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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. One is called war, the other is called snuff porn.
  2. I'm not worried. McNally thinks he can work with Preston at Center, which gives the line options at LT. Left Tackle is not going to be a great problem because of a running game and defensive linemen will no longer be playing capture the flag with an immobile QB. Relax.
  3. Welcome to the wall. I'm with you, except for SU hoops.
  4. You guys just seem to agree funny.
  5. And what is a Gay Srok anyway? I thought Sroks were extinct.
  6. I saw that too, it said Elvis and Janis Joplin to help broker trade between Ryan Denney, Josh Reed, and Tomlinson. National Security in the balance. Wait I saw that in a checkout line.
  7. Do this and you might as well give Drew Rosenpanties an office at 1 Bills Drive. Willis, Roscoe, Terrell...
  8. Don't let the kimono fool you!
  9. Went to see "The Island" without any expectations. I thought it was good, it is really two different movies. My only problem is that when Dreamworks gets a good idea, all the SFX get in the way to make the film seem overproduced. The story was good enough before they jazzed it up with lots of SFX tricks. It is worth a look anyway.
  10. www.godhatesmimes.com Not really, but the future is clear.
  11. At least I believe RW and TD are committed to winning. Some owners and GM's are just looking at the bottom line, and this is more typical with some baseball teams. I think RW said to TD "build me a winner," and TD probably answered okay, but it is not going to look pretty right away.
  12. I think that it sounds typical of CYA management style anywhere. When everyone plays Cover Your Ass, this is the weird shite that comes out of the institutional brain.
  13. I wonder if grounding Columbia at this point would do any good? At least I know it couldn't hurt.
  14. The media thinks upstate is Westchester.
  15. Proof that it is possible to be to the right of Wacka.
  16. That's actually Joe's quote! Nice.
  17. He could always get Ricky to share his stash, after all, it couldn't hurt if you cry during practice. Mmm, Mmmm, Mmmm, myyyy coach yells at me, WHaaaaaaaa.
  18. His messiah even hates Sweden www.godhatessweden.com Finally, a theological reason to hate the Toobies.
  19. perhaps only in numbers, Moulds will still get the double teams.
  20. If I recall correctly it was a triple overtime and Brad Park scored the sudden death goal for the Bruins. Don't recall the year but I think Housley and Andreychuk were rookies.
  21. It is better to burn out than fade away, Rock on Todd.
  22. As long as they are messing with everything at ESPN, why not just let Chris Berman and Tom Jackson and Steve Young call the game.
  23. It doesn't even rise to the level of red meat. It more like a hard hitting blow from a lifestyle coach.
  24. I think they will compliment each other very nicely. 10-12 td's a piece.
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