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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Military options are out of the question as long as we are bogged down in Iraq, unless the administration takes a radically different stance and builds up our military by few divisions. The multi-lateral discussions seem best but I see it as little more than kicking the can down the road. Nothing substative has really come from this course of action.
  2. Could be. Still doesn't seem like a smart move for the man who wants to make the city "chocolate" again.
  3. I'm watching the Today show and they are interviewing Ray Nagin. He is wearing desert camouflage uniform with 4 stars and a bunch of ribons. When was Ray Nagin made a 4 star general? Does this man have no shame? This guy may be a bigger fool than Marion Barry ever was.
  4. Okay, using the words that he hasn't "said anything other than ..." was a poor choice of words on my part. My point really was that I haven't read a post where Badol has claimed that BM is a good NFL tackle. Maybe he has in some other thread, but I haven't seen it.
  5. I don't believe Badol has said anything other than BM was a better tackle than MW at the college level and hence should have been considered a better pick. Can you provide a link to one of his posts where he claims BM is a good player at the NFL level? I'll grant you that contract holdouts can affect on field performance but don't consider it to be a personal flaw in BMs case, given the contract offer the Vikings made. BM made it clear long before the season started that he would sign a contract commensurate with his slotting and did just that when the Vikings finally broke.
  6. I don't know that anyone has said that BM is a good player. All I've really seen is people claiming he is a better player than MW. Who is claiming that? Aren't you doing what exactly what you are claiming everyone else is does in the following quote? Actually people are taking you to task because your criticism has little to do with on field performance. You are being taken to task in areas where you are wrong (contract holdouts) or simply don't matter (how does sex on a party boat translate to poor play on a football field?)
  7. Good thing TSW has those "roll eyes" emiticons. That way you don't have to face your cowardice.
  8. David Robinson served. He's 7 feet 1 inches tall 250 pounds. Bryce Fisher served at 6 foot 3 inches 260 pounds. But they had something called conviction. kitty!
  9. No, I've thought you were an ass from your first message and never changed my mind.
  10. I don't disagree with everything America does in the war on terror. I am in favor of or actions in Afghanistan. I was opposed to the war in Iraq because I thought it diverted our focus from Al Qaeda and was likely to fail, either resulting in a failed state that destabilized the Middle East or and enhanced sphere of influence of Iran in Middle East politics. For the record, I am not in the military, I am employed by the military.
  11. A hypocritical putz like you can not offend me.
  12. Why run away when you can be a chicken hawk and stay in the USA?
  13. I'm not a sailor and really don't care to see you at all, ever, no matter what you wear. I'd just like to see you acting as a man and standing by your covictions. But that is impossible for a putz like you.
  14. A real man who holds to his convictions will not hide behind a draft or lack thereof. He would volunteer.
  15. You've repeatedly called for mass murder in the Middle East but refused to put on a uniform and put yourself on the line.
  16. Really? Where? Where have I ever said I hate Jews? Maybe you can get together with your doltish detective friend and come up with a link? Or is this just a lame attempt at calling me a racist because you have no defence for your hyporitical nature? What does any of this have to do with you demonstrating that you have some balls and volunteering to serve in our armed forces?
  17. I don't hate America or Jews. And no, you're not being smart, you are demonstrating your cowardice and hypocritical nature.
  18. What's preventing you from choosing an easy one? Oh, thats right, you don't have to choose one to be a hypocritical kitty.
  19. Who isn't a target who is wearing the uniform? I have doubts that you have any family that serves, but nice try hiding behind you friends coattails you hypocritical kitty.
  20. No, just dumb asses who are of prime age to serve this country but choose not to for selfish reasons, like you.
  21. See if you can join the Carlyle Group.
  22. You don't want to be a pansy-ass hypoctite? Enlist in one of the armes services you kitty!
  23. Ed, the deep stinker on the PPP board.
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