservative foreign policy is non-interventionalist, meaning Iraq was THE MOST LIBERAL ACT of US foreign policy in US history, which is why so many libs supported it and why true conservatives opposed it. Supported Iraq Chuck Schumer Joe Lieberman Dianne Feinstein Rahm Emmanuel Ed Koch Judy Miller Opposed Iraq H Norman Schwarzkopf Brent Scowcroft Pat Buchanan Bob Novak Chuck Hagel Notice all the libs for the Iraq Treason were... yeah, ZIONISTS... including "at the time Republican" Arlen Specter...
May you die a slow and painful death soon...
And since being "carbon neutral" does absolutely nothing to help the actual environment, the "net" is damage ... which originates from The FRAUD and the misinterpretations The FRAUD promotes to support itself.
"BECAUSE GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T THE CAUSE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS!" Excellent. We are making some progress here. GW isn't the cause because GW isn't happening... "Tell me what any of this has to do with global warming. Or at least look at these pictures then tell me global warming IS the environmental debate." As a country governed by a Federal government, we decide to allocate some of our taxdollars to the cause of the environment. If the largest such allocation is to study a FRAUD, not clean up anything, not document the environmental damage from communist forced labor (with WMDs) dictatorships, the problem seems pretty obvious. You want solutions. So do I. Our solutions are blocked by a FRAUD that is "crowding out" the dollars for enviro causes and not only not doing anything to help the real environment, but actually misdiagnosing real problems, preventing real solutions. If you care about the environment and you believe GW isn't causing anything, you have but one conclusion to make, and that is that The Fraud of Global non-Warming is doing more harm to the actual environment than anything in human history....
"Yeah, actually, it pretty much is. You really want to pretend you know something about this subject? Want to compare pedigrees, knucklehead? I'll show you my journal articles if you show me yours." Clearly, your "debate strategy" here is to never actually discuss the emails or the data, but rather to insult, shout down, and divert. The "why" is pretty obvious now that Toto has pulled back the curtain... "Again, that's pretty much how science is done." LOL!!! That's a pretty sick definition of "science." My "opinion" is that science starts from accurately accumulating RAW DATA and then honestly presenting it for discussion. That is not what is going on in the emails. Rather, the emails depict the "top scientists" doing everything they can to fudge the data to show "warming" and then withhold the data from those who might observe that the data in fact shows NO WARMING and that the only "warming" in the "charts" is from the fudges... ""Treasonously interferes withour procurement of energy"? You have got to be !@#$ing kidding. I can't even begin to describe how completely !@#$ed up that statement is. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?" Our current energy situation is that we buy foreign oil at a very high price from our enemies. We have coal and natural gas here in the US, but THE FRAUD tells us we cannot use those because they emit CO2. Hence, the coal in Utah is closed off from mining. We have all sorts of bans on various other US based energy supplies, and we are told that we cannot use them because of Global "warming." Hence, while the "green" techs like solar provide 0.01 percent of US energy, we are in the process of "the greatest transfer of wealth in human history" (T Boone) to pay for foreign oil while our high unemployed workforce is not allowed to procure our energy here in the US. The cost and location of oil in the world commits our troops to real danger. You aren't "conservative." If you supported W, that's proof, because nothing W did was truly conservative, not even the tax cuts, because they were not combined with spending cuts and/or freezes. Tax cuts and the biggest spending INCREASES since LBJ combined to form today's W Economy, which will become "Obama's economy" in January... Dumb, treasonous... Zionist? That's my current hypothesis about your ideology...
Rather, as a left wing supporter of The FRAUD, you want to convince people to buy the media spin here and not actually read the emails and explore what they mean in the context of "Climate Change." You want people to be really dumb, because really dumb people PARROT, and the only folks on Earth who still believe this obvious FRAUD are 100% PARROTS who know nothing about science at all...
That is absolutely insane nonsense. How can one live an "environmentally friendly life" when one is being lied to about the cause of environmental problems? One must have TRUTH to live an "environmentally friendly life." TRUTH... TRUTH... not 1. fudged data 2. withheld data 3. lies 4. insults 5. dodges of the real issues 6. intentional misdiagnosis of real environmental problems 7. theft of taxpayer funds that were to be used to actually help the real environment There is nothing "environmentally friendly" about intentionally lying to divert environmental taxdollars away from actually helping the real environment. That is like trying to help the poor by paying just rich people to study the poor... and keep lying about it.
