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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. I would imagine they would need something to get through that.
  2. Only when Emeril isn't on the food channel.
  3. It is better to have seen a yellow bird and have almost named it, then to have never seen a yellow bird at all.
  4. "England's Paul Casey withdrew from the second round after shooting an opening mind-numbing 15-over 85." Something in me loves to see this now and then.
  5. Congrats. Best advice I could give you is to learn all you can about Rugby, Cricket, and the Maori. What city?
  6. One of my co-workers claims to know Travis a little bit. The word is, the guy is broke. It's all about a new contract, and needing a signing bonus now.
  7. no reason to be so hard on yourself, we are all friends here.
  8. Stay healthy Willis. (I repeat 20 times each night before sleep)
  9. Lifeguards are clearing the beach now so I'm getting out. If anyone asks I wasn't here, okay?
  10. thanks AD, let me rephrase.... Cheney and his underground lair Rock! oh well, I guess the moment was lost. I had my chance the first time.
  11. I was never a big Cheney fan. But now that I know he has a subterreanan underground lair, and he is prepared to use it, makes me think he may have some hot Bond type girls down there. Dick rocks!
  12. I just damned him to hell.
  13. if you read the congressional record the speech he gave was that it should. (what was strike one?)
  14. Damn you Durbin for using clumbsy hypotheticals to finish your point with 30 seconds left in your alloted time to defend the Geneva Convention, Damn you to Hell.
  15. Durbin is not the WSJ's resident retard.
  16. read the congressional record and see if you think that Taranto is fairly characterizing the scope and content of Durbin's speech: in pdf: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/ge...94&position=all
  17. My point is that James Taranto, the WSJ’s resident retard, is throwing out a little red meat hyperbole: "We are fighting an enemy that murdered 3,000 innocent people on American soil 3 1/2 years ago and would murder millions more if given the chance--and according to Dick Durbin, our soldiers are the Nazis."
  18. Dick Durbin should stop using Rhetorical devices that point out that American behaviour should never be that of the Nazi's. By doing this he is hurting peoples feelings and must stop. After all it is a choice between Torture or Nuclear holocaust, isn't it?
  19. what Durbin said: "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime--Pol Pot or others--that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners." Where did he call anyone a Nazi?
  20. I changed my mind again. Picard!
  21. The girl was found dead.
  22. And we need this amendment because of all the flag burning we see everyday in America? We don't need such an amendment. Even more importantly, as an American I find would find it offensive that we would need to raise the flag to a sacred or constitutional status. Any symbol is a poor substitute for the force of the ideas already in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
  23. I changed my mind. Kirk.
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