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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Anybody see on the CBS Evening News the video clip of the Chinese Farmers getting massacered. Looked on Yahoo and Google and there is nothing. I have seen other stories on China removed within minutes from Yahoo, I guess their real interest lies in the Chinese Market and not in a free press. The clip showed farmers protesting in rural China and then getting shot at and clubbed by what were believed to be government men. scroll about halfway down to see video clip: http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/ma...nel=eveningnews
  2. Hang in there Campy, wishing you and your family all the strength and fortitude in the world to handle this.
  3. Dude, switch to tea at home, and Tim Horton's coffee on the road and I think you will think life et. all is much less stupider!
  4. Ask yourself this, if a District Attorney refuses to prosecute a crime, does that mean justice has been done? If DA's on the local level refuse to prosecute crimes for whatever reason, does it not make sense to empower the US Attorney General? Phew, I got through that without calling you any names
  5. That's right, Silver and Red is vulnerable right now, and in danger of following our advice
  6. The thing about lynching that makes it different from murder was that it was not necessarily about merely murdering someone. They were public spectacles that were attended by as many as 7000 people, and their purpose was to keep an entire class of people from getting uppitty, or exercising their constitutional rights: and sometimes it was for the grave offense of opening a store on mainstreet. From 1880 - 1960 I believe it is estimated that upwards of 5000 people were lynched with the tacit approval of local and state governments that didn't believe that the 14th amendment applied to them. It was murder, yes, but the Congress gave no recourse to those deprived of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." So to say it is merely like a "hate crime" law is to ignore the systemic problem that the south dealt with for a century. NOBODY was prosecuted, because it wasn't considered murder.
  7. Cookie Gilchrist - to pound the snot out of defenses Bruce Smith - to pound the snot out of quarterbacks
  8. Happy to see Jessica looking healthy, but...... I am kinda weeping at the same time to see Willie doing this kinda shmaltz.
  9. and those handlebars are for earthquakes.
  10. somebody find this man a support group.
  11. Well, yes, if you believe that News is the entertainment business. Call it what you will, but it is not good journalism. The media love these types of cases these days because, all they have to do in terms of investigative journalism is put a mike to the face of some police spokesperson, and exploit the grief of the family and friends that know the girl. (remember the Simpson's episode: "We are sending our love down a well.") Gripping stuff .....but expect much more of the same in the years to come. News rooms can package this stuff on the cheap.
  12. I was referring to my own lack of empathy. One girl missing is sad, but like the runaway bride in georgia, it is hardly proportionate to the amount of media attention it is receiving.
  13. so with Mark Cambell it should be the M-gun
  14. Not to sound to crude but: High School Student goes to bar and disappears and it is 24/7 news. A coup d'etat happens in Haiti or Bolivia and not one reporter is sent there.
  15. For you this is good info: For the Chiefs fan tell him usually 60-65 degrees. T-shirt should be fine.
  16. The question is, who would you rather be? I like the possibilties on the holo-deck. Jean-Luc = Holodeck Shattner = Priceline.com * T.J. Hooker / Denny Crane
  17. Tell her that you need to have sex just one more time, tell her you need this just to be sure that what you once had was real. Beg, plead, tell her she owes you only this, as an act of compassion. Once this happens, wait for climax and start shouting the name of her best friend. Once your finished say......."I knew there was still a spark." * *** I highly recommend not attempting this, but it does cross many men's minds.
  18. I can't believe that AD would want to belong to any militia that would want him as a member.
  19. On the Contrary, My little Head of Potato?? them ad hominem attacks keep getting more and more brutal
  20. You are so right. Hulkster retires, and I can't even work up a good sniff.... What is wrong with me?
  21. http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/2005/n...50610-3621.html
  22. TD hates fried baloney sandwiches with Weber's mustard.
  23. So if abortion becomes illegal. Who goes to jail? -the Doctor? -the Woman? -the person that drove her to the clinic? I am against abortion in principle but do not see a way to legislate it away.
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