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Everything posted by mackey7789

  1. I am convinced we will never become a winning team until Ralph Wilson sells the team. He doesn't care about the fans - I would be the happiest person in the world if he sold the team to Kelly's investors. He just needs to sell the team.
  2. I totally agree with this post - as long as he owns the team he will underpay for coaches and cry poor. Kelly has a group of people lined up to buy the team. They will DEFINITELY be more committed than RW. If he holds onto this team any longer he will lose half of the fan base, no doubt.
  3. I sat McNabb, went to the waiver wire, picked up Losman, and started him as well!
  4. Oh yeah, given the overwhelming demand for tickets and the long lines at the ticket windows, I'm sure they are dieing to add more games to this!! This whole initiative is a big joke if you ask me. One of the most embarrassing projects I can ever remember for the city of Toronto.
  5. http://www.wtvh.com/sports/35640644.html THE BILLS GAME IS ON IN SYRACUSE!!!!! Why do people think the Bretts game is on?
  6. LOL Toronto is a joke - it's already an embarrassment. This will be THE SMALLEST CROWD to watch an NFL game ALL YEAR!!!! What a complete and utter joke this whole project has been. I guess we know Toronto WILL NEVER get an NFL team.
  7. Actually I am not wrong. Last week there were AT LEAST 9,000 tickets UNSOLD according to an article from the Toronto newspaper. As for the blackout - Toronto is considered our market now. SO i am assuming there will be a blackout. I could be wrong about the blackout rules but the amount of tickets is correct.
  8. Actually there are 9,000 tickets remaining - and yes it will be blacked out in Buffalo,
  9. FACT: We will continue to settle for 2nd rate coaches as long as RW owns the team. If he cannot spend the money necessary to bring in a top coach, SELL THE TEAM. Jim Kelly's crew will buy the team, keep them in Buffalo, and run it much more effectively. Otherwise - we will always be middle-of-the-road. We are too used to mediocre talent/ownership - it shows by your response to change. Change that would bring about success. Change that is necessary.
  10. Are you kidding me? You are delusional if you are satisfied with the front office/player moves FOR THE PAST DECADE. Ralph is CHEAP, he does not pay for coaching and it shows on the field. I truly believe that we will never win with him as the owner. He is past his time - sell the team so he can pad his pockets - then we can move on and have a product to look forward to.
  11. FACT: as long as RW is the owner of this team, we will never be good. He is a cheap, old, senile loser who refuses to put a good product on the field. But still - the Bills fans continue to fill the stadium and accept a 7-9 or 8-8 record every year. We are by far the most loyal fans in the entire league. He needs to either sell the team to someone more committed OR hire a proven winner like Bill Cowher. Hand Cowher the keys, pay him 6 or 7 million per year to be our coach/GM, and start winning. Why is Ralph doing this to us?
  12. The game is not going to sell out - as of last week there were 10,000 UNSOLD TICKETS. If they sell out it will not be a "true" sell-out.
  13. Ralph Wilson NEEDS to sell the team. I don't get what he is trying to accomplish here. We are an amazing fanbase who has suffered through 10 years of crap. SELL THE TEAM TO SOMEONE WHO WILL COMMIT TO WINNING.
  14. The weather man here in Syracuse alluded to the fact that there could be a Nor'easter for the end of the weekend and into the beginning of next week. Depending on the temperature it could be all snow or a mixture of snow and rain. Regardless....it may be a pretty interesting weather day in Central/Western NY on Monday!! Personally, I hope it snows all day and into the night. The Bills need us on Monday night more than ever. I think we can get back on track and win a few in a row. We have the easiest schedule in the AFC the rest of the year!
  15. We will rebound on Monday night - no doubt.
  16. So that must mean that the Dolphins owner is broke - man that stadium is always empty! And think about Jacksonville, Oakland, Atlanta, Arizona, Minnesota, St. Louis. If those owners have to pay the league for every unsold ticket, they should move immediately. We are in better shape than most people think - I have no doubts that the league recognizes the fanbase here. We have a top 5 fanbase in the league IMO.
  17. Trent will start - I saw him out the other night and he looked fine. No worries.
  18. There's no thread about it....thought this site was behind once again
  19. Check out the bills roster and the depth chart - Jackson has been deleted from BOTH. Also - look at his wikipedia page....says he was traded to Kansas City.
  20. She knows what she married into - the Bills are a big part of our life, but she probably won't understand. There's a bar that has Sunday Ticket about 1.5 miles away from the reception hall. I either go there or listen to it on my phone. Either way I am not going to miss this game or any game for that matter.
  21. One would think - it sucks. I refuse to miss this game - my wife will be pissed when I leave for a sports bar but oh well. Sucks there are no radio stations in NYC for the bills.
  22. My wife is the bridesmaid in a wedding next Sunday during the Bills game (Fountainhead in New Rochelle/Scarsdale near NYC). No clue why they would schedule a wedding on a Sunday during football. Does anyone know the AM or FM radio station in the NYC area to catch the Bills game? Or any nearby bars that may have the game? I plan on wiring a headphone in my ear at the ceremony. I am also open to disappearing to find a nearby bar. I have not missed a Bills game in person or on TV since 1996. Not about to miss this one. Please let me know if you can help!!!
  23. Heres what I wrote him: Way to jab every Bills fan in the back with your "Toronto Bills" reference. You are probably a loser Philly fan who "rules" at being a total douchebag. The Bills have the best fans in the NFL - diehard fans who tailgate from Friday til Sunday in some cases. You have no clue what real fans are in a real football atmosphere until you visit Ralph Wilson Stadium. Yes, we have to "tap" to the Toronto market because money rules and corporate sponsorship is essential in today's NFL. But to leave the word "Buffalo" out of the "Buffalo Bills" is idiotic. Have fun being a huge loser in the biggest loser town of all - Phithadelphia Pennsylvania. I can rest assured that our Sabres and Bills will always beat up on your loser teams as long as I live. BUFFALO BILLS - #1 in the AFC and soon to be AFC champs. !@#$ing douchebag.
  24. What a total loser....i just sent him an email. BOMBARD his email inbox...... russakoffrules@comcast.net
  25. Agreed - looking at the attendance figures from last year and this year, I don't think they sell all 73,000 tickets. Or at least they arent available to the general public. In 2003 we would sell to capacity but for some reason, even though we're sold out, 71,500 seems to be the selling cap now.
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