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Everything posted by mackey7789

  1. I don't know - I thought the figures shown is paid attendance? Do we not sell all of the seats? A bunch of people I know wanted tix to this game but they couldn't get any. But yet we are shown at 89%? I dont get it.
  2. Why does it show the Bills only filled to 89% capacity? I thought we were completely sold out. This was the case the last few years as well. I know our stadium seats 73,000 but we only had 71,000 this week? Does someone know why this is? http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/attendance
  3. It will be partly cloudy by game time. Plus the worse will track to our east. Game time should be fine if the current track goes as planned.
  4. Still no direct quote from Ralph. The only evidence you provided was what everyone knows - the team will be sold after he passes. Does he say "to the highest bidder no matter who they are or where they want them moved"? No. I seriously doubt he has nothing in his will that will steer the sale in someones favor. I also highly doubt that the NFL will let a buyer from LA win the bid over a similar buyer from WNY. This happens all the time in franchise transactions. Bottom line - nobody knows what will happen after he passes. Thankfully, we have a loyal fanbase and a commissioner from WNY. Not to mention, people like Schumer and Kelly who appear to have their ducks in a row. There has certainly been behind the scene discussions that nobody knows about. Only time will tell. I still would like to see a direct quote that indicates it will go to the highest bidder no matter what. Still have not seen it.
  5. Find a quote because i've read every article on here and i've never seen that.
  6. ...the team "will go to the highest bidder" after he passes away. I read this all the time - people mentioning this on message boards, on web sites, etc. I would like a quote where Ralph Wilson has said his team will be sold to the "highest bidder" when he dies. I can't understand why he would take his lifelong work and have it sold to someone who has no ties to his family or friends. Please find me a quote or an article - i'd like to see it from the horses mouth because I think it's all speculation.
  7. Thanks for all of the info! I can't wait to get the hell out of this weather. 6 inches of snow today just north of Syracuse.
  8. I will be in Clearwater Beach Florida all next week and i was wondering if anyone knew where I could watch the Sabres games (bar/restaurant)- particularly the playoff games! Someone told me of a few places to watch the games but I can't remember where they said to go. I would love to watch it with other Sabres fans. Does anyone have any advice??? Anyone know if any places has NHL center ice? Thanks.
  9. I planned on sitting here at work all day staring at the schedule until my eyes bled. Now i have to wait until next week to do that. I might actually have to work now
  10. They actually pushed the announcement of the schedule to next week I guess. Blows. It was on ESPN earlier in the week.
  11. WGR550- Chargers Running Back Michael Turner will pay a visit to One Bills Drive today. Turner is a potential trade option for Buffalo. He is a quality back-up Running Back sitting behind MVP LaDainian Tomlinson on the depth chart. http://www.wgr550.com/fullstory.php?id=2296 Let the speculation end - he's definitely here today. I wouldn't let him leave without getting this thing done. I think a 2nd or a swap of 1st round pick will get it done.
  12. Good - now that puts us in a very good position for Turner. The Chargers are running out of options. Throw a 2nd their way and call it a day.
  13. I heard that it was a 3rd this year and a conditional 1st based on performance. I guess this is all speculation though.
  14. From our other Bills board.....WGR55 is reporting... "Michael Turner's agent is meeting with a team to negotiate a contract and that team is believed to be the Buffalo Bills according to Jeremy White on Wgr 550am in Buffalo, they didnt elaborate but if that is the case then maybe the Bills and SD have agreed on a trade, maybe not pure speculation, just found it interesting that WGR is reporting this!" Git' er done
  15. This is definitely getting interesting! Thats a good deal IMO. Get rid of this locker room cancer and get some character in here.
  16. Looks like we're going to sign Chris Brown today. Sirius NFL radio just said that his agent cancelled his scheduled visit in Detroit tomorrow and is still in Buffalo - probably working out the details of a contract. The Ravens also left a "take it or leave it" offer to Jamal Lewis. The people on Sirius seem to think that we are going to trade McGahee to the Ravens for a 2nd round pick. I hope we can land Briggs when all is said and done as well. C. Brown with Rhodes and/or a draft pick would be a good backfield in my mind.
  17. "Partying for Dummys" by Jim Kelly, Illustrated by Andre Reed and Kent Hull
  18. I totally agree. I live in Syracuse and I believe that the Rochester and Syracuse markets are tapped out. They should move training camp to St. Catherines or Hamilton and market in southern Ontario much more than they do. If they did a better job at it then every game would sell out. They aren't doing enough marketing to these immense populations.
  19. Am I reading this report right......The Bills made the 13th most amount of money (operating income) in the NFL? Thats not bad if you ask me.
  20. I'll be heading down to Clearwater Beach, FL at the beginning of April and i was wondering if anyone had some advice. I'm not sure where to stay and where to go while we're down there. I'll be there with my wife and my parents. We're looking for a nicer resort with a bar (on the beach or near the pool). Also - what is the best nightlife while we're down there? We are looking to stay at a place near good dining and good nightlife. Any help would be great. Thanks!
  21. He's gotta be the worst starting QB in the league. It's a shame for the Bears because with a different QB they would be a whole lot better. It's sad watching him try to lead this team to the superbowl.
  22. Boy am I glad we don't have Eli on our team. He shows no emotion and looks like he never has a clue. I don't ever see him turning into a good QB. Not a winner, not a motivator, looks like his team has no confidence in him.
  23. I mean why did they flex that game? I'm not complaining but i will prolly start to forget the end of the game considering the fact that my driniking begins at 2:00 that day. This game means nothing to either team.
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