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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. do you have a theory?
  2. Doesn't it seem strange that two kids adopted from Latin America are so blonde. But, anyway, this stuff is not new. Think of all the Politicians that have withdrawn names because they had illegal immigrants in their household uncovered by media.
  3. I saw her on monday, twas my lucky bun day You know what I mean. I love her each weekday, each velvety cheekday You know what I mean.
  4. Funny with QB's from that era and their kids. Kelly, Esiason, Marino, Flutie all have kids with disabilites. At least Kelly, Esiason, and Marino have been helping each other respective fundraisers for years.
  5. I'm glad you did. Thanks for the reading tips as well.
  6. But if he plays like a Staple-gun, then keep the house.
  7. No big deal, just a minor incident.
  8. Kenny the snake Stabler. Raiders QB. I think the comparison must have been an inside joke of some sort. Stabler was left-handed.
  9. What ever happened to Roy Firestone? He used to do one-on-one interviews for ESPN years back.
  10. That was my first thought.
  11. Plain Dealer is reporting that the 14 Marines were in an amphibious vehicle. Plain Dealer I am shaking my head, and also looking for a list of casualties names.
  12. From the left or from the right is not so much my concern, but I am curious about what media sources people are using to stay informed about the War in Iraq, Afghanistan, and generally the G.W.O.T. What sources are people using and why do you find them worthwhile. I have been told I need to get out more so, when I am out, what should I look to read, listen too, access etc. Please don't flame here. I really would like to learn something. Here are some things I have found helpful for me: Parameters: Journal of the Naval War College. This has good analysis but sometimes is dated by the time it arrives. Often Ralph Peters submits something that is thought provoking. Foreign Affairs Always seems to have a perspective that surprises me. Charlie Rose - I always tune in when he is interviewing reporters in Iraq. Stratfor - I thought this was very interesting but I no longer have access Economist - much of war doesn't happen without a economic context Atlantic Monthly - okay, this is more entertainment for me. Please share, if you think I should be reading or listening to other things, let me know. Also any websites or good books on the subject are helpful. Thanks.
  13. Damn, I wish I had written that. I don't think I could have summed it up better if I had three hours.
  14. Not a bad point. But for me, after living abroad for years, it was something about America that I missed and wanted to return to. Although, sometimes it is messier than a Rettata thread, it is nice that there are people with passion and opinions even if I don't agree and sometimes loath what I read.
  15. Thanks NY NOLE. It does the heart good to hear about Preston and Stammer. They really should have a cold beer smiley to thank guys like you posting this stuff.
  16. Just curious here, what big mouths have been running down our troops? You write as if this is happening all the time. I have met many people who have opposed politicians that got us into this, but I haven't heard anyone speak badly about our soldiers. Of course strategies have been questioned, but for me, I don't think I have heard anyone bad-mouthing soldiers or questioning the integrity of people sent to this war apart from specific instances such as the fragging thing or that women at Abu Garaib. Who has been running down our troops?
  17. We are all a little worried that "The Real" has been spending a little too much time in the Alpaca barn.
  18. Although I understand what you are trying to say, the first part of your "perspective" limps. People who die in the normal course of their lives, or in accidents cannot be compared to people who are put in harms way to achieve strategic goals, and are shot at with malice and forethought in the course of a war. I think you are trying to say that death is common and we should not think that this price is too high. Well the price is pretty damn high no matter where you stand on why we are there and how we get out. If my neice or godson got killed in Iraq, it would give me very little comfort to know that somebody got hit by a truck in Lackawana. I know you are making a "big picture" point, but I think you can do better than auto accidents.
  19. Maybe they can find out why the Sabres got rid of the Earl of Bud. That guy was great.
  20. Come to think of it, French Surrealist writer André Breton might have thought so. Damn Surrealists, at least they were mixing metaphores with absynthe on purpose.
  21. It is never a good idea to look at somebody with a broad brush.
  22. I worked with a guy in this unit. Keep them in your prayers. I got knots in my stomache reading this. We have all been very quiet at work today, that is why I am spending time here.
  23. If we can't have the hottest squad, maybe we could settle for having the most. Increase the Jills to 120. If you can't have quality, go for quantity.
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