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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Of course they do, how do you explain the funny marching?
  2. If nothing else this experience is giving me more respect for Madison, Jefferson, Adams, etc. A Stadium Wall constitutional convention would last forever.
  3. this does have implications. The day I turn 60 will I be a decade older?
  4. Trick question!!! These were previous years. right?
  5. The obits and Pollock are usually the only reason to open the OTH.
  6. Constitutions are harder.
  7. Article 2 of proposed Iraqi constitution: Article 2: Para. 1: Islam is the official religion of state, and is a fundamental source for legislation. a) No law may be legislated that contravenes the essential verities of Islamic law.
  8. not sure. Philburg re-posted the same quotation he posted a month ago and I took the bait to get harpooned. I guess I am not tuned into what passes for good manners these days.
  9. Robertson's campaign was one many took notice of, G.H.W.B. failed to capitalize on this demographic, but it did not escape Rove. It was a credible campaign and did well early.
  10. Republicans voted for him. In 1988 he took 30% of the votes in the primaries.
  11. How do you know he is a terrorist? story link?
  12. Actually, Muslim eschatology vs. Pat Robertson's eschatology is a more apt comparison. Robertson believes that US foreign policy should reflect the ambitions of Zionism- Greater Israel, and believes in a literal 1000 year reign Christians and Converted Jews throughout the world. However, this guy in charge of the Koranic Memorization society has never run for president of the United States.
  13. This man obviously represents the sentiments of all Muslims.
  14. You people make me sick. You say you hate the French, but what do you do about it. You continue to eat their brie and eat their pomme de terre frites with sauce de americain, and you lust their women. Yes, you deny it, but you lust their women. Oh, you stinky fleapoles, you with a cranium that is tres mauvais. You do not write of your hatred to Le Monde, or crash your Peugeots, you just hate them from afar and never tweak their cravats or burn your copies of Le Petite Prince. You make us Americans look like a Monchichi. C'est Big Damned thing. Love, Pepe
  15. But his real crime was not accessorizing, and the drab colors.
  16. Don't tangle with Gay Hamas. They are the worst.
  17. I think we all helped change the world that day. or at least we changed it for people that carry: nylon fabric aluminum cooking utensils knives corkscrew bent fork flora in adirondack mountains stream water altoids dessenex misc clothing ipod 30 ft of rope
  18. It is good that you are scared. He is a crackpot, but more than millions shares his worldview: an eschatology where we are in the last days before Armagedeon and the end of the world.
  19. WR's - Moulds, Evans, Parish, Reed, Haddad. Cut - Smith, Aiken Woodbury will get a look as emergency WR. I wouldn't be surprised if the team adds someone from another roster.
  20. (sniff) I knew he wouldn't let the little Hulkamaniacs down. (sniff)
  21. Woodbury is not eligible for the Practice Squad.
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