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Everything posted by LaDairis
Senator Offers Bill to End Earmarks, Balance Budget
LaDairis replied to Alaska Darin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It is fascinating to watch all of the Wall's resident Zionists act like levites and all lie at once. Perhaps you will now tell us that Dr. Michael Mann is really a christian and not an Israelite Zionist Traitor too?? The thing Judaism hates the most = TRUTH... and those who publicize it over Zionist media lies... -
Senator Offers Bill to End Earmarks, Balance Budget
LaDairis replied to Alaska Darin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You seem to think that lies used to get US troops killed for nothing in US national interest are just fine. This is because you don't care one bit about the United States. Rather, you care about Israel, and your contempt for the US and the fate of those in the US military is only matched by your Zionist heroes at FIXED, who still insist Saddam and Osama were pals. If someone lies and gets US troops killed for nothing in US national interest, I think that someone is a traitor who should be executed. You disagree. You love that individual. You worship him. You don't want him executed. You want him worshipped... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Israelites lying about being some form of "christian" is as old as the Spanish Inquisition... http://sephardimhope.net/index.php?option=...4&Itemid=64 "Because of the Inquisition in Spain, many Jews trying to save their lives and families had to publicly convert to Christianity. Even those who were able to flee to the new world did not escape these dangers. Thousands of faithful Sephardic Jews had no choice but to keep their true Jewish faith hidden. The name “Marranos”, meaning “swine” became the contemptuous name given to these Jews who were forced to convert, but who continued to practice Judaism in secret. They were neither trusted by those who refused conversion, or by the Catholic Church. The officers of the Inquisition made it their priority to routinely investigate Marranos to check if they had circumcised their newborns, if they were gathering to pray on Saturdays, or were gathering on any known Jewish feasts, particularly Passover and Yom Kippur. The Inquisition also required suspected Jews to eat pork in public, or before they went on a trip, to assure they were being good “Conversos”, converted ones to the faith of Catholics. Marranos are also known as Crypto-Jews, meaning “secret” Jews. They were Catholic by day and Jews by night. " Clearly, not many here understand the "faith" of Judaism at all. A good place to start would be here, the History Channel's "Moses" piece now on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU5CaGLzhMY Might want to also check out the pieces Joshua and David too. David has his family crucified so he, David, could be the uncontested "king." Nobody attended Joshua's funeral, because everyone thought he killed "Moses." The problem, of course, was which "Moses" and when. Joshua likely murdered at least two Moses... starting with the real one on top of Mt. Sinai. and, of course, the "Exodus" wasn't at all like the Charleton Heston movie. It was a slave revolt, at least according to the oldest Hebrew Torah we have. Subsequent versions were "revised" and "sanitized," culminating with the bloodless Moses played by Heston. Want more - How did the real Moses pull that off, freeing over 25k "workers" at an Egyptian construction site? 1. he needs to know where the big main Egyptian army is so he can avoid it. At the time of the Exodus, Moses, from Midian, watches the Egyptian Army march north towards Turkey. That is the "cue to skidoo." 2. Moses, now with a beard sewn up as "Egyptian," is disguised as an Egyptian prince, with fake "slaves" accompanying him (really Midianites part of the plot) to that site. As a fake "prince" (there were so many princes it was easy to confuse them, and death if you got one wrong), Moses was able to "bully" the guards left at the construction site, and get his hand-carried "taxi" inside. 3. Under his seat were hidden dozens of swords. Once inside, Moses knew he just needed to get them to those levites, who were great warriors (and hence not enslaved for 400 years, but rather max 4 or so years). 4. Once the levites are armed, the non-front line Egyptian troops there are toast, all are offed, and the looting starts 5. When approaching the Sinai peninsula, Moses is very concerned that the main Egyptian army may have gotten word of the slave revolt. When he sees an Egyptian force in front of him while chariots chase him from behind, Moses ducks south in fear that the main Egyptian army is right behind the "depot." But Moses has this well-planned, ditching the Egyptians in the Sea of Reeds Footnote: Egyptian "construction workers" were always portrayed as clean shaven. Everyone Moses liberated almost certainly had no beard. Now, how long does it take to grow a beard? 40 days and 40 nights??? -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
