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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Interesting choice for a nomination I wonder if he would turn to the left once nominated
  2. Slate has a shortlist of candidates, this should be fun. http://slate.msn.com/id/2121270/?nav=ais
  3. Next headline: Catfish to feed Thailand's Buriram province for 16 months
  4. We better be careful... this could turn into a Quincy vs. Matlock thread to rival Kirk or Picard.
  5. Jack Klugman's finest role dealt with the dead. John Quincy literally died in Congress. Pugsly had the best shirt.
  6. BTW, what kind of guy would name their son Quincy?
  7. hey Grover has made a lot of kids happy over the years.
  8. I hate it when our forefathers fight like this. Ben, your womanizing. Abe, we are not quite sure what team you were batting for. George, you gotta admit you can be a little arrogant on bad days, your slaves told us as much. And John, you were such a prickly SOB in Paris, it is a wonder anyone still talks to you. Now if we have to wake up Andrew Jackson this will be game, set, match. Everybody play nice.
  9. Didn't hear that but, Iraq ain't Vietnam. But I cringe when I think that Victory is determined by somebody else's willingness to "Stand Up"
  10. Played a lot of risk. Although I hear what your saying, it is not a standing army that we are up against, and there are no enemy divisions to counter in the traditional sense. I don't need a military strategy outlined, I want to know the conditions for victory. In the game Risk that is very clear.
  11. One thing that bothered me about the speech last night, is when Bush resorts to the suggestion that the blood of those killed will all be in vain if the mission is not completed. (I forget the exact wording) But the logic seems to progress something like this, the blood of those that have died justify that we keep fighting. That is not a justification for what needs to be done it is an appeal to sentiment. I was opposed to the war, but at the same time think a hasty pull-out could be a tragedy. I didn't hear what I wanted to, which was what are the conditions which define success to him the Com. in Chief. If it is not a timeline, which I am not demanding, at least what are the conditions in terms of resistance, a constitutional threshold, or something a little more substancial than "when they stand up, we'll stand down." I am cynical, yes, and at the same time I hear the ghost of LBJ's vietnamization program, which may not be a fair comparision, but it is what I hear. I want to know the end-game. Wasn't that the part of the Powell doctrine - to have clearly defined parameters for success. To me, as a person listening to that speech, and deeply concerned about what is happening there, and who gets sent there, I was hoping he was going to cut through the mission creep and hone it down to at least conditions that I could say, okay, "if that happens, there is the potential that some good will come of it all." It is perhaps the logical positivist in me that also does not buy the transformation of the middle-east argument. Mostly because it is not easily verifiable: I would like to believe that a free Iraq will transform the mid-east, but I don't think even if we are very successful that corruption won't quickly settle into Free Iraq. His speech I thought was unsatisfying. I wasn't angry. I just felt sad.
  12. Hasn't he already "faced" enough?
  13. and the doctors think that the internet will soothe his nerves.
  14. they are better bottom shelf lickers too.... (I am going to hell for that one.)
  15. mcgahee= make hay Bills are going 11-5 for sure.
  16. My understanding of what the CIA meant by safe-haven did not include Iraqi cooperation with these groups, but knew they were somewhere in the country. Of course, the Iraqi gov. did not controll the Kurdish North-east were they were to have alleged to have been. "Reasonable" in the intelligence estimate has specific content, it does not mean verifiable. (side-point) interestingly enough, the movements that Bush praised in his speech in Lebanon have been urging Hizballah to retain their guns.
  17. It just occurred to me that for Jim Kelly, his last name can also be a girl's first name. It really would have been funny if he played like a girl and still won games forcing all the other teams to say: "Hey that guy that plays like a girl can really throw the ball. I am not going to make fun of guys with last names that sound like girl's first names anymore." Jack Handy
  18. I'd bite but, it seems I can never have a good conversation about Nazi's with you guys.
  19. There are lesbian fly fishing clubs? I think I saw a movie once.....
  20. And the fact that you and now I am posting in this thread lends it what? Instant credibility?
  21. Everyone please read this, I'm begging you. http://intelligence.senate.gov/iraqreport2.pdf
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