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Everything posted by LaDairis

  1. Yes, indeed, I don't just get all of "my opinions" by parroting others like you, so something is "wrong" with me, because I use my brain, and you never have, in part because nobody is more certain that your brain doesn't work than... you.
  2. "You suggest we draft 2 or 3 o-lineman and start some of them right away. This seems to say you acknowledge the importance of o-line yet you don't think it important enough to use our first round pick on the position." The DRAFT is not about ... well, our greatest need is punter, so we should spend our first rounder on a punter. The DRAFT is about VALUE. I don't see Bulaga or Davis or Campbell or Trent Williams as a "value" at 9, not even close. I'm not that sold on Okung either, although he is the most "NFL ready" of the prospects. "We need an OLT so we must part with #9 for one." HOW ABOUT THIS.... "WE need a pass rusher, so let's waste our First on Aaron Maybin..."
  3. And there you have it. Mayock said it. And you parroted. And you are CERTAIN that because your birdbrain parroted it, it must be right... Have a cracker on me, POLLY. Wood was borderline OK before his leg snapped. Levitre sucks and will never amount to SH## in the NFL. The sooner the Bills upgrade him and the Panther reject at C, the sooner the Bills can have something other than disaster from the QB position.
  4. If Justin was healthy last year, he would have been the best interior OL on the Bills roster.
  5. Just imagine what you would have said if I had panned Robert Gallery in 2004 - which I did on my site. Justin was a 6th round position switch who found a home at C with Wash until his knee gave out. Justin, like King in Round 5, was about the best value that year from Round 6. You understand nothing about the Draft, except how to parrot. You have absolutely no idea how to assess an OL. Indeed, freeing up the #9 if someone were willing to trade up could really at a lot more than just a completely rebuilt offensive line. If you think you can't find great OLs from the undrafted column, then clearly the Colts can't be in the Super Bowl, because their $20 mil OLG Ryan Lilja was undrafted, even after I was "wrong" on my site to assign him a 4th round grade. BIG=GOOD + parroting of gurus - that's all you'll ever "understand" about football.
  6. "at least he is trying to figure out a way to build the Bills line into something good. It's something 99% of us know needs to get done one way or the other" There is hope for you yet...
  7. King was a Fifth Rounder who outperformed most from that year's Fifth Round. It is a tribute to King's value in Round 5 that you have to talk as if I claimed he was a First Rounder and best in the NFL like I correctly predicted with Jon Joseph, who is right up there with Revis.
  8. Good question. Why read my posts about Global Warming when you can parrot "scientific experts" like Danny Glover and Prince Charles?? This is supposed to be a FOOTBALL BOARD. My posts are about FOOTBALL (here, politics on that board). If you don't understand, then you are free not to read them...
  9. "You are exaggerating the need for OL relative to the rest of the needs on the team" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but it really is truly shocking to read stuff like this. The Bills, last year, had talent at RB, TE, WR, and the offense just totally blew. WHY??? Oh, yeah, the QB, it was all the QBs fault getting hit in 2 seconds after the snap.... It doesn't matter who the Bills QB is if he keeps getting treated like the Giants treated Tom Brady in the Super Bowl... If you haven't figured that out, nobody can help you except a shrink...
  10. "You REALLY want us to draft a QB at #9 don't you?" Where did I say that? I don't think any QB prospect is worth a First this year, much less a top 10. "By the way I love the preemptive attack about parroting before anyone even attacked you." Yes, indeed, several came up with your line before you were able to post it, which is always "the gurus I parrot know better than you." Butler? If you are happy with Butler at ORT, then you are happy picking in the top 10 of the Draft every year... "The Bills have every position except LT covered" Covered in WHAT?
  11. Everyone is an expert regarding players they've never watched. After all, they parrot the great Todd McShay, still sure Brady Quinn is one of the greatest QB prospects ever... Saffold is out, everyone saw him at the Shrine. Simmons and Allen have gotten the total shaft. Let them go undrafted and y'all will lose Simmons to the Cowboys and Allen to the Panthers - UDFA have a regional bias. Best one locally - UB S Mike Newton. If you have access, watch their bowl games. Watch Simmons vs. Stanford and Allen vs. Arkansas. You'll understand quickly if you are able to understand that which you watch, which clearly excludes most here... As for my special last year, KC try out player Darryl Harris (in TSW archives somewhere), he was the one of 13 tryout players to get a camp fodder contract, then he was second team OLG for a good chunk of the preseason, and then he was PS-ed for most of the year, being activated and switched to C when Niswanger got hurt, but then Rudy, it turn out, wasn't that hurt and played. No, Darryl Harris did not beat out Brian Waters. Sorry. Perhaps this year though... Go ask the folks at Chiefs Planet what they thought of tryout player Darryl Harris in the preseason last year... and hopefully that will stop parrots from flinging BirdS when I make these type of assessments... Or, go have another mouthfull of birdseed and keep parroting McShay as God...
  12. The learning curve for a TE or OL to switch to DL is very short. Anyone remember whether Sestak was good his first year?