"Can you tell us some more about Tom? " Certainly. He is a liar. He doesn't care beans about the United States of America. He actively cheered the FRAUD of Global non-Warming, and is now desperately trying to poo-pooh it as "bad science" instead of the treasonous FRAUD it is and always was. He really loves when the US military is used to wipe out enemies of Israel. He hates it when anyone points out the truth of the above. He doesn't know JACK about football... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Amazingly enough, after the US saved his people from Japan in WW2, Mao hated the US, and hence fully supported those engaged in treason against the US, just like you... Indeed, W's policies were very Mao-ish. Big government, socializing senior drugs, responding to 911 first by unionizing baggage handlers, then by making Osama "not a priority." To sell his lies to justify Iraq, W broke our laws and treaties to 'board Gitmos. All the real AQs told their "contractor" "interrogators" that they wanted Saddam dead. One non AQ agreed, after 80+ 'boardings, to go in front of a TV camera and lie "Saddam is training AQ in chem" so that Cheney could then go on Meet the Press and say "we KNOW Saddam is training AQ in chem." THAT was the operating procedure of Mao to the letter, especially since the W crowd then offed that non-AQ in a prison in Libya - no "witness to treason" left alive. Thanks for bringing up Mao in relation to W. In the course of modern history, the top 4 names on the list of to help humanity the most, who would you go back in time to off before he does whatever he does.... 1. Stalin 2. Hitler 3. Mao 4. W For a completely obsessed American patriot totally unconcerned about anyone not American, W would be on top, because nobody in history ever harmed America more than W. -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
That's the best you can come up with, given the 500+ football opinions I've posted usually with at least a dozen posts there to disagree? Get real. Tell us, Tom, should we really respect, honor, and cherish this guy Moses? No question that his rescue of the 13 tribes from Egypt was one for the ages. What bugs me is this part where he orders the extermination of the Midianites, the ones who gave him refuge and comfort after he escaped from Egypt initially. The Torah states that Moses himself went out and ordered the Israelite troops to off every man woman and child Midianite. That just doesn't sound like an honorable guy whose first "commandment" is THOU SHALL NOT KILL. Then again, them Rabbis in NJ selling Palestinian body parts for 10 years, it isn't hard to figure out why they DO NOT have a problem with the behavior of "Moses," the "latter" one... or, is it possible that the levites killed Moses on top of Mt Sinai, replaced him with someone who needed, oh, about 40 days or so, to GROW A BEARD and be a fake "double" surrounded by what Dr. Richard Gabriel calls a "pretorian guard" of levites when he comes down from Mt. Sinai. That night, of course, ol' Mr. THOU SHALL NOT KILL goes off and has the levites off 3500 Israelites (that would be the real Moses' tribe, the only ones who really knew him and could identify him - now down to that famous 12 tribes) and hence, after Moses' tribe and the Midianites are completely exterminated, the fake Moses doesn't have to worry about being "outed." Indeed, another really obvious fraud in the Torah is the BS that Moses was a levite. Laughable. If Moses had been a levite, he would have joined the fight against the Amalakites(sp?) right after the crossing of the Sea of Reeds. Moses the "levite" not joining that fight would be like Leonitas chickening out and running as the Persians approached. Moses the real one wasn't a levite. He was a Midianite, which is why he fled to Midian. The levites offed the real Moses on top of Mt. Sinai, and the replacement is one of history's most ugly genocidal lunatics. Your religion is a celebration of genocide, fraud, and the murder of the greatest hero your people ever knew... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Just a difference of opinion between you and me. I think traitors should be executed. You think they should be elected... -
Another Global Warming threat.....
