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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Heston was Overtly religious. Brenner was not. But still, Can you feel the love tonight?
  2. I don't recommend saying that in Cheektowaga . Poland has always existed.
  3. What should the liberals be peeping about?
  4. Carter did quite a few things that were unpopular but needed to be done: 1. Gave Panama the Canal 2. Normalized relations with China 3. Saved Chrysler 4. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I II III 5. Pardoned the Draft Dodgers All these were politicals risks and he paid the price. Most of his unpopularity had to do with the Hostages in Iran, especially after the aborted rescue attempt. I have always believed that Carter would have won a second term if only that helicopter had not crashed during the rescue mission.
  5. I think a distinction must be made between talking to them, and negotiating with them. Whatever information you can learn from them is beneficial for our forces. An apt analogy is with someone who is a kidnapper, or phoning in a bomb threat - if you keep them talking they are not hurting anyone at that moment, and you may learn enough from them to intercept their next move.
  6. If I understand this ruling correctly then 10 commandment displays that aren't overty religious are okay. Is that right?
  7. Interesting link. But I don't think Rummy's statement can be dismissed as "nothing new", when the administration has avoided timetables. It certainly caught my attention and nothing has been said like this, unless you count, Bush's "when the job is finished" statements.
  8. oh god. You do realize that Germany lost two wars, don' t you? the expression I thought, was somewhat common, used in situations when great exceptions are made.
  9. Then, why do you think he waited until now to say this? I think he is usually on message, but maybe it has something to do with the President's talk tonight. The talk of turning this over to the Iraqi's is sounding very much like Vietnamization during the LBJ days, but that is a sidepoint.
  10. I am not surprised Rummy thinks the insurgency may last a decade or more, but I am surprised he said it. Do you think he is right? and is he laying the groundwork for a continued military commitment to cut off any debate about setting deadlines? http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/06/27/iraq.main.intl/ Opinions? How Long will we be there? How long will it go on? Why is Rummy saying it?
  11. I think he is a bad shot.
  12. Note to self: never use this stock joke Monday mornings.
  13. I don't think AD can be killed.
  14. Yep... although I would add Roy Orbison
  15. And if it weren't for World War I and World War II, Germany had a pretty good century.
  16. Best: Cleveland, Fillmore (What can I say, all things Buffalo!) but really: Best: TR, Lincoln, Jefferson Worst: Clinton, George W ( I agree with many that it may be too early to judge these men, and of course there is the bias of recency. But 50 years from now they will be talking about these men single handedly dismantled America's business/manafacturing infrastructure in favor of Corporate Multinationals) best ex-president: Carter
  17. This could be your Buddy in two weeks: A couple (Husband and Wife) engage in a torrid affair with a young woman (Friend). One night Husband and Friend return home from an errand and find a note on the pillow from Wife that reads "I'm sorry. I have to leave. I cannot share you any longer". Touched, the Husband murmurs "I guess we'll have to stop, if it's hurting her this much. She really loves me." To which Friend acidly replies, "What makes you think the note's for you?"
  18. I walked right into that one.
  19. But if you were really trying to get hit by lightening, I bet your odds would be much better.
  20. I feel for you brother. If it would make you feel better, post her phone number.
  21. Thank Koresh, finally actors are telling it how it is.
  22. From the article: Do you smell "apology fatigue?"
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