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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. The statement I took issue with was "Putin gives a warning that the U.S. and Europe will be at war with Russia if Ukraine uses Western style missiles to strike Russia." I don't know what warped logic you are using. It was Putin that attacked the Ukraine.
  2. What bat ***** crazy things did Harris say that needed challenging?
  3. He's been doing that without provocation. When has he attacked a NATO country after any of those moves?
  4. Putin's given multiple red lines that have been crossed with no repercussions.
  5. And you think there is a reasonable plan as long as Putin isn't interested in peace? The only plan Trump has is to sell the Ukrainians down the river.
  6. This morning my cat started heaving. I expected a hair ball but to my surprise she puked up a Haitian.
  7. The first debate knocked the presumptive Democratic candidate off the ticket. Saying "debates don't matter" is rather dubious.
  8. It's the same bemused look many of us have listening to Donald Trump talk about Hannibal Lecter, choosing between electrocution or being eaten by sharks and much of the other spew that eminates from his mouth.
  9. It was a Republican that shot at Trump.
  10. Trump was for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq before he was against them.
  11. The FBI was aided by hundreds of people scrubbing social media for the identities of people involved in Jan 6. If you know who those men are, drop a dime on them.
  12. Your not alone. There have been so many shocking things with Trump. The day he got impeached the first time. The day he tried to overthrow the government. The day he got impeached the second time. The day he got indicted the first time. The day he got indicted the second time. The day he got indicted the third time. The day he got indicted the fourth time. The day he lost $5 million to E. Jean Carroll. The day he lost $83 million to E. Jean Carroll. The day he lost $355 million for persistent fraud. The day he was convicted of felonies for election interference in the 2016 election. The day he got a ear piercing. Those are just a few of the standouts.
  13. Projection. Like the right did on Jan 6 2021? There was a statistic that 40 of 44 appointees and his own VP were not supporting him. Bill Barr may have changed that number at the margins. Why is no Secretary of State, Secretary or Defense National Security advisor that he appointed supporting Trump? Why is no former Republican nominee for President or Vice President supporting Trump?
  14. No, the left's line is that you have to be a citizen to vote. It is rare that a non-citizen would vote and if they do, they should be prosecuted. The right's line is that the left wants and encourages illegals to vote but offer no proof that is happening. The Biden administration's prosecution of an illegal who voted is consistent with the former, not the latter. What's your point? You're incapable of reading your own links?
  15. Wait a minute here. I thought Biden and the Dems wanted illegals to vote in elections.
  16. Her fine was about $130K below what she grifted. Ankle Bracelet? Meh.
  17. How were the Gold Star families attacked? They weren't mentioned in Harris's statement. She was critical of Trump.
  18. If you're going to misspell a word, at least misspell it correctly stoopid.
  19. How? Why is the onus on everyone except the gun owner?
  20. So you are you talking about the NRA that thinks more guns is the answer.
  21. I'm pretty sure Dems promote gun control hoping it will reduce mass shootings in Dem strongholds as well.
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