The GOP's platform appeals more to the family values
Oh baby... don't get me started!
Death to 100,000 Iraqi Families.
Reduction in retirred Vet Benefits
Ignoring 42 million uninsured Americans
Billions to Iraqis and Rich American Corps while slashing benefits and priorities to our domestic agenda including Homeland Security which was founded by Lieberman and first rejected by Bush
Dividing the country by using 9/11 instead of uniting it. Waste the world's sympathy for us with Ingorance and arrogance... Thus creating hatred for us worldwide. Using false evidence and the population's patriotism to execute a predetermined war that had nothing to do with our focus on those who attacked us. And then wasting resources on that which we could have used on our real enemy, national security, and worldwide cohesivness.
and on and on and on.
Ya, the Dems have their corrupt side too, but it usually doesn't involve massive national corruption that affetcs the good of the overall population, international embarrasment, worldwide destruction of our ethics, wasted budget discipline, pandering to Arabs, and on and on.
Family Values? You have been duped.
Go get them Gay Marrying types!