LaDairis replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It absolutely is fraudulent. The FRAUD began after the Global Cooling fizzled in the mid 1980s. Truth be told, that was the first mistake deliberately made by the media, accepting the "cooling" during Global Cooling, which is much more accurately described as cooling "on the surface of growing urban areas disproportionately in the northern hemisphere" because that's where the "data" originated. While Mann, Gore, and Hansen were too young to be behind Global Cooling, they were fascinated with the response the Time and Newsweek stories got. People BELIEVED Global Cooling. There is even a "SuperFreinds" cartoon episode about it. After inspecting the planet's temperature data in the mid 1980s, that being 1. slight overall warming on and up and down 30 year cycle pattern for Surface Ground - surface of growing urban areas 2. no warming in the atmosphere according to satellites and balloons 3. no warming in the oceans 4. no evidence of any net ice melt Mann and Hansen figured out that if they could just define "temperatures" as just Surface Ground, that series would "warm" as the cities where the measurements are taken grew over time. The timing was also perfect because SURFACE GROUND was coming off its 1970s "Global" "Cooling" near term lows and hence would likely swing higher in accordance with that 30 year or so pattern SURFACE GROUND shows (40-70 cooling, 70-98 warming, 99- cooling). The FRAUD was on. Leftist media allies would take it hook line and sinker, define those behind it as "the top scientists," censor all evidence refuting it, slander anyone questioning it, blaming each and every weather event on it (the latest being TIME claiming the snowstorms in DC are "because of" this "warming" that is only present ON THE SURFACE OF GROWING URBAN AREAS). Global Leftists saw tremendous opportunity to use THE FRAUD to GROW GOVERNMENT, RAISE TAXES, and INTRUDE ON PEOPLE's rights. The UN saw it as the ticket to empowering itself to TAX instead of BEG. Twenty years later, the felons behind it have deleted a lot of the data on which their claim's are based, the ClimateGate emails show vast conspiracies to lie, to fudge data, to deny access to sceptics, and to delete data after the "peer reviewed study" is out (cover the tracks of the real raw data which showed NO WARMING). Meanwhile, Planet Earth's data on temperature continues to read the following PRECISELY NO WARMING 1. in the atmosphere according to highly correlated satellites and balloons 2. in the oceans, even NPR admits it 3. on the surface of Antarctica and Siberia (no urban areas there) 4. PRECISELY NO NET ICE MELT 5. PRECISELY NO BREAKOUT IN CANE ACTIVITY 6. PRECISELY NO RISE IN OCEAN LEVELS You say that is not a "fraud." It was ALWAYS a FRAUD. -
Another Global Warming threat.....
LaDairis replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You don't quite get it. "Emissions" of CO2 aren't harming anything, because they aren't warming anything (the only accusation against CO2 is the phony "greenhouse" one), and hence every single dollar we spend on "reducing emissions" ... A) doesn't do anything and B) prevents that dollar from actually helping the real environment, such as in CA by building desal to reduce fresh water consumption and hence reduce those awful fires President Obama would earn a ton of respect if he checked the raw data himself and stopped wasting our taxdollars paying liars to keep lying to us. -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So, your "standard" here is that if someone starts a legit political topic, and gets nothing but factless insults as a result, he cannot slam his critics back? Then, again, for someone like you, getting our heroes in uniform killed for lies and nothing in our national interest isn't just a passion, it's a religion.... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Usually, one assumes that a politics board is a place to debate issues with facts and editorials and strategy. My first post clarified what our "US media" won't, that the election of this monster Ahmadinejad is 100% the fault of George W Bush's failure to pursue our US national interest post 911. Had W simply made OBL the "priority" and used our "allies" at the time to off Taliban, AQ, and OBL, Ahmadinejad never wins power in 2005. Actions have consequences. If you don't like Ahmadinejad, and you think the US and the world would be better off if Rafsanjani was still in power in Iran, you have one and only one individual to blame = George W Bush. That nobody here has even attempted to dispute the facts I present to back that up is a tribute to the accuracy of the facts and the shocking level of treason involved. -
Another Global Warming threat.....
LaDairis replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Oh, really... I've been calling it a FRAUD since 1995, and definitely since I first started posting here. Well, are you going to dispute that or agree with it, or stick your head back in the snow and toss another card. It IS a FRAUD, just as I've been saying all along, and precisely the FRAUD I identified, the DELIBERATE MISINTERPRETATION OF THE URBAN HEAT SINK EFFECT ON THE SURFACE GROUND TEMPERATURE SERIES the only "raw" series that shows any warming at all... -
which one of you said Tracy Porter sukks?
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
"I know where the University of South Florida's campus is, several of my good friends have gone there." It may just be me, but if I was going to a school to learn, I would want to go to a school that at least knows where it is located... Calling a school in Tampa "South Florida" is right up there with calling Dexter Manley a "student" at Oklahoma State... -
which one of you said Tracy Porter sukks?
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
LOL!! nice try. There may have been plays where Wayne's route carried him close enough to a safety as to matter, but the plan was Porter on Wayne, and nobody was part of a "double." Porter had Wayne in true man the vast majority of snaps, and whether a rolling zone or a deep ended up close to the action at the end of the play doesn't change that. -
which one of you said Tracy Porter sukks?
