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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. So what is the turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor rhetoric all about? Wasn't that Christ's message?
  2. I don't think anyone on this cast has dropped a pound.
  3. He wanted to assassinate Saddam? Wow! I'm sure glad this article came out to tell me that. It wasn't obvious enough when two stealth bombers and some 20 cruise missiles were fired at Dora Farms on the eve of the war because they had a tip that Saddam was there.
  4. I will sell my reactors to the government at a cost of $100 trillion each.
  5. I chose to focus on the supply lines that were repeatedly attacked, which to the best of my understanding involved tractor trailer rigs. Hence I specifically used the word tractor so as to avoid the Mickey like merry go round. As for the Humvees, why were soldiers in the field complaining about a lack of armored Humvees and up armoring Humvees themselves? Nobody agreed with your take on that story and your reading comprehension obviously has not improved. The person who suggested shutting down engines instead of letting them idle was Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England, not some CNN expert. Whether or not that advice extended to soldiers on patrol is unclear to me since patrols were not mentioned in the article.
  6. Those "trucks" that have a 5th wheel and drag trailers behind them (sea containers, tankers etc.) are tractors.
  7. It was as relevant as the Mickey like argument VA Bills made.
  8. BTW nice avatar. It suites your obstinante ass backwards position well.
  9. The degradation on Iraqi infrastruture by trucks that are overloaded for American roads based on the standards of individual states in insignificant compared to wear and tear of tracked vehicles on Iraqi roads. Not that wear and tear on Iraqi roads should be factored against American lives.
  10. We should care more about the wear on trucks than soldiers lives.
  11. I may have misread the intention of your post.
  12. I think all our service people should have the best body armor we can provide available to them. If they choose not to wear it, that is their choice. Over the years, I've heard arguments against up armoring tractors. Those arguments have and continue to be ignorant or worse yet obstinate. It is no big deal to add armor to the doors and bullet proof glass to the windows, offset by some angle iron, to the windows. Our servicemen have been doing it for a couple of years in theatre. They have been hampered by the lack of supplies. Any chop shop in the US could do it. It really is not that difficult. I will not let up on it because the typical right wing circle jerk on this board spins into action.
  13. It amazes me that people so critical of DOD acquisition can come up with so many bull sh-- impediments to the simple task of up armoring a tractor.
  14. In this case, this sh-- was designed for American roads and the military is simply adapting it for their purposes. Well we aren't talking about our roads here, we are talking about Iraqi roads. Why the hell should we care about Iraqi roads? Ever see a road after an Abrams tank has gone over it? I guarantee you that the wear and tear to Iraqi roads by up armored trucks (tractor trailor cominations) is insignificant to that done by our armor. Who cares anyway? How do you make an argument to endanger American lives because of wear and tear on an Iraqi road?
  15. From what I've heard, most of the up armored tractors have had bullet proff glass added to the sides but offset from the cab by a few inches. This will allow airflow into the cab.
  16. What about the axel weight? The tractors axels handle half the load on the trailor as it is. It is really not as big an issue as you and the monkey make it out to be.
  17. Do you wear body amor on your head? Seriously, the weight is really insignificant.
  18. Specious argument. Tractors in the US are designed to haul more than enough load to account for the armor. Loads are purposely underweighted to avoid wear and tear on the roads.
  19. Bull sh--. The amount of weight added to a tractor by adding armor is insignificant comared to the load in a trailor.
  20. Ever drive any of those trucks? I've driven similar trucks. How about having enough armor to stop a round from an AK-47?
  21. And the reason why it is so diificult to slap some armor on a tractor is?
  22. Most of my funding comes from surface ships now. Nice non seqitur.
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