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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Center for Kids that don't read Good. Reference to some goofy film (Jerry Stiller's son?) that my family likes. Domestic Missteaks are just fine, make mine medium rare please.
  2. We should open a center for kids who don't read good.
  3. Yeah, but who else has ice-cream named after them.
  4. At this point JP = "Just Potential"
  5. What are we worried about? I think only pass protection. He'll be fine on the run. He'll be the starter, and they will be working in Peters for pass protection. Just my opinion.
  6. We are really one country, Nick, separated by a common language.
  7. I remember when players came to camp to get into shape. Anyone else?
  8. 70 miles from civilization? You could still be minutes from a Detroit hospital.
  9. thanks Rockpile. Great post.
  10. I think they gave him #29, but somebody else better confirm that. Thanks for all the info
  11. And it was never clear that the guy that got bit was a Bills fan at all.
  12. Thanks. Did you get a look at Eric King when you were watching the DB's?
  13. How did Han Solo answer that one?
  14. This fall I am going to go into serious Empire Sports Network withdrawal, esp. when Bills and Sabres are both playing. Damn. We had it good for a while.
  15. And as Ambassador, he will do what instead?
  16. Wow. What did you see that would make you predict that?
  17. Thanks! Good to hear the eyewitnesses. WGR is reporting that Gates is looking great. Do we have a battle there? Good to hear about Goldsberry.
  18. murdering your wife and unborn child does not make you all bad.
  19. JP = War Kelly Holcomb = hijacked Shane Mathews = unilateral negotiations
  20. I just wish that he would put him back in the steamer trunk now and again.
  21. If you have an opinion on: Drunk sleepwalkers Rusty untested QB's The GM's proclivity for Satanic Works Or just talk about football, you'll fit right in. Welcome on the R. Roller Coaster.
  22. I think we can deal with sonambulant drunks just fine here. The problem is obviously that he is not consuming enough, he should drink more stay passed out and won't roam around. Or quick drinking, and switch to soup.
  23. Sometimes I watch questions for the Prime Minister on C-Span covering British Parliament and feel a tinge of jealousy. Tony Blair does not get flustered by tough and politically loaded questions. No matter what you think of him he is always articulate.
  24. jzmack has a hand written letter thanking him for the suggestion: Dear JZMACK, While we always welcome viewer suggestions, we will not be visiting the "State of Animal Arousal" on our 50 states in 50 day tour, nor will we be visiting the "Intoxicated State," but please keep watching. It is always appreciated. Sincerely, Chris Berman "The Boomer"
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