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Everything posted by Y-TOWN-B.B.

  1. Bauer is let go, chloe is sent to down load the encrypted infomation off the nucler tech's home computer, but a terrrorist guy is sent to take care of the tech's girlfriend at the home. Both of the field agents accompaning chloe are killed , chloe and the girlfriend goes running into their armored car outside, the killer tries to shoot thru the bulletproof glass but fails, he then starts ramming the armored car with his jeep, chloe calls and gets the combination lock numbers for the automatic rifle in the back seat, she then gets outta the car and blows the guy away. That's about it.
  2. I also watched him down here, very good player, surpised he didn't go in the draft.
  4. good personal atributes, seems like a smart guy, hopefully he pans out and becomes a steal
  5. Finally a O-lineman, this guy is big and bad, throws his weight around, but can use a lot of work on his quickness.
  6. Oh yea that too. you from y-town?
  7. Not for long, gone by training camp, too much of a cancer, will not have his hole heart into it, I pray Willis doesn't get hurt. If he isn't goner by then, we need one next year. Walter is the best available back presently
  8. Walter Reyes IMO much better that Clarrett, possible backup for Willis. A bruser type of guy. Watched them both growup in high school, Clarrett was to prone to injuries, Reyes didn't let anything bother him. Strong and grounded RB style. I hope the BIlls take a serious look at him, Shaud isn't a very good backup.
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