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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Well he didn't say anything, did he?
  2. Pretty much sums up what passes for "conservatism" today.
  3. If he is released by the Redskins, which wouldn't be surprising given their cap situation and I think they agreed to trade or release him, I wouldn't mind seeing the Bills pick him up. Losman has shown me less than Ramsey has.
  4. The Gold Medal winner did not fall. She was the exception rather than the rule. Sasha won her medal because everyone else was that much worse. This was literally the worst figure skating I've ever seen for the Olympics.
  5. I'll be dead before they can vote. Why should I care?
  6. Yes, we must keep stringing this disaster out. Tell me, are you willing to volunteer to serve in the Army to keep this mess going? Or are you simply going to offer meaningless tripe?
  7. So the backgrounds of GW Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz etc weren't tainted by their backgrounds? Its a stance taken by many conservatives. By what measure can a President who has overseen the biggest expansion in entitlement programs since LBJ, no fiscal responsibility and the biggest, most costly, unnecessary and backfiring nation building exercise since WW II be considered a conservative?
  8. Who on the left do you not consider to be a party hack?
  9. That was exactly the point I was making.
  10. There you go again. McKinnie would not have held out against the Bills. There were to sides to that negotiation. The Vikings were not offering a contract commensurate with McKinnie's slotting, the Bills did offer a contract commensurate with Williams slotting. It is likely that any player the Vikings drafted would have held out. But stick with your superficial analysis. You've been wrong for 4 years, why stop now?
  11. Didn't Jaimie Nails go to the Dolfags? Seems they have a thing for fatty ex-Beef.
  12. You know Fake Fat Sunny keeps harping on this too but it is a really stupid argument. Players are paid by slotting based on where they were picked. McKinnie was the number 7 overall pick in the draft. The Vikings offered him a contract below the number 8 overall pick in the draft and less than the number 7 overall pick from the year before. All McKinnie asked for was a contract commensurate with his slotting. It was the Vikings that wouldn't make that offer until almost half the season was over. There are two sides to every negotiation. Only an idiot would look at only one side of the issue.
  13. There have been plenty of references to the last President. He is dead. They've referred to his assasination numerous times.
  14. If he wants a big contract the following year, he'll get into camp early enough to get on the same page and be able to demonstrate what he is worth to all the teams out there during the season. What was he, a 22nd pick and a Pro Bowler? Given the level of talent he has demonstrated, they would have to offer more.
  15. I think you're giving far to much weight to Clements posturing. He holds a weak hand. He can't force the Bills to do anything. Sitting out would probably adversely affect his ability to negotiate a lucrative contract with any team.
  16. I thought you wanted to steal their oil and nuke the Middle East.
  17. Odd that your idea of "economically right wing" doesn't include any mention of governmnent spending.
  18. I don't see the two as being remotely similar. The opposition to the port management deal is done on a security basis. The position might be flawed because people might have the wrong idea of what port operations are really being contracted out, but I think the heart of many of those opposed is in the right place. The textile issue was one of pure job protection in an era of globalization. Were national security concerns first and foremost in anyones mind? Is the UAE really a third world country? Seems like they have to be one of the richest Arab countries in the world. Hardly similar to Pakistan.
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