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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Drivers will have to hire drunks. Finally, a job I can do!!!
  2. Wal-mart the Movie Coming soon!!! http://www.walmartmovie.com/cover.php?track=rgemail2
  3. LAMP notice how wonderfully "stouper" elides with the homophone "Fall" which is a "season" and "tripping up."
  4. When the Constitution and Bonds of Matrimony are no longer strong enough....
  5. by the end of summer you'll be hearing premature "lame duck" references. But I do agree, the signal that the Admin is reeling a little is when they send out Cheney for interviews. Like CNN with Wolfie-boy yesterday. Cheney claimed he never read the Downing Street Memo and then went on to discuss it for 5 minutes.
  6. Well, us lemmings can't be held responsible for that.
  7. I thought the Right already had the answer: They hate our Freedom.
  8. This is a Haiku I wrote it in a stouper in fall at the Ralph
  9. I don't think I would have survived childhood without the medical benefits my father got with his Union package. Having said that, I used to negotiate for a company against its Union, and Unions are often their own worst enemy. Most companies get the unions they deserve.
  10. President Bunnypants is backing Rove up on this one: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8324598/
  11. I can't relax. How am I going to choose between Berman and Adam Benigni?
  12. 1. Henry V - (great adaptation) 2. Airplane - (I gotta drinking problem) 3. Cool Hand Luke- (29, 30 eggs) 4. Full Metal Jacket - (jolly green giants) 5. Resevoir Dogs - (Like a Virgin) 6. The Army of Darkness (This is my Boom stick!) 7. Shawshank Redemption (get busy living) 8. Brother, Where art Thou? (or anything by the Coen Brothers for that matter) 9. Magnificent Seven (need I say more) 10. Bull Durham/Field of Dreams/Bad News Bears/Bang the Drum Slowly/Pride of the Yankees/ or any other sappy baseball movie.
  13. My own theory is that for Karl Rove that kind of dirty talk is sexually arousing.
  14. If I had my MBA and spoke Mandarin as well as English , i might not.
  15. Ah, that 's it. I wasn't sure. I thought maybe "look at my problem". Thanks.
  16. Now what does LAMP stand for?
  17. We know what brooms are for.
  18. I'll explain. "Jump the shark" is when Fonzie the coolest guy on earth was transformed into a stuntman to win sweeps week on Ding..... Sorry, Hot Pockets are done gotta go...
  19. Do you really think labor cost is determined by fair supply and demand? There is the free movement of capital, but there is no free movement of labor. Or have you tried to get a job in China recently?
  20. It seems you have a very low threshold for treason, Joe.
  21. At least Schummer's staff replies to my letters. Hillary's staff doesn't bother.
  22. "shop smart, shop Savemart" "Give me some sugar, baby" "I know the damn words"
  23. Sounds like you can be pretty lethal with a broom.
  24. BTW.... Did anyone catch the part were Saddam really wished we could go back to Ronald Reagan. The guy loved Reagan, the old guy helped arm him to the teeth and formalized diplomatic relations in 1984.
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