  13. Second Round: Charles Brown OLT USC - best pass blocking OLT in the Draft Third Round: Rodger Saffold OT Indiana (an OLT in college, a perfect ORT for the NFL) ... ... Sixth Round: Sean Allen C East Carolina (steal of the Draft, likely best C prospect in the Draft, and a total whiff so far by the NFL "gurus") Seventh Round: Brian Simmons OG Oklahoma (OK, so Duke sukks, Brandon Walker got a DUI a week after his undrafted was signed... I watched Duke a lot in 08 and concluded he sukked. I actually thought Walker was pretty decent as a late Round backup interior. And the guy they kept rotating in for both Duke and Brandon, must be some PS1 Freshman... nope, its DL convert Brian Simmons, the best OG on OU in 08 and 09, and the one OG prospect in this Draft who excels at all aspects of being an OG - Draft guru "consensus" - undrafted, maybe even a "try-out" player... New Bills OL capable of keeping an NFL QB upright for more than 2 seconds per pass play (a HUGE upgrade from last year) OLT Brown OLG Simmons C Allen ORG winner of Wood, Levitre, and everyone else ORT Saffold
  14. That OL would allow 100 sacks in 16 games even if Vick was the QB... which he wouldn't be... for more than a few games... because nobody but Clark Kent could survive as a Bills QB behind that OL.
  15. Last year at this time, the two top rated OGs on every guru board were Duke Robinson and Herman Johnson, neither of which ended up Drafted before Round 5. Lots and lots of MORONS believe BIG=GOOD especially if they can parrot that from "gurus." If the NFL evaluates Iupati as just an OG, it is possible he falls hard, past Round 2. The kid projects to be a permanent disaster as an OL in the NFL in pass protection wherever he is lined up, and the NFL may even figure that out, even if the Duke and Herman fans never will. If only one team figures out he is a Top 5 caliber DT prospect and gets him, say, top of Round 3, not bad...
  16. Mike Iupati 6-5 330 amazingly athletic, doesn't look overly developed at that size, runs like a deer with impressive acceleration, unreal power from long arms and huge hands quick off the snap quick out of his stance awesome firing out run blocking, and is able to STAY LOW going FORWARD awesome at pulling and mauling moving targets .... high and stiff in his pass protection set - too high - short quick NFL DTs will eat him alive on the pass rush something less than a Rhodes Scholar Let's be perfectly clear. This kid, as an OG for Idaho, was either run blocking straight ahead or pulling the vast majority of snaps. For Idaho, the "brass" must have believed his best value was at OG (and not OT, as they tried him there, and, well, they kept him at OG) because of the scheme that asked the OLs to run block or pull most of the time. A kid with Mike Iupati's resume, that kid is not for the OFFENSE. Rather, he is for the DEFENSE. Mike Iupati should have played DT at Idaho, and if he had, he'd probably be a top 5 pick. Given his skill set, it really wouldn't take much time at all to put him where he belongs, start him as part of the DT rotation, and develop him. Mike is a better athlete than Albert Haynesworth at about the same size, a size where Albert looks heavy and Mike doesn't because Mike's frame is that huge. Maybe, maybe Leonard Davis could keep Iupati out of the backfield without help... maybe... but no OG in the AFC East could. Faneca would have his rear shoved right back into Sanchez' taco...
  17. Trading down requires a team willing to pay to trade up, and in the past few years, other than Sanchez, there has not been a lot of "demand" to trade up. I doubt it this year too, not until the mid or late First Round. One of the problems is the size of the contract the top 10 get, and the likelihood of a holdout.
  18. What is both sad but true... Osama Bin Laden has 15 times the scientific knowledge of Gore and Obama summed together. And since he understands that the FRAUD of Global non-Warming is a scam designed to harm America, he is all for it... might even be in contention for a Nobel Peace Prize...
  19. I found it curious. We were told all week how great Iupati looked in the Senior Bowl practices. Then, like a dream, I thought I saw Geno Atkins and others burn Iupati repeatedly in the actual Senior Bowl game. But I must not have seen that at all, because none of the "gurus" (except two - a blogger and Rob Rang) even reported that Iupati did indeed get completely used in pass protection during about a half of the actual Senior Bowl game by guys who are not going First Day in the Draft, giving up a sack and repeated pressures and a couple of holding penalties. But he just looks so awesome run blocking, mauling defenders with that hair flowing from his helmet. Ah, who cares about pass protection?? Clearly, not the Bills... Is Iupati simply too high in his pass pro set? Not if the guru report you just parroted claimed he never allowed a sack... especially given all the tough teams Idaho played against... So don't let me spoil the fun. Todd McShay and others have it down. Iupati is ready to dominate Day 1 in the NFL because McShay says so and y'all have a beak and birdbrain and know how to parrot, nevermind what happened in the actual Senior Bowl game you watched and failed to understand... and then pray for the poor soul who gets to be the lead pinatta this year... otherwise known as the Bills starting QB.
