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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. He is the best ever. Hands down.
  2. On the bright side. I have always been impressed with Catholic Charities for which there is "no religious test for those in need."
  3. You have said some creepy things in the past Joe, but this has to be number one.
  4. You're right! My angst over the TH situation was just symbolic of things I have repressed. Unfortunately the things I am remembering now are much worse than my angst for TH. Thanks a lot.
  5. But, I think Rove could easily telecommute from the pen.
  6. I will never watch TH the same way again. That is indeed, extraordinarily dumb.
  7. Welcome.... good to have you join the party.
  8. Seems to me that the only real test is if a grand jury indites or not. If there is an inditement - we can all pay attention. If not, well, then, awww shucks.
  9. They don't really do anything with it, they just need a direction to pray in.
  10. It seems that icing the kicker works after all. Saw this piece in science news: Icing the kicker works. just 10%..... but it is something Lindell should know.
  11. I agree. Nobody was going to offer Buffalo a straight up 2nd round pick for someone they were going to loose after this year to FA anyway.
  12. Anyone know what Jon Clayton will say about this one?
  13. I don't think he can. That upright running style of his means he will pick up yards but he is going to have real problems staying healthy. Henry, I think, will give them more reliability.
  14. Maybe......"nobody circles the training camp golf carts like the Buffalo Bills"
  15. Best wings I've had outside of WNY were in a pub in Hong Kong. They were sensational, so I asked the waitress how they got these, she said the cook was raised in Buffalo and Chicago. Forget the name of the place but I think it was Reilly's.
  16. Ironically the coach is named "Downs." Calling him a POS, is a diservice to most POS, which at least serve a biological function.
  17. If I were a more Militant Pacifist I would be dealing it out right now.
  18. Remember Fantasy Island's "Fun Wow" campaign that lasted 18 years. That was almost as painful as taking the kids to Fantasy Island.
  19. Or is it Darcy git er done! (I better be careful before there is a DR son of satan thread.)
  20. sounds right, not disputing the timeline, just a comparison. Always wondered if Reagan had had a different response from Beirut, what would have happened to the region?
  21. That's good enough for me! Those were some fun seasons too .
  22. WTF? So your response to bigotry is that it is a good thing after all.
  23. I guess it is us old-timers waxing nostalgic. And Yes, if you never saw the French Connection you would have no idea what the blue and gold represent to us.
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