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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. the debate about Gitmo? or the real issue: that Durbin used America and Pol Pot in the same sentence?
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050621/ap_on_...tanamo_durbin_3 As many of you know, I think what he said was not the most polished.... But.......oh well.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH. This just about guarentees that there will be nothing of substance spoken about the matter for some time to come.
  3. I actually thought AI's report was pretty tame. (though a spokesperson is resposible for the Gulag reference which the organization backed off, the report itself is not suprising) http://web.amnesty.org/report2005/usa-summary-eng Is there anything in there that is suprising or objectionable?
  4. That's a refreshing idea, on-line nobody knows what my 9 felonies were for, so you can all see my nice side.
  5. Devil went down to Gitmo, looking for a soul to steal.
  6. Anyway- that is not Catholic Theology.
  7. Midnight Cowboy. Theaters wouldn't carry it because it had an X rating. (probably pg-13 today! - I think it got an academy award, and never saw it in the Vid shop.)
  8. Screw scrupples. There is money to be made here. I think there should be a reality TV tie-in, called "Gettin' outta Gitmo," it will be televised to the world, the best confessions will get an uncoditional release determined by worldwide vote.
  9. Hey, it was my brother, I didn't say it made sense.
  10. my former fiancee looks a hell of a lot like her, I thought she was crazy too.
  11. I saw that all on NBC nightly news and my brother says to me, "Do you get the sense that the Government is allowing to show a softer side to him in the case he may be aquitted?"
  12. Just wondering, but do you think Tom Cruise, John Travolta, etc. have a financial endorsement from the Church of Scientology?
  13. Thank Koresh I never joined a cult like that.
  14. Talking Dirty in Chinese. Deplorable.
  15. Very true. But there is the perception in the US that the whole Church is a Monolith... with everyone acting and thinking the same. I grew up near quite a few of the Ukranian Catholics who are in communion with Rome but have a married priesthood. Also there are groups in the Church as different as Opus Dei and Maryknoll. It really is like Joyce says in Finnegan's Wake: "Here comes everybody"
  16. Hey AD, poll ten random Catholics on anything and you will never find Lemmings. Your more likely to find a mud-fight. The board just kicked the Jesuits out of the church....who's next...
  17. Whenever there is a film I would like to see, it is out of the cinema within three weeks, and on DVD in 3 to 5 months. So I ask friends that go regularly, if a film is one I should see in the theater, or would it look just as good on DVD.
  18. I thought we created the UN to be weighted toward the US. After all, nothing really gets through the UN without our say so and the vote from the Security Council precludes independent UN action. I think many Americans fear the UN will turn into a one world government or something like that, which is non-sense in my opinion.
  19. Andrew Greely is a Roman Catholic priest and has a decent article which shows why many Catholics are not involved in the Intelligent design debate: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0211-25.htm
  20. I think you may be wrong here. The Schools of the east were not Universities. The Universities in the west primarily developed as outgrowths of the Cathedral Schools. Bologna Paris Oxford Cambridge were Catholic, and tolerated a wide degree of dissent. Western Universities, and the licensing system: Bachelor's, Masters, Doctors all began as clerical licences. (of course there were schools elsewhere, but not Universities)
  21. For many Catholics, the center of their life is the Eucharist. That's why most don't get too upset by poor preaching, bad music, missed oportunities, etc. but prayerfully bring all that stuff you mentioned into the mass.
  22. I am guessing that the plague of Rats last year ate all the garbage and litter and cleaned things up a little.
  23. Well you came and you gave without taking but I sent you away, oh Mandy well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today, oh Mandy Lets see if the newbie can put JP lyrics to that and try to sell it to us
  24. does this mean 25% better than average sex or that there is an average for illicit sex, and the sex is 25% better than your averege "illicit sex"?
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