They would be "NORMAL" for Enron and Andrew Fastow. Science is not about slanting, fudging, and withholding data, psycho. These emails expose plenty. They expose 1. a desire to fudge the 1941 "warm" year out of SURFACE GROUND to show a smoother "warming" up to 1998. 2. an acknowledgment that Urban Heat Sink Effect is warming the Surface Ground series 3. that the "top scientists" know the one and only one temp series showing "warming," the SURFACE GROUND series, has not warmed at all since 1998 4. that the "top scientists" respond to political requests with freshly fudged data and charts that the "top scientists" then do not want "audited." 5. the "top scientists" are very committed to keeping the actual RAW DATA from the public. Any guesses WHY?? LOL... These are the practices your sick left wing treasonous birdbrain accepts as "sound science." I say you are a traitor and deserve the justice we have reserved for traitors. This FRAUD is TREASONOUS because it hurts us financially, environmentally, and it treasonously interferes with our procurement of energy, which is getting our troops killed overseas. HANG ALL OF THE FRAUDULENT TRAITORS BEHIND THIS ABOMINATION!!!
It is quite telling that your refusal to debate the substance of these emails is... drumroll... identical to how the taxpayer funded "top scientists" deal with requests for the ACTUAL DATA they fudge all the time. They lie. They Lie again. And then they insult. If the "science" was truly "sound," there would be no reason to hide the truth of the ACTUAL DATA...
Let nobody ever forget the media's obsession with pushing this particular FRAUD. The media coverage of the Fraud of Global non-Warming has made the 1992 campaign coverage look fair... and don't look too closely at which lobbies are pushing The FRAUD, lest you get hit in the head with a flurry of anti-semite cards...
"The earth appears to be cooling instead of warming, yet we have been told the opposite is the case. What is the more simple explanation?" The simple answer is that Earth "temperatures" are defined by The FRAUD as just on the surface of growing urban areas. Until you understand that, you will be fooled by The FRAUD, and The FRAUD will eventually be able to show "warming" again...
and nothing is more "anti-environmentally conscious" than an intentional fraud that deliberately misinterprets real environmental problems and hence makes sure the real problems go unsolved. True "environmentalists" want the CA fires solved via desal, and don't think creatures with growing populations should be classified as "endangered," especially when their "habitat" is the reason why their population has been increasing since we started measuring it 30 years ago... ENDANGERED SPECIES are those with declining populations, not polar bears with an increasing population...
What utter BULL. DATA is DATA. These "scientists" were deliberately manipulating data for their fraudulent cause. The attempt to "do away with" the warm early 1940s is all about creating a chart that shows "warming," because a warm 1941 would show the 1998 "peak" to be a bump, not a mountain. This is the signature "Toto event," where Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals the "wizard" to be a FRAUD. Science is NOT 1. fitting data to a pre-determined conclusion 2. lying about data 3. withholding data 4. switching data to create charts for political events 5. demonizing those who disagree with you This is a giant treasonous fraud, and everyone involved is a seriously anti-American criminal.
This is just unreal. You are attempting to deflect the issue. The issue is whether or not Global Warming is an organized FRAUD and always was one. If Global Warming is a complete farce, and the planet is not warming, then Global Warming is the greatest crime against the environment in the history of the human species. The FRAUD intentionally misdiagnoses real environmental problems and then scams the taxpayer for the money that would/should pay for the solution. Take the fires in CA. The warmest surface reading for the US was 1934, so nothing on the ground of the US is being caused by "warming" because there hasn't been any warming. Rather, CA fires get worse and worse because every additional human in CA takes that much fresh water from wildlife and plants, making the plant life DRY. The solution is DESAL, but we haven't done that, because The FRAUD intentionally misdiagnoses the real issue and blames its phony "warming" it knows isn't happening. Al Gore goes on TV and everyone praises him for the intentional misdiagnosis, and you bow your little birdbrain in support. Global non-Warming is an intentional FRAUD, a crime against the real environment. Anyone and everyone who supports The FRAUD of Global non-Warming is, in essence, cheering the fires in CA and lying to keep more coming, because that is how they enrich and empower themselves. The victims are the US taxpayer and the real environment. The real environment's #1 enemy is The FRAUD of Global non-Warming.
Temperature changes must be statistically significant and planetary to justify a real "cooling or warming" label. The obsession of watching every tick up and down with temperatures gathered just on the surface of growing urban areas is laughable. The truth is that the planet Earth has experienced no statistically significant temperature change since humans first chucked a spear...
