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Everything posted by Juliann

  1. Here ya go... http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/nationwor...ews-nationworld
  2. Worst: IRON CITY Best: Sam Adams
  3. YUP, Mostly right on.... But My Main Coon "Pursia" is way cool. Have her trained to fetch, come inside on one command no matter where she is, to come in the bed at night etc.... she is so smart. Plus she loves to cuddle in our bed at night. She's the best.
  4. HA! That's great.
  5. Oh, I forgot... In addition to: Hitler Carl Rove Brain Cox Louis Oliver Rush Limbaugh Satan Kim Jong Ill Milosevic Kahn Capone Fish and Jet Fans I forgot to add - KEVIN GILBRIDE Run the damn ball A.H!
  6. Hitler Carl Rove Brain Cox Louis Oliver Rush Limbaugh Satan Kim Jong Ill Milosevic Kahn Capone Fish and Jet Fans
  7. HA! YA, Bush is doing a bang up job on Foreign policy! That's the best one I've heard today...thanks forthe laugh!
  8. Clinton Ignored Osama???? Oh brother.
  9. Oh really... and your language sounds REALLY intellegent.
  10. Wasn't Bush against The Democrat's idea of creating Homland Security AND basing National Defense and Homeland Defense on joint capabilities??
  11. I'd gladly give it back, I think it was totally irresponsible... especially in a time of war, record deficits and spending etc.
  12. accomplished? What are they trying to accomplish? All I see is radical self serving legislation.
  13. I'm glad they are obstructionists... someone has to stop the destruction party. I can't think of one great thing this admin has done accept for the "Do Not Call List". Can anyone think of one?
  14. Talking points? Repeating Talking points? No, I don't think so. My opinions as an independant, whom thinks for herself and can judge with unbiased truth.. yes. Take your "one liners" somewhere else. Obviously you have NO worthy opinion, just happless critique and fear from an igloo with a gun at your side... Poor man, I feel for you.
  15. OK, I won't laugh at you or make fun of you... I guess I'll just say that I feel sorry for you and I hope that some day you will wake up and think on your own... think for your self... and have an awakening like others in history have had... Liberate yourself from the machine baby.
  16. No.... not at all. BUT,... Wow, some one has their head up a bush.
  17. HA! and speaking as a spiritual christian... Good one! Amen Baby, I found a friend.
  18. The GOP's platform appeals more to the family values Oh baby... don't get me started! Death to 100,000 Iraqi Families. Reduction in retirred Vet Benefits Ignoring 42 million uninsured Americans Billions to Iraqis and Rich American Corps while slashing benefits and priorities to our domestic agenda including Homeland Security which was founded by Lieberman and first rejected by Bush Dividing the country by using 9/11 instead of uniting it. Waste the world's sympathy for us with Ingorance and arrogance... Thus creating hatred for us worldwide. Using false evidence and the population's patriotism to execute a predetermined war that had nothing to do with our focus on those who attacked us. And then wasting resources on that which we could have used on our real enemy, national security, and worldwide cohesivness. and on and on and on. Ya, the Dems have their corrupt side too, but it usually doesn't involve massive national corruption that affetcs the good of the overall population, international embarrasment, worldwide destruction of our ethics, wasted budget discipline, pandering to Arabs, and on and on. Family Values? You have been duped. Go get them Gay Marrying types!
  19. I hear the Fish are considering signing Kieth Traylor and Ty Law.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I know exactly how you feel. Ilost my "best friend" last year too. The best thing to do is to get a new "friend" in a couple months. It really helps. But nothing will ever take the place of him. It's so hard, I know. But I believe that our pets go to heaven too, and we'll see them all again one day.
  21. Sunny and 80 here in South Florida... as usual.
  22. My question is,why was the stuff in a safe deposit box... wouldn't the police have had it?
  23. We also were introduced to maybe a new character... (ART) the science teacher.
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