  20. As I posted here repeatedly, the FRAUD of Global non-Warming is THE DELIBERATE MISINTERPRETATION OF THE URBAN HEAT SINK EFFECT ON THE SURFACE GROUND TEMP SERIES and there never was any "warming" documented on Earth other than on the surface of growing urban areas. We saw during Copenhagen that the IPCC had take Russian temps and simply deleted all the non-urban areas, since they showed NO WARMING. Now, the IPCC is busted for CHINA too... http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010...e-jones-chinese "A Guardian investigation of thousands of emails and documents apparently hacked from the University of East Anglia's climatic research unit has found evidence that a series of measurements from Chinese weather stations were seriously flawed and that documents relating to them could not be produced." "Jones and a collaborator have been accused by a climate change sceptic and researcher of scientific fraud for attempting to suppress data that could cast doubt on a key 1990 study on the effect of cities on warming – a hotly contested issue." "The temperature data from the Chinese weather stations measured the warming there over the past half century and appeared in a 1990 paper in the prestigious journal Nature, which was cited by the IPCC's latest report in 2007. Climate change sceptics asked the UEA, via FOI requests, for location data for the 84 weather stations in eastern China, half of which were urban and half rural. The history of where the weather stations were sited was crucial to Jones and Wang's 1990 study, as it concluded the rising temperatures recorded in China were the result of global climate changes rather the warming effects of expanding cities. The IPCC's 2007 report used the study to justify the claim that "any urban-related trend" in global temperatures was small. Jones was one of two "coordinating lead authors" for the relevant chapter." Nice... "Days after receiving the request for information from the British climate change sceptic David Holland, Jones asked Prof Mike Mann of Pennsylvania State University in the United States: "Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith [briffa] re AR4? Keith will do likewise. "Can you also email Gene [Eugene Wahl, a paleoclimatologist in Boulder, Colorado] and get him to do the same ... We will be getting Caspar [Ammann, also from Boulder] to do the same."" As with Russia, the Chinese data was sorted just like the Russian data, with urban areas showing "warming" included in the "peer reviewed study" and rural areas showing NO WARMING simply left out as if they did not exist. The "peer reviewed study" is yet another "deliberate misinterpretation of the urban heat sink effect on the SURFACE GROUND temp series (the only series showing any warming at all in the raw data)." When the data is requested by those who see through the IPCC's FRAUD, the fraudulent fearmongers scurry to delete the data. JUST HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE???????????????
  21. How and why do you think Obama and Holder decided to bust them? Aren't you also parroting each and every claim that Obama is a puss and "pro terror?"
  22. Another thing would be FBI Director Mueller's claim that the "enhanced interrogations" never stopped any attacks... because they weren't about attacks. The CIA IG, the FBI, and the DOD told Cheney and Tenet that the 'boarding was only good for FALSE CONFESSIONS... which is precisely what Cheney, Tenet, and the ADL wanted and celebrated in 2005 with the ADL's award to Tenet. The false confession Cheney and Tenet were able to 'board out of one and only one Gitmo who told the FBI later it wasn't true and he wasn't AQ (that guy was murdered in Libya) was used to push the Iraq Treason and "link" Saddam and AQ just as master AIPAC wanted... and that was the lie about chem Cheney told on Meet the Press.
  23. What specifically are you disputing?
  24. Bob Novak was an authentic small government conservative who loved the United States. Dick Cheney is a slimy traitor who conspired to sell out our heroes in uniform over intentional lies and precisely nothing in our national interest, all to get re-elected with support from the lobby Cheney knew cost Bush 41 the 92 election. Cheney made our terror "not a priority," sent way too few troops to hit Taliban/AQ in Afghan, and then plotted with Tenet to 'board a lie out of a Gitmo "linking" smoking drinking Saddam with Islamic Lifestyle Osama over yet another obvious lie, a claim Cheney made on Meet the Press, that "We know Saddam is training AQ in chem." Not only had Saddam done precisely nothing with his chem program since the Gulf War, but AQ would not want chem. Chem is not a good weapon for AQ. Chem requires special suits and storage facilities... and air superiority, as you don't want your chem stash bombed - (hint AQ had no air force). Chem is heavy and bulky. Chem is best used as Saddam used it, when the enemy is pinned in a valley, with air superiority, because the gas "sinks." The Kurds were hiding under buildings. AQ didn't have the type of artillery that Saddam used for chem (and that is all Saddam ever used chem for). AQ likes bombs and plastic knives and RPGs and small machine guns. AQ wouldn't want chem. AQ would prefer baseball bats over chem. It took a third grade understanding of weapons to see through that. Dick Cheney broke our laws and treaties to torture a lie out of a non-AQ who was later murdered in a Libyan prison to sell out our heroes in uniform in exchange for money and media support from a pro gay pro abortion pro socialism foreign lobby - the Zionist Lobby.
  25. In the end, they cannot debate. They just insult and hide under a white sheet, tossing cards and falsehoods to cover the truth of their own treason...
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