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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. This type of thing would have Travis Henry doing a 20 yr. sentence if a judge really wanted to screw him! (15 yr. old girl that said she was 18)
  2. Some advice I got from a friend to pass along: How to treat a Woman It is not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be: 1. A friend 2. A companion 3. A lover 4. A brother 5. A father 6. A master 7. A chef 8. An electrician 9. A carpenter 10. A plumber 11. A mechanic 12. A decorator 13. A stylist 14. A sexologist 15. A gynaecologist 16. A psychologist 17. A pest exterminator 18. A psychiatrist 19. A healer 20. A good listener 21. An organiser 22. A good father 23. Very clean 24. Sympathetic 25. Athletic 26. Warm 27. Attentive 28. Gallant 29. Intelligent 30. Funny 31. Creative 32. Tender 33. Strong 34. Understanding 35. Tolerant 36. Prudent 37. Ambitious 38. Capable 39. Courageous 40. Determined 41. True 42. Dependable 43. Passionate WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 44. Give her compliments regularly 45. Love shopping 46. Be honest 47. Be very rich 48. Not stress her out 49. Not look at other girls IN ADDITION, YOU MUST: 50. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself 51. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself 52. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes 53. It is very important that you never forget: * Birthdays * Anniversaries * Arrangements she makes HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY: 1. Shag him 2. Leave him in peace
  3. I guess I am less likely to see things through a Right/Republican Left/Democrat prism than you may be. I tend to think that the expansion of presidental powers in the last 30 years is a detriment to our democracy, (I disliked both Clinton and now Bush) and your characterization of the left as pedophile coddling, america hating, abortion cheering, etc. is an unhelpful characterization that stymies most debate about how this country's democratic institutions are being slowly dismantled by Multinational Corporations. I also see how the tax burden of federal government has been shifted once to the states and now to poor counties cloaked as tax cuts. My Federal Tax savings are a hell of a lot less then what I now have to pay extra do to the local Medicade/Medicare burdens. Where Democrats have lost the card game is in their failure to address the needs of a rural electorate. The Republicans have won this segment of the electorate by paying lip service to their moral values. But keep up the anger if it makes you happy, and I would bet that Joe Six's characterization of the left would probably only describe 1% of 1% of the electorate.
  4. Thank the Lord (whoops, great creator spirit) that there are more than one of us out there. I am too busy hating soldiers, plotting ways to overthrow america, and thinking up ways too be more caring for our societies pedophiles that I almost forgot that there are (sniff) more than one of us out there.
  6. If you go to prison, your new neighbors will let you know what they think
  7. I am not a pot user, but have seen pot help my loved ones with chemotherapy when they had cancer. The supreme court has now thrown this back to the lawmakers. time to legalize it. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050606/D8AI7BO80.html
  8. i think NFL licensing agrrements make this prohibitive. Having said that, I'd sign it.
  9. I used to pray that Kay Stephenson would die a horrible death. The guilt after all these years is overwhelming.
  10. A very good question. The extra 10% must be purchased on credit at 13-18% interest, so once they have to pay that back usually their next effort is only 82-87%, which is seldom good enough to win. Never tell kids to give 110%, it leads to bad habits.
  11. That and the saying "whoever wants it more will win," boy, I hate that one.
  12. Nothing. But that isn't the entire scope of the law. Just having the stuff within certain perimeters over a certain amount is intent to distribute. So, if I have cancer and smoke pot for medicinal puposes, and I am picking my kid up at a video arcade the law gives feds the scope to lock me up if I am reading this correctly.
  13. Fox, to my surprise was reporting the new Iraqi government's numbers. So.....the new Iraqi government wouldn't report anything inaccurate, would they? 12,000 Iraqi civilians were killed, including more than 10,000 Shiites, Interior Minister Bayan Jabr said, citing figures from a research center
  14. TD got Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes together.
  15. So while I comfort Col. Klink, you and Frenchie go out the tunnel to the west road after distracting Schultz....
  16. Sorry Bad feet, and Herpes are non-starters. And next to Cruise she looses all of that girl next door charm.
  17. SAW IT. IT WAS SAD, SAD, SAD. there is reality programming, but this was far too real. Just no hiding the fact they all suck, and except for Arrested Development, they all did.
  18. why on earth would you believe that there is anything typical, or typically liberal about that?
  19. Rummy seemed okay with their reports in 2003... "Anyone who has read Amnesty International or any of the human rights organizations about how Saddam treats his people, heck he used chemicals on his own people as well as on his neighbors." -- Rumsfeld in 2003 but now this organization lacks credibility?
  20. So you are hoping that terrorists kill innocent people, and call this a good thing?
  21. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c109...09UcEJmC:e1184: I love this stuff. Seems to include Pot.
  22. I saw that on WB. The Frog outfoxes Fox.
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