What the Hacked Climate Emails reveal
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Especially since Eric King last two teams on the waiver wire before being claimed, and then had two excellent seasons with TN while the Bills found out Youboty sukked.... -
The first mistake most amateur skeptics make is accepting the SURFACE GROUND SERIES as "temperatures" of Earth. SURFACE GROUND is only measured on the surface of growing urban areas, which NASA admits are one to ten degrees warmer than surrounding urban areas because of Urban Heat Sink Effect. Essentially, as cities grow, they "warm" accordingly on the surface. The strategy of The FRAUD was always to define Earth "temperatures" where those behind The FRAUD knew would warm - urban surfaces. Land is less than one third of just the Earth's surface and disproportionately in the Northern Hemisphere, allowing for "northern hemisphere" ups and downs while Earth overall temperature has been constant. The oceans are not warming. The atmosphere is not warming. There is no breakout in cane activity. There has been precisely no net ice melt, as the 90% of the world's ice called Antarctica has been growing for the duration of The FRAUD. The Arctic Sea Ice "melt" from 2001-2007 was just over an area of active volcanoes under the ocean and has almost completely grown back (and is within one standard deviation of its historical norm). In short, there has been no warming on Planet Earth except on the surface of growing urban areas (which haven't warmed since 1998). The emails reveal the "top scientists" are fully aware of the fact that there has never been any case at all for planetary warming, and that the CO2 in the atmosphere isn't warming anything. The emails reveal endless attempts by the criminal traitors to fudge the data to show "warming" where there isn't any, to delete painful reminders of that (such as the warm early 1940s from SURFACE GROUND), and to lie and stonewall any attempt to audit such lies. The Fraud of Global non-Warming is a treasonous crime against the real environment, as it deliberately misdiagnoses real environmental problems like CA fires and hence prevents their solution (desal) by sukking up all the "enviro" tax dollars and lying about the cause. There is precisely no case at all to regulate, tax, or restrict CO2 emissions, since CO2 isn't warming anything. There is, rather, a strong case to prosecute every one of these taxpayer funded kleptocratic liars to the fullest extent for fraud and treason. The emails are the "Toto moment" of The FRAUD, where Toto pulls back the tapestry and reveals the Wizard as just a fat old liar...
Perhaps you parrots have chased away everyone here who has the ability to assess by watching instead of parroting... and perhaps that helps to explain why the Bills sukk so badly...
In America, even retards and liars are entitled to post online...
Yeah, Harris, not Maurice Miller, the "other OL from Miss" on every Draft guru board... Harris did not exist except on a Rob Rang supersleeper board...
Smart franchises keep their eyes open. That is why Lilja has been a Colt, not a Bill... DUMB franchises assume other DUMB franchises are 100% "smart" about what they do... Clearly, neither of you are going to look. Why don't you allow the people here who are at least able to assess the football they watch the chance to look, and spare us the standard birdbrained parroting??
Hiding, shouting down, and concealing treason is treasonous. Ditto for opposing investigations into treason, as your Zionist masters at the FIXED NOISE are so furious about now... What's the FIXED NOISE parroting about Cheney and investigating him? Or, why do you oppose investigating Cheney?? Different way to phrase the same question...
That's just a brilliantly original rebuttal. Nothing is more patriotic than investigating Cheney.
which would then make the hole at OLG... What oh what should the Bills do about that??? Indeed, while most of you here are complete birdbrained idiots who do not understand the football you watch, some of you do understand and just need to be pointed in the right direction. Films which have the free young healthy smart huge upgrade at OLG... Cotton Bowl = Ole Miss vs. Tex Tech (#50 OLG Ole Miss) Most of the 2008 Ole Miss tapes except Arkansas and two other late games - sprained elbow, in sleeve for 100 grade performance in Cotton Bowl... KC vs. Houston preseason second half (#66 KC OLG) KC vs. Minnesota preseason second half current status - hidden on KC Practice Squad waiting to be stolen like Ryan Lilja was in 2004 by the Colts... If someone with a brain and an understanding of OL talent assessment were to watch that player and notice that he is a First Day caliber athlete with power, knee bend, anchor, outstanding speed, agility, pulling ability... and that the NFL completely missed him because when the NFL watched Ole Miss OL last year, they were watching Oher, and not his OLG... Yeah... but who cares how sukky the Bills OL is, RIGHT???????????? Sincerely, TFG