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  1. Here ya go... http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/nationwor...ews-nationworld
  2. Worst: IRON CITY Best: Sam Adams
  3. YUP, Mostly right on.... But My Main Coon "Pursia" is way cool. Have her trained to fetch, come inside on one command no matter where she is, to come in the bed at night etc.... she is so smart. Plus she loves to cuddle in our bed at night. She's the best.
  4. HA! That's great.
  5. Oh, I forgot... In addition to: Hitler Carl Rove Brain Cox Louis Oliver Rush Limbaugh Satan Kim Jong Ill Milosevic Kahn Capone Fish and Jet Fans I forgot to add - KEVIN GILBRIDE Run the damn ball A.H!
  6. Hitler Carl Rove Brain Cox Louis Oliver Rush Limbaugh Satan Kim Jong Ill Milosevic Kahn Capone Fish and Jet Fans
  7. HA! YA, Bush is doing a bang up job on Foreign policy! That's the best one I've heard today...thanks forthe laugh!
  8. Clinton Ignored Osama???? Oh brother.
  9. Oh really... and your language sounds REALLY intellegent.
  10. Wasn't Bush against The Democrat's idea of creating Homland Security AND basing National Defense and Homeland Defense on joint capabilities??
  11. I'd gladly give it back, I think it was totally irresponsible... especially in a time of war, record deficits and spending etc.
  12. accomplished? What are they trying to accomplish? All I see is radical self serving legislation.
  13. I'm glad they are obstructionists... someone has to stop the destruction party. I can't think of one great thing this admin has done accept for the "Do Not Call List". Can anyone think of one?
  14. Talking points? Repeating Talking points? No, I don't think so. My opinions as an independant, whom thinks for herself and can judge with unbiased truth.. yes. Take your "one liners" somewhere else. Obviously you have NO worthy opinion, just happless critique and fear from an igloo with a gun at your side... Poor man, I feel for you.
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