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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. God Bless America. (that was the finish wasn't it?)
  2. good " " ..... a convoluted moment on my part. Pension funding holidays were negotiated by corporations, I believe, without ever any intention of paying them. Unfunded liabilities don't look too good, but you and I will be paying for them soon, as Darin noted.
  3. for me about 1977. Braves moved.
  4. Now I am truly bummed. He wrote everything in longhand.
  5. Corporations have the Legal status of a single individual. The second part is just plain silly. Ayn Rand might approve though.
  6. Chalk that up to the fiscal resposibility going around these days.....wait...there is a letter here....yes...... Mastercard just upped my credit limit.
  7. Hmmm....what would you call someone who would subvert "societal needs" to "corporate interests"......capitalist just doesn't sound nasty enough.
  8. from Business Week 6-20 "There's a time bomb ticking in America's private pension system. Although the airline industry's hefty $32 billion in unfunded pensions has captured headlines in recent months, the problem extends much further. Automotive companies, for instance, have about $60 billion in pension shortfalls. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. says U.S. pension underfunding at large companies grew 27% last year, to $354 billion. The deficit for all companies was a staggering $450 billion. Compare that with a total shortfall of less than $50 billion in 2000, and it's clear that this fast-growing crisis must be addressed while the PBGC -- already facing a $23 billion deficit after taking over terminated plans from the likes of Bethlehem Steel and United Airlines -- can still shoulder the burden." so you can't say Unions are killing anyone- the pensions they negotiate aren't getting funded anyway.
  9. Do you golf? Besides having perhaps the best swing I have seen including Tiger Woods, you have to remember she is still an amatuer, and played in the open because she was invited. She will never have to go to college, unless she wants to.
  10. Just joking around. TR was a prolific and fascinating man. Read "Theodore Rex" for a start. BTW, a bullet in Buffalo was the only vote Teddy needed to become president.
  11. President's in my opinion get too much credit and blame for the economy. I am very disappointed in the fiscal irresposibility of today. That would be the congress, and Bush should find his Veto pen. Someone please explain to the President what a Veto is!
  12. He was a big game hunter. If you feel sad when animals are shot, don't, I repeat don't, read up on TR. besides. TR was all mustache, no beard.
  13. President with the best beard: Rutherford B. Hayes. That was a kick-ass beard.
  14. There is no right to bargain collectively in China. So who is the better negotiating partner for a corporation: those with that right, or those without it?
  15. I'm betting that buses are safer with drivers that smack kids, than with security cameras. Thinking back to the day, I can't remember a bus driver that didn't smack somebody if they got out of line. Of course back then the parents would back up the driver, and the kid would get hit again once the parent heard about it. Unionized or not, the advice isn't bad from a bus drivers standpoint
  16. That I think is a very good analysis from the standpoint of US exposure, but they are spending a lot of time killing each other over there too. I wonder if "insurgent" is the best word because it is such of an abstraction that it covers both those shooting at US soldiers, and those bombing Mosques. How do you evaluate whether an insurgency (for lack of a better word) is getting stronger or weaker with means other than body counts? If body counts are the measure it seems from a US standpoint the insurgency is as strong as last year.
  17. Those are usually called repeals.
  18. I think Bush Sr. and Scowcroft predicted exactly this in 92 as to why they didn't go to Baghdad. If I remember correctly when asked about Sr.'s remarks, the party line was 9-11 changed everything. I tend to believe that the administration believed this. But this means the whole war was for tactical purposes rather than any of the publically stated justifications
  19. That is amazing. Maybe Tom should be judged by how he does in Free Agency... Mike Gandy better come up big.
  20. Good Point. Wasn't a follow up question for Cheney...."how long does a last throe last?"
  21. Never thought about it much, but I think yes. Almost always the definite article "the" when I grew up.
  22. Wow, I never thought of that, but I can probably get my Disney products at Wegmans too.
  23. did you see the Michelle Wie thread? You may be more comfortable over there.
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