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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. It was kind bizarre really. It was for assault and stalking. I did not know the person, and in the end it turned out the person was never assaulted or stalked. I fit a fictitious description. Of course they found no corraborating evidence, because I didn't know what the hell they were talking about. The police in the end were extremely apologetic, and perhaps overeager to do their jobs. But for the time that they thought they had their man were some of the scariest of my life. Of course this doesn't have anything to do with the GWOT, but there was no warrant in this case, I was pulled out of a car.
  2. my understanding is this greatly expands the ability of government to collect private information. (computer records, business records, purchase records, library records, all with a gag order). This needs to be obtained with a court order, but without probable cause. Also it isn't discriminate information, it is everybody's information. I was once mistakenly arrested and interrogated overnight for something I wasn't involved in. It turned out there wasn't a crime commited at all (so how could there be probable cause to search my person, effects, and documents.) The 4th Amendment is very important to me.
  3. I always thought that Amerks promoted to the Sabres should get to wear an Amerk patch on their uniform. Does anyone else think this is a good idea? It would certainly promote regionalism.
  4. There was a time I thought Rob Riddick to be the best 1 yd. man in the league. I mean that in a good way.
  5. sect. 215 for starters. - I find troublesome. I don't know precisely what it means. When government appropriates powers to itself, these are usually abused before long.
  6. I don't dispute that this is a "real war" however vaguely defined. When government becomes less transparent, that is worrysome, and like a mule, I want it explained to me. I am willing to sacrifice some things, lines in airports don't bother me that much to ensure safety of planes and some public goods, but I am troubled if the 4th amendment is weakened: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. If this isn't preserved, the Union aint worth saving.
  7. Alas, we live in a fallen world.
  8. I would have said it differently, but I do think there is a pattern to this all. The more comfortable we become with legislative encroachments upon civil liberties, the more....aw screw it....go ahead and search my car, library records, and medical info. I don't care anymore.
  9. Interesting post, curious to see how many teams missed the playoffs by one game. I can think of one already.
  10. Hey Joe, what should be the punishment for this "Cool Mom" having sex with the neighborhood boys? Cool Mom Keeps the Young Boys Hot.
  11. There are some days even I believe in Karma.
  12. I would take Travis over Nick Goings. Yep. I think that's it.
  13. The Dukes of Napa.
  14. I wish him well too, but along with Drew, here's hoping Josh Reed will join them. I am liking the clean sweep, and hope they do well elsewhere. I think Travis had success when the Bills could spread the field. But in ball control situations I think his limitations were there to see. He had trouble bouncing to the outside, and at least the coaches seemed to think he was a third down liability.(probably for blocking.)
  15. Rob Lowe as Enos. We are too good at this Dev, hollywood is calling us.
  16. And Alan Alda could be Roscoe P. Coltrane. double butta.
  17. I guess he wasn't on the dime-a-dozen shelf, just the eight-fer-a-nickle shelf.
  18. Yes, because the original Dukes were good, wholesome, and sacred people. It is not right to defile the memories of people who watched this show every week. Cooter the former congressman wants to protect what is left of his dignity. He was a whore twice. Once on TV, and once again in Washington.
  19. To Roland Hooks. I am in an argument with guy at work. He says 1979, I say 1982. Do you know? I remember Van making the call "Right now there are 25,000 people in the parking lot saying What the Hell is going on in there."
  20. Yep. Jim Thorpe. Olympic Career. Decathalete. Pro Baseball. Pro Football.
  21. And that would make Uncle Jesse not a moonshiner but someone who discretely recommends Zinfandels to those with a challenged olfactory: "WOOOOOOOH-he them some nice Tanins."
  22. and then they go to the 7-eleven for oreos.
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