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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Yet he was far more productive over the last two years than his over paid replacement, Peerless Price.
  2. Who are "we". If by "we" you mean the Bills as an organization, by what measure do you claim the O line is over emphasized? The number of 1st round draft picks over the last decade? Unless I'm mistaken, there were only one of those. The number of high profile free agents the Bills have signed over the last decade? The number of those would be zero. Many of "we" fans are pissed because the Bills as an organization consistently takes a band aid approach to addressing the O line.
  3. Therefore we should never draft an Offensive Lineman in the first round?
  4. Just because you remove a factor that made the team a bad team does not mean you've improved the team. How does it regress? Questionable players at 4 out of 5 offensive line positions, weaker receiving corps, weak defensive line and a secondary that is built for man up coverage, not a cover 2. Of all the teams we play, the only team I feel we might be better than is the Jets. So if you think the Bills will sweep the Jets and get lucky in 1 other game, they are optomistically a 3-13 team. 1-15 is more likely.
  5. Perhaps, but optimistically this is a 3-13 team. Drafting McCargo and Whitner isn't really going to change that. The draft in no way was going to change that. However, by solidifying the offensive line, you give Losman a chance to develop and you will have a better read on whether or not he is the QB of the future. What value is there to delaying his development further and leaving this question lingering?
  6. No, basically I was asking you who the better receiver is, Moulds or Price? Dis Moulds all you want but I don't think you or anyone else can honestly say that Price is better than Moulds and that our receiving corps is better than last years because Moulds has been replaced by Price. Moulds my have had an attitude, but don't kid yourself, Price has a bloated salary and his production has been declining for years as well.
  7. No. My recollection of that line was they let to much pressure up the middle.
  8. Um, maybe because the coaching staff was already set? It was a pretty simple question, who would you rather have, Moulds or Price? Do you really think you're fooling anyone with your not so artful dodge?
  9. I've been voting for Marv all along. He let the team run amuck before before the first and best chance of 4 Super Bowls.
  10. Bledsoe cost the Bills a playoff spot in 2004? Who would have been the QB to lead us to the playoffs that year?
  11. Those weren't the options. Can you honestly answer my question? Given good execution and play-designs, which receiving corps is better Evans, Moulds, Reed and Parrish or Evans, Price, Reed and Parrish?
  12. The WR position doesn't scare me. However it is an area where the Bills have regressed. If I'm looking for a reason to be optimistic about the Bills this year relative to last year, I'm not going to look at the WR position. Not build false hope. New coach, maybe. The new GM I'm not as convinced will have a positive influence on the outcome this year. The GM is responsible for getting players that improve the team. I'm not convinced Marv has done that but can find places where we have regressed. Did Moulds and Adams attitudes really hurt the team? Or did MM lose the confidence of the team? What did Moulds or Adams do that was hurtful? They wanted to play at key moments and be more than just a decoy. Moulds may not have been the hardest working guy but I'd take him over Price on any given Sunday.
  13. Given good execution and play-designs, which receiving corps is better Evans, Moulds, Reed and Parrish or Evans, Price, Reed and Parrish?
  14. While it might be considered mercy killing, I believe Jack ended up killing the marshall and giving Libby an over dose of heroin. However if the others were after killers, they would have asked for Charlie since he did kill Ethan.
  15. One thing I found really strange is that Desmond's sail boat had to be within a 54 minute walk of the hatch. I say that because Desmond followed the CIA dude to the boat and got back to input the code in about 108 minutes. So I'm asking myself, wouldn't these survivors have sent search parties along the shore in either direction from their crash point to look for some sign of civlization and wouldn't they have come across Desmond's boat?
  16. Did you bother to read what I wrote? The fact that he drew double teams and opened things up for Evans certainly helped. Who is going to do that now? So what if they are all fast? Is that really a benefit in cold, windy weather? Wouldn't it be nice to have ONE jut ONE big receiver who can use his body to get position on a DB? Excuse me, but where did I say that? Somewhere between being a fly weight and being a fat blob lies a strong effective lineman. We are on the fly weight end of the scale. Oh thats brilliant. Just trust in Marv. Amazing how the loss of key players can affect you. I haven't seen any of those key players replaced by anyone playing close to their level. If anything, we've lost a few more key players.
  17. I find it absolutley astonishing that anyone would think we are not weaker at wide receiver. For your numerous pages of rationalization, one only has to look at how bad our offense was in Miami, after Moulds was on the bench, and the following week in New England to know that as a receiver or decoy, he was a huge part of our offense and it was anemic without him. You may not have read about any Bills supporting him but I recally Bills wide outs saying that the Bills were a different team without him, he took pressure off of them and they needed him. The fact that Peerless Price couldn't get a decent look elsewhere pretty much tells me all I have to know about his skills at this point. He was given a sweetheart deal but there is no way that he will draw the double teams like Moulds did. While you might like the Bills having a St Louis O, I am not. Unlike St Louis, the Bills do not play in a dome. Having at least one big physical receiver who can use his body to get position on a DB and get a reception is a huge plus, especially for a team that often times plays in inclement weather. Moulds could do that. Our smurfs can not. How good was Levy at stopping the run in 4 Super Bowls? I'm not convinced that there is a singlen Bills DL on this team that could have cracked the starting line up in the Super Bowl years. I didn't like his undersized tackles then and expect to see running backs running right up the gut again this year. Levy's talk about stopping the run is little more that a cliche. Talk about brain trusts all you want but bulk and strength at the point of attack are a big plus and we don't have it. Given our smallish LBs and a rookie SS, it ain't looking pretty. I said it before and I'll say it again, this a 3-13 team.
  18. Tonight is the season finale for 24. I'm wondering how the chief villian will die. The mastermind is played by actor Paul McCrane. McCrane often plays characters who suffer bizarre deaths. In RoboCop he played Emile, a villian who had a vat of toxic liquid spilled on him, started to turn into a mass of goo, walked in front of a van and went splat on the front end of the van. In ER he played Robert Romano. Romano died when a helicopter suffered an accident taking off from the roof and fell on him. In The X-Files he played Leonard Betts, a cancer absorbing mutant who was decapitated, grew his head back and was later blown up in a car later in the same episode. Something tells me he isn't simply going to be shot or captured in 24.
  19. I'm not blaming Marv or Jauron for the Bills not being in the playoffs for over 6 years, but I'm not at all impressed with any of the moves Marv has made. Compared to 1 year ago, I can't think of a single area of this team that has been markedly improved but can see areas that have probably gotten worse (secondary and receiving corps).
  20. I'd be curious how many teams won a Super Bowl while having no 1st round picks on their offensive line. As it stands, the Bills have only one 1st round offensive line pick, Aaron Gibson, a Mike Williams like bust who has been bounced arround to several teams, has a 1 year contract with the Bills at Vet minimum and is not projected to start. The only other 1st day picks the Bills have are Fowlers and Gandy.
  21. From what I understand, Fowler has been a backup who got his chance to start because of an injury. He wasn't particularly impressive. He is supposedly replacing Teague. The rational for Reyes sounds similar to why we signed Bennie Anderson. He did a decent job at right guard for the Panthers. So now he is supposed to move the left guard spot? Will he have the same problems Anderson had doing so?
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