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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Generally speaking, Fire Departments attract the best people.
  2. I think virtual Lindy Ruff, should start mixing up his virtual checking line. If they loose this one, I think virtual Lindy could be replaced by a virtual replacement for next years virtual sabres. And when are they going to the virtual throwback uniforms. Blue and Gold, baby.
  3. I seem to remember that Neighbor's Pub near Kenmore Ave has a damn good burger too.
  4. university administrations and faculty are always at a state of war, and at best at detente. I wish I had tenure at my job, how many of us would last a week if we said whatever we wanted. They can never get fired.
  5. interesting take. Okay then, let's say that the faculty tend to be leftist, but the administration and boards of trustees, and the alumni tend to be conservative. Admissions, anyway, are conservative.
  6. some Great Western New York burgers: Tom Wahl's- always go there after waterskiing The Burton - the Burton Burger in Olean, NY- When Canisius plays the Bonnies we go down early Earl's- Rt. 16 don't know the name of the town
  7. I expect that when people start to draft next year, they will put the Rosen-wennie factor into the weighting for draft picks. I wouldn't be suprised if many of his clients slip in drafts because GM's will try to find equitable talent with less possibility of a holdout that hurts the team.
  8. TD is calling a uniform change major news, just to mess with us.
  9. Aside, Check out the documentary on the Carter Family on American Experience on PBS if you get a chance, amazing documentary.
  10. My reply was somewhat tongue in cheek. These institutions are not liberal. They do more in America to serve the status quo than any Republican in the John Birch Society. First of all, their legacy programs that have preferential admissions for donors and sons and daughters seem to insure that the same type of people are getting in from year to year. Sometime up to 40% of a freshman class is from the Legacies, so that leaves 60% trying to get in competitively, and those that get in based on merit have already attended some of the best high schools I wonder how many Orchard Park grads get into Ivy league compared to Niagara Falls. I would bet big bucks it would be OP, so there is an economic filter to live in the places with the best high schools that would prepare you to get into a Harvard, or a Yale. The Ivy League is Status Quo. The arguments against affirmative action rarely include discussions of legacies which is an embedded affirmative action for the rich.
  11. My college roomate prefered to be called Black rather than African American, but it wasn't ivy league, sorry.
  12. Welcome to the wall Satch.
  13. I was always partial to that whitesnake video. That and ZZ Tops Legs.
  14. Why do you think these are opposing theories? If there is intelligent design, then the design is inside the data. If the same data leads us to an evolutionary theory, then that too is intelligent design. To claim otherwise is to make a theological claim, not a scientific one.
  15. Ted's. (with a double order of Onion Rings!)
  16. I think we can count on US troops being well entrenched in that theater for at least the next decade.
  17. From the same column: "A recent Harvard study shows that nearly half of all personal bankruptcies in this country are caused by costly illnesses and medical bills. And surprisingly, more than three quarters of the debtors who sought court protection from creditors had some health insurance coverage at the onset of the illness that triggered bankruptcy." for 1500 years in most of Europe, charging excessive interest was a sin in which Dante had a place in hell for. The Usurers - now we just accept it. Most of us are one medical emergency away from bancruptcy. But with no bankrutpcy, I guess we can bring back debtor prisons.
  18. You guys are all great! thanks for all the help.
  19. Thanks, I hadn't thought about him getting across the border. Letchworth is a super idea as well. I don't think we'll get as far as Toronto, but thanks for that idea. Darien Lake could be fun. The rapid ride sounds great, never been on that myself. Are there any concerts going on? I seem to remember he likes rock music.
  20. Thanks for all these replies! Bison's are in town. That is great, he loves baseball, and I hadn't thought of that. Where is the Wegman's I should go to? on what street?
  21. Thanks! maybe a taste of Sheridan. Didn't think of the Albright-Knox. He is coming in from Japan. Not sure if he would be into the Canadian Ballet, I hadn't thought of that. He manages and opens resturants. Thanks for helping. I have never seen th Darwin Martin House myself. He actually lives a half a mile away from a Lloyd Wright in Japan.
  22. I have a friend visiting from out of country. He has decided he would like to spend a few days in Buffalo, so I am going to pick him up at BUF and show him around for 3 or four days. I figured I would take him to the Falls, and maybe to Duff's or the Anchor Bar, but I am really at a loss for keeping him busy for 4 days and giving him a great impression of the area. Any ideas? I don't live in Buffalo, but often come into see family. He should be coming in on May 18th and staying about a week.
  23. They have. Al Arabia http://www.alarabiya.net/english.aspx and a decent outline of the players: http://fairuse.1accesshost.com/news3/spreading.html
  24. Your dream means this: You are Mad, absolutely Mad, seek therapy.
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