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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. I am attending a wedding tomorrow for my friend's son, and have decided to give a cash gift. Just wondering, for two people attending the reception, what is a nice amount of money? The couple are in their early twenties, and both come from nice families. I expect it to be a very nice wedding reception. Any advice is appreciated. I want to give a nice gift of cash, but do not want to overdo it.
  2. Arnold would be a tough one, first you would have to change the Constitution to allow naturalized citizens to be Prez.
  3. Naaa, but the media does have a tendency to frame their stories in a way that makes it look like fresh journalism. Covering one person is always easier than covering a movement, e.g. much more broadcast journalism is devoted to the president than what happens in congress. Just a limitation of the broadcast format.
  4. The Nation magazine profiled Cindy Sheehan as early as March 2005. To characterize her protest as spontaneous is indeed misleading. This was done with forethought to the publicity it would generate.
  5. or relative to the statuary at Salvatore's Italian Gardens, the man is blazing.
  6. The political right is losing control of the narrative they created for this war. I would describe the sentiments of most as "disillusionment" rather than "anti-war." BTW if anyone is interested Orbis Foreign Policy Reseach Institute put this arcticle on US Casualties in the public domain: Fatalities in Iraq over 2 years PDF 16 pp.
  7. I think Leonard is headed for the practice squad, but may get a roster spot with an injury down the road. Welcome to the Wall!
  8. I hope he is smart enough to get rid of that freak-dancing old bald man in the marketing campaigns.
  9. I'm not sure if Clements is worth the money or not, but it is amazing how well your corners play when you have a good pass rush.
  10. they think he's fast in the abstract, but not in the concrete.
  11. I say nobody scores a single TD, Pats included, and the only score is a freak safety against the offense all year. Total points against us for the year: 2 (Wow, great brownies with my coffee):
  12. At least he doesn't work at Hooters.
  13. Welcome to the community!
  14. This is worrying. OG should be meat-eatin slobbering.... wait where is Coach Dickerson? Great Post Eball, I would have missed that.
  15. The AD dance Version: Aborto de Retatta! What a wonderful phrase Aborto de Retatta! Ain't no passing craze It means crap cookin' for the rest of your days It's our cul-i-nary...colostomy Aborto de Retatta!
  16. Money Charisma an Angry Electorate and: a great plague in which successive Democratic and Republican administrations prove to be equally incompetent.
  17. I was wondering when they were going to start using that phrase "tipping point," it may very well prove to be, but I doubt it. I was looking at Zogby who states: "Only 38 per cent give the president a positive rating for handling it (Iraq). And, today, the linkage between Iraq and the war on terrorism that has worked for Mr Bush in the past is taking its toll. Barely a majority give the president positive marks for handling the war on terrorism - down from 66 per cent when he was re-elected in 2004. " Aug 10,2005 But this doesn't represent a widespread anti-war movement as much as Bush's failure to clearly articulate what needs to be accomplished and how long it will take. Another social convention that prevents the "tipping point" is that currently the military and the celebration of military values is seen as the remedy for the things plaguing the country. (e.g. Terrorism, selfishness, greed, lack of sacrifice) If I am thinking like a marketing guy, I am betting against a widespread anti-war movement developing from this (although I do believe there is long overdue, nationwide discussion needed for the role of the military in this country, but that is another thread)
  18. I heard the same story from a guy that works at Mighty Taco. Don't make me explain, but it is true.
  19. But it is all no good unless he makes that noise: Nent-nent-nent-nent-nyaaaa When he hits the holes.
  20. Don't watch much ESPN any more. But I still love Baseball Tonight and I will lose sleep to watch it.
  21. Roscoe wouldn't tell me or Jerry Sulivan how he pronouces his last name. They don't want that stuff getting out.
  22. I was wondering that too... from his website: In his home town of Miami Beach, Florida, Firestone began his career as a sports reporter and anchor before moving to Los Angeles as a sports anchor for KCBS-TV (1977-85). He was host of ESPN's SportsLook (1980-90) and is currently host of Up Close Prime Time. He hosts Mark Cuban's HDNet Face To Face With Roy Firestone and AOL's Time Out With Roy Firestone. Firestone currently lives in Los Angeles.
  23. I am Catholic that thinks it is okay to use condiments.
  24. I'll trade you Willis's cell # for Roscoe's #. Roscoe said the arm has to come off above the elbow. Rosenturd is going to want compensation.
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