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Porter tore his wrist in week 5 of his rookie year and went on IR. He also missed a couple this year. Good thing the Saints had a bye. McKelvin has talent and could possibly develop into the coverage ace Porter was Day 1. ... nevermind McKelvin went 11 and Porter 40... or, in Draft value terms, McKelvin cost 3-4 times what Porter did... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Hiding treason behind the anti-semite card isn't going to cut it, but it does put you in the same company as the KKK, which called critics "anti-white." Truth be told, no W supporter has even attempted to dispute what I've posted here. Instead, they all out themselves as sub human traitors in dire need of a neck stretch. -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Endlessly parroting Zionist lies from fIXED doesn't make them true. If the "mullahs" were totally in charge, Rafsanjani would never have been in office. He was, for three terms, a time period where Iran did absolutely nothing wrong on the international stage, and we found them on 911 at war with those behind 911. HOW DID RAFSANJANI WIN in 2001, 1997, and 1993??? A: them mullahs are not in charge the way FIXED says they are... The full circle of the Zionist Treason that was W's War on Exclusively Anti-Israel Terror was to not only not off those behind 911, but instead to off those at war on 911 with those behind 911, all to cheers of millions of sold out treasonous invalids parroting FIXED lies like you... -
which one of you said Tracy Porter sukks?
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Nice.... -
"They guy is not good. He simply is not an NFL caliber QB. He made a living throwing screen passes and running the zone read option." Did you ever read a Draft guru report on Drew Brees before he was Drafted?
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I got that response many times over the past 10+ years explaining to science invalids that planet Earth was not warming, just the surface of growing urban areas. It is a tribute to your treasonous idiocy that you sit there as a so-called "Christian" supporting treasonous wars, lies, and selling out this country to the same folks who sold out Jesus to the Romans for crucifixion. Your religion has supported 1. attacking Ft. Sumter 2. enslaving a race because of color forever 3. jimCrow/segregation 4. bombing black churches 5. sicking attack dogs on black voters 6. intentional lies to get US troops killed for nothing in US national interest 7. making those behind 911 "not a priority" 8. breaking our laws and treaties to 'board a lie out of a Gitmo to justify the Iraq Treason Now, just how stupid would a (sub) human have to be to read the Bible, claim to be a follower of Christ, and support the above? You are the single lowest form of scum in the human species, below child molester and those rabbis selling Palestinian body parts. Jesus hates you. Jesus would like to see you, your pastor, and everyone involved in your pseudo Christian faith rounded up and exterminated as the traitors you truly are. -
There is a trade off, but it didn't matter for the Saints. Brees never completed a pass in the SB longer than 15 yards in the air, but his short throws were incredibly accurate... LeFevour and Brees have a lot in common.
which one of you said Tracy Porter sukks?
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Were you a Geography major at the University of "South" Florida? Hint: U of "South" Florida is in Tampa, which is in the NORTHERN HALF of the state of FLA... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
In other words, unless it comes from your pastor or your Zionist masters at FIXED NOISE, you won't accept it. Were you outraged when it came out that the "document" claiming Iraq was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger was determined to be a forgery? Did you ask "Who forged a document to dump our heroes in uniform in Iraq over intentional lies and precisely nothing in our national interest? NOPE... As a "Christian," you support lies that get our troops killed for nothing in our national interest, socialism as long as the socialist doing the socializing is a Bible Thumper just like you (with a sub 30 IQ as well), making Zionist crooks like Madoff above the law as long as such Zionists give W cash and say nice things about him in the media, mass Christian Bible Burnings in Israel directed by elected Israeli officials still in office... http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/05/28/...ning/index.html that one three days after W went to Israel and sukked up in a manner way beyond a "bow," deploying way too few troops to Afghan to get "not a priority" OBL and then flipping off our allies there, breaking our laws and treaties to "waterboard" prisoners to lie to justify the Iraq Treason. Indeed, there were some in the GOP in the late 1860s who argued that a mass hanging of Baptist pastors and other religious leaders who supported the attack on Ft Sumter was in order. They were right. Allowing such traitors to live then just allowed such traitors to breed new traitors to support W later... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You are to the GOP what Danny Glover is to the Dems. As for W's handling of China, well, China owns all the debt we had to print to cover for W's endless Bible Thumping Socialist porkfest. If W had just kept spending flat during his tenure mostly with a completely "Republican" Congress, we would still have an annual budget surplus... -
George W Bush is 100% responsible
LaDairis replied to LaDairis's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Rafsanjani won three times, and the radicals hated him. The Council does "certify" the election. The election is what matters. The elected President runs the day to day operations of Iran, and appoints who he wants (including who he wants to count ballots). The 80 year old mullahs don't run Iran day to day. They are the "supreme power," but they abided by the results of the three elections Rafsanjani won. The problem is Ahmadinejad. And W is 100% responsible for him winning in 05. Thanks for playing are you a treasonous sub human Bible Thumping Socialist W supporter who thinks the US exists to serve Israel as W did...