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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. There was a truck bombing that killed many Marines in Beirut that worked pretty well too. I don't think there was any retribution for that. Reagan's pragmatism.
  2. A Pole, an Irishman, and an Aussie walk into a bar.....
  3. That one gave me chills. It's great.
  4. It would be truly weird if they cite each other as sources. Novak said his sources were two "high level" administration officials. Maybe they played chinese whispers until they came up with her name.
  5. How about Molly Hatchet tees, as uniforms.
  6. I know it is Friday, but my buddy's grandson is getting barmitzva'd and I was wondering if Rettata is Kosher as a dish to pass?
  7. Agreed. I wonder when the liscensing agreement on the Goat-head uni's runs out.
  8. You ban Catholics from golf clubs and what happens to all the "priest on the golfcourse" jokes?
  9. Thanks, I thought that sounded curious, she has been called a "low level operative", and "someone authorizing trips" many times in the same breath. It doesn't seem to me that it can be both.
  10. QUESTION: Is it clear that she had the authority to send anyone on trips? Or, do you know of any credible sources that say he made trips on her authority? I think the answer to this may unravel a lot of things.
  11. It aint going away, but like any good story, it has all the inbuilt tensions. Was it Revenge, Incompetence, Partisan, Innocent, and is Miller a hero protecting the the rights of a free press, or a coniving wench. Also, the CIA is mysterious to many and it all is in the context of an election and a war. This is sticking around a while.
  12. Do you think we need to change "no Cruel and Unusual" in the constitution? I think it maybe fun if we do embrace Cruel and Unusual: We could inject Elephantitis into their scrotums until they request that their 9 lbs nutsack be removed for cosmetic purposes. Victims Happy, Cosmetic Surgeons Happy, Future Neighbors happy.
  13. Depends if you ever want to get laid again or not.
  14. Editor and Publisher on Miller: What was Judith up to?
  15. what came to mind was Alvin Toffler's "Nations will Wither" arguments that the Nation State is quickly becomming an outmoded idea. Globalization is happening faster than the security challenges it presents to a very succesful coldwar idea of Citizenship and even jurisprudence. I don't think much of the America I grew up with will be recognizable in 25 years - (I may still be alive if they invent the artificial liver in the next 10 years). Obviously, in London anyway, you have people from within that more closely identify with an ideology with roots in the sand than with Queen and Blighty. Our borders are not secure (we like our lawns trimmed), much of our military is still well suited to fight Ivan (we like our hometown bases, they keep the coffee shops full). If there is anything of Genius in Rummy, I think it is in recognizing the Military we will need in the future. I don't know what your assessment of our linguists might be, but I think it is probably the French helping us very much these days.
  16. C'mere Wendy, I just want to show ya my new golf clubs....
  17. You forgot Newshour. At least he is sourcing things. Where was that Ames link?
  18. The google is bad info, you don't really have to give them the sake ceremony, it will work without it.
  19. Citizenship revoked on impact?
  20. Napoleon was in fact crowned Emperor Dec. 2, 1804, or more precisely crowned himself, and was often referred to as the "Little Corporal" or ""Petit Caporal" as a nickname from his troops.
  21. They are so hard to feed when you're entertaining.
  22. My smiley Icon ettiquette is not the best, when is the right time to use the " " icon?
  23. And Crosby was never much good without Hope.
  24. My lover likes the top, but my parents told me never to screw up. What